Hi Everyone
I created some adcopy for you for the call tonight with Daegan Smith. Just be sure to change yourusername to your GVO / Pureleverage username on the call to action link for the room. Our call starts at 8pm Eastern tonight so don't miss it :-)
If you want to use the video above you can get the embed code to the video here:
begin your ad copy
Subject line: Learn how to generate automated Traffic, leads and sales LIVE tonight!
The one key component to Financial Security and freedom when
building your online business is an endless supply of leads and traffic.
When you know how to generate automated traffic you can literally
generate automated income at the push of a button! (YES its true)
I remember when I first got online, my first goal was to cover my $800
a month mortgage. Now, because of automation we routinely do
over $100 000 dollars a day in sales! (No, I would have never believed
that was possible either)
Join us live tonight to meet a man who is an true expert when it comes
to generating traffic, leads and sales at the click of a button!
Daegan Smith bas built a Multi Million dollar empire simply because
he is a true expert in traffic generation and monetization!
Heck, here at PureLeverage.com Daegan became our number one recruiter in
less than 24 hours!!
You do not want to miss this call ;-)
Tonight, Thursday March 14th at 8pm Eastern time
So if your goal is automated income and true financial security, DON'T
miss this call!
--Your Name
P.S. Come early as we only have room for 1000 people and the room is
going to fill up fast!
>>> http://www.gvoacademy.com/live/?id=yourusername
end of your adcopy