Remove your self doupt by sharing your ideas and passions with the right people!

Hi everyone,

With my kids off in Breckenridge Colorado, it gave me a lot of time to sit here and think about my "why" and more importantly how I became successful online.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that in order to stay extremely passionate you have to remove all self-doubt and completely believe in yourself. Please do me a favor and watch all of the video above as I discussed the true critical components that you will need to possess to get your online business to the next level!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Joel Therien
Founder and CEO


93 Responses to Remove your self doupt by sharing your ideas and passions with the right people!

    Great video bro ………

    Peeps are ONE ‘MINDSHIFT’ away from SUCCESS!

    – Mark ‘I know My Why’ Call

  • Hey Joel,

    I’m in a similar situation but for different reasons. I’m here at home in Brockville, Ontario while my family is in Europe for the March break. They went along with my daughter’s school as part of the yearly trip. I did not join them because I cannot afford the time or money to be with them.
    I used to work as a chemical engineer but all the jobs around here dried up and I am now working for minimum wage at a call center in town. I have joined Pure Leverage and other other online systems to turn that around. I love to travel and am quite disappointed that I am not with them.
    I have bought two solo ads since listening to the webinar yesterday and I hope that the next time I will be with my family when they travel.
    I have been a part of GVO for some time now and believe you have the best systems available for online marketers. Hopefully I will be able to get down to Texas and see your facilities myself in the near future.

  • Great to hear from you today on Sunday Joel, you are more of an inspiration than you give yourself credit for. I hear they might be having a bit of a storm there in Colorado but it might just mean MORE SNOW to PLAY in!! 🙂
    Take care,

  • Hey Joel, great video. Since I started online, I found in the beginning that sacrifices need to be made. My social life went down and I worked countless hours on my blog.

    After all the work, I soon began to see results. The only reason I got results is because I took action and made sacrifices. I am not making millions but everything is improving a lot.

    If anyone is reading this, take Joel’s advice and TAKE ACTION!

    I am now making a great income stream from promoting Clickbank products from my blog and from my list.

    You have provided great help and advice and I Just want to say a quick thanks for everything you have done to help us.

    I will be joining Pure leverage soon too!!

    Thanks again Joel!

  • Wonderful Joel, inspiring and motivational. Thanks, I needed just that.

  • Thank you Joel. I appreciate your words of encouragement. I have been on the internet for over three years now and about the same period offline and has not made any money as yet. However, i do believe i will accomplish what i am here for through Pureleverage.
    Pureleverage is a great program with a great compensation plan. Thank you and your team of workers for all the hard work you put in, in making this program what it is.

  • Great advice Joel and delivered from the Heart, I don’t think anything beats that place. You are a motivational speaker, because your success is earned and your delivery is genuine.

    Thanks for taking the time to make a difference.


  • Hey Joel, thanks for taking the time to share the inspiring message to the team. Says a lot about you, look forwarded to working with you as well.

    Enjoy your day,
    best regards

  • Great message Joel, we all need to find our Why and give it all the passion we can muster. It is the difference between living an extraordinary life or just existing from day to day.

  • great inspirational and motivating video. great pick me up

  • Thank you Joel, Great video.
    Pureleverage is Rocking, See you at the Top.
    All the Best for our Success.
    Michael Carey

  • Hi Joel
    My WHY is to give my family everything I can and also to get away from the Monday through Friday BS, you know what I mean.
    I will not stop ever I am 100% COMMITTED
    Joel I also want to thank you so much for for Pure Leverage!!!


    Mark Arsenault

    • Mark,
      I still remember the Monday to Friday BS, keep at it my friend… I seriously, most of the time now never know what day it is. weekend, weekday, it doesn’t matter
      when you love what you do.

  • Thank you Joel, for the time you have taken to share this experience of life with me. I believe even more, after watching and listening to your message, the I can and will succeed in my networking business using the tools that all of us need that I have in a nicely built product package, called Pure Leverage!

  • WOW Joel! That message was one of the most powerful messages I’ve heard, and you state that you’re not a motivational speaker? I think otherwise my friend. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Thanks so much Joel,

    I am so inspired by you.
    You bring out the passion we all need,as well as great products.

    Thanks Again,
    Rudy Gia

    • thanks Rudy, I look forward to working with you

      • That was awesome message to begin the week Joel!! I feel like you have spoken to me personally that message resonate with me well, why i need pure leverage.
        “The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do”

  • Hey Joel,

    Great message. You are so on point!

    Is it me, or does Joel arms look HUGE in this video? What’s up with that Joel, you been hitting the gym hard lately? If so, it’s surely paying off.

    Keep it up!


