Affiliate Conversions Are Still “On Fire”.. Keep Pushing!

Hey Team.

I have fantastic (old News) for you lol…

Your affiliate link:
(please replace YourUsername with your login Username)

Is still converting at 40%.. this is truly INSANE stats after a month! So keep promoting the same link… it just keeps getting better and better and better.


Here is some new ad copy for you:

Subject Line: FINALLY, a business you can truly start for free (no credit card required)

Hey %%FirstName%%,

My very good friend and 8 figure earner online Joel Therien
just launched this. This is truly unheard of on the internet but
you can not get an AMAZING trial of this new home based
business Opportunity for FREE.

Yes… truly FREE, just visit:

Because of this very daring and unheard of truly FREE trial
even brand new “newbies” are making great income!!


There is NO CATCH

There is no credit card requited..

So take just a second and sign up for free today! You will not
regret it!! That I guarantee 🙂

–Your Name