  • Hey Joel thanks for the video. I’m starting a business online in NZ and I’m going to launch this on 14th March at a fundraiser. Would be great if you and Mark Call could join me in my conference room briefly during the event. To help with the launch and your presence at the launch would be Great via web conference room. Just to speak for a couple minutes to a live audience. Let me know if you can help me launch Pure Leverage in NZ. The company I started is promoting Freedom and Independence and bringing cultures together. We are setting up education bases for Tele-Communications in NZ. To have something to hand to the next generations. Coding systems that teach Maori Language and Samoan Language using wordpress, wishlist and optimizepress. The event is a Fundraiser 7pm-7pm 24 hr revathon on bikes. To support the Starship Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House. A member of Onehunga Gym lost his son at the Hospital. I want to start up education round here on internet marketing. I am Half Samoan/Asian and Half NZ Maori/Scottish. I would love to teach this to the NZs multi cultural youth. Lower crime rates and raise awareness and education. So I formed a group FREEAGENCY a while back to bring cultures together and promote FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE. Make language learners with systems and plugins on wordpress. I’m promoting Pure Leverage as my main offer to supply the tools needed. Your system goes perfect with my home business to broadcast on language learners. It would be massive if Joel Therion, Mark Call and Mike Polvin could attend this fundraiser event I will be cycling and donating my first commission sales to the cause. Along with donating fresh Coffee and Health products. Would you join me in my pure leverage conference room on that night sometime between 7pm-7pm to do a short demo and promo with me? Show everyone its the real deal and answer questions from our live audience. Would love to hear your ideas to increase the exposure. The target is $10,000 on the night and I’m giving $20 dollars for every sale of Pure Leverage. I will be streaming it live from the event. Would love to hear your thoughts and if Joel, Mark or Mike could hopefully be in the webroom even if it was short. I know how busy you guys must be. I hope to succeed along with this great opportunity. This is the best offer I have seen. I have aweber but going to switch my list. Thank You for the Great work and inspiration. From New Zealand. Vincent Harema

  • Yes, absolutely right, Joel. Discovering your end goal and making sure everything you do is with the purpose of achieving that goal can make it happen. Focus…focus…focus.

  • Thank you Joel, for your inspirational words of wisdom and true dedication to the Pure Leverage community/Team. I wanted you to know that I am with you 100% and beleve in the Pure Leverage, concept and I am putting it into motion! I also wanted you to know that I posted on the Pure Leverage, FaceBook page a while back explaining to everyone, why you and Mark are not scam artists looking for a quick buck so to speak.Lol. (Goes a little something like this)
    #1. Scam artists, do not host live webinars themselves! They pay a third party to do the dirty work for them!
    #2. Scam artists, do not host live webinars alongside revered leaders in the industry such as Michelle Pescosolido! Leaders throw away trash, they don’t sit with it, or pass garbage onto the next unsuspecting victom!
    #3. Scam artists do not want their face in the limelight!(Media finds criminals)!
    I have been scammed before and have lost a great deal of money, tens of Thousands to be exact! I have had my guard up for some time and have been leary of so called scam artists! You sir are not one of those. I thank you Joel and hope to have a long lasting relationship whith you and Mark, Mikey P also but he needs to open up a little.Lol
    I would ask for some other tips on marketing but you are a busy man, so I will leave you with a simple thank you.

    To our success/your friend in business

    Michael Newman

    • Hi Michael,

      Haha great post my friend! Thing is I am the listner you should know this by now
      LOL! Yes I try hahaha…Thanks for the post and you are correct. We are simple
      guys that hide nothing.

      Have a great day!


  • Great message Joel.

    I can still remember vividly a similar experience when a very successful entrepreneur showed support for some of my own ideas. From that moment on, I was off to the races. Here’s the rub…those were not new ideas. I’d been stewing on them for quite some time, but did not have the belief in myself to act on them. Now, I don’t dwell on the past & I recognize that I had to go through some experiences to grow before I was ready to move forward, but had I learned that lesson a bit earlier, I could have impacted many more lives, much sooner.

    Anyhow, great message. Thank you for sharing. And thank you for your leadership.

  • Thanks Joel,
    I needed to hear everything that you said in that video. I have tried so many things out there on the net and have made little to no money. even in the hole on some. I have a 14 year old special needs son with cerebral palsy, and i want him to have the best i can give him. I think we have found the solution in Pure Leverage. I am counting my blessings. Thanks again for this opportunity.
    Michael Owens

  • I want to make this my main business income, but to be honest not as effectively promote products from my website. I am currently in generating traffic and Easyhits4you TrafficSwarm but I have seen positive results. No doubt you are a successful professional and I would love to follow in his footsteps of success.



  • Joel,

    You’re not a motivational speaker??? Ya right! :+))

    Thanks for this video and opportunity to work with you and your team!


  • Hey Joel,
    I am going to make this work!!!!!!!!!!! This is pretty confusing stuff to me right now, but I will keep watching videos and do whatever it takes. I decided to take a leap of faith with this cause I need a change with the normal “JOB”. My body needs a break from all the physical stuff I have done for almost 30 years. It’s time for a different way to bring in income. I have watched people in this industry blossom and well I want to create my own story.This is a new opportunity that is right now my plan “B” and hopefully one day it will be all I need to do, so I don’t have to work for someone else. I would love to just do this and my Custom Milling.
    Thanks for your inspiration, motivation, and your kick butt attitude.

  • Thanks for this, Joel. We all need to hear this message!

  • Thank you Joel Pureleverage is Rocking is good program get 100% commissions!

  • Excellent inspiring message Joel. After some successes, and even more failures, I’m still kicking, and here. I don’t think I know how to give up. I totally believe in my heart it’s possible for anybody though. Great message..thanx again.

  • Hi Joel I am with you I can relate to lot of what you have said,,my why in doing this is to retire,enjoy life and help others do the same. I have joined with you and Janet Legre and I am going to make this workI probably have a lot of question along the way,but I live in you and Janet will make this all hapen enjoy your Sunday see you next week

  • Joel, I enjoy your passion, it is contagious. Looking forward using your products and for the upcoming products you have spoken about. Thanks again Joel

  • I’m certain that after over two years looking online for a business opportunity, I finally found what I was looking for. A service that every marketer needs, a great compensation plan, and people that are genuine and care about the people involved. I’m grateful to have found Pure Leverage.

    Thank you.


  • I became a Titanium member on July 30th 2009.
    Why ? Because I knew that some day you would come up with Pure Leverage. You have just one goal in mind and that is to eliminate MLM failure.
    Awesome video blog Joel. You should be left alone in your big house more often. You are a “Doru” my friend.
    Pure Leverage is Pure Genius.
    Thanks for your belief and commitment in your fellow MLMers.
    Looking forward to the rest of 2013.

  • Thanks Joel, great video.

  • Thanks so much Joel,I look forward to working with you.

  • Hey Joel! Very good video!

    Every time I see you talking about PL… I got more inspired to work on it because I believe that stuff works.

    Thanks a lot


  • Your video is very inspiring! I am about to start Pure Leverage. Although my why is very powerful to me: I have two daughters I need to support, I am still worried I may not be able to do this, as I am a complete newbie, know almost nothing on internet marketing, and computers. Still, I will try to make it work.

  • Thanks for sharing your “Why”…really made me sit back and think about my why….Have been in Pure Leverage 4 days and it was the best move I’ve made!!!! Totally committed and Totally excited about my future and where Pure Leverage will take me!!!

  • Sometimes it’s very hard to move forward when all around you everything seems to be collapsing…

    Thanks for the video

  • Great inspirational message Joel.

    Pure Leverage has 100% of my focus, because it is awesome. For many years I have built membership sites and these tools are going to help in a BIG way.

    Ian McConnell
    Western Australia

  • Woooow that was a very inspiring speech! I was feeling the fatigue in my eyes after a long day of work, but after seeing your video I turned to re-energize! 🙂

    I’m new to all this, so everyday I’m giving it my best and trying to learn something new to be able to reach the goals set. I think that for the first time in my life I can say that, professionally speaking I have found what truly motivates me daily, online network marketing is absolutely fantastic.

    As for the reason why I’m doing it? I’m doing it to have the opportunity to give back something to my parents for all the effort they’ve done throughout their lives for my brothers and I, as well as I do it for my brothers, so I can have a chance to generate a regular income that could give at least some financial support to the online project in which they have been working for over four years.

    Richard Branson says that in business, as in life, all that matters is that we do something positive and I’m sure that what you are doing is super positive. This type of material reinforces the spirit, thank you so much Joel! 😀

  • Thank you for your message Joel!
    I am a newbie in this industry, but my Whys are:
    1 – I want the financial freedom and provide all I can to my future family,
    2 – I want to be free to do what I want of my days, like, doing some volunteering (that doesn’t pay it’s hard to do right now..) and take care of myself, like taking the time to do some great exercising and going outside.

    Your message is very inspirational. I still have some doubts about all of this though.. not 100% confident with it, and haven’t talk about it to any of my close friends and family because I know they will probably tell me this is scam and it doesn’t work. I don’t want to listen to them, I want to try it and prove to myself that it CAN work!


  • Hi Joel I needed to hear this…I know the internet business is the way out of this poverty lifestyle I am in…My family believe I should get a regular job and give up on my hope of finding a lucrative, legitimate business that can actually work online. I need the encouragement not to give up or give in, I am currently unemployed and looking for the money to join…Something has to work, Thank You….

  • Hey Joel,

    You are a champion bro. You are a real motivational person/speaker. You are unique and truly inspiring honest and genuine person. GVO has the best products on the planet and you have mission and purpose that speaks all.
    Thanks Joel for your dedication and hard work.


  • Joel, thank you for this! Your “why” is the same as mine, and for you to offer 100% Commissions for your (and our) passion, is just way too Cool!! TY

  • Hey Joel,
    Thanks for sharing what you did. I agree – never give up. I have learned that the hard way but now I understand how important it is to believe in yourself and generate your own momentum to get what you want. Thank you!

  • Joel – Thanks for sharing your “WHY”…I’ve got my “why” clear in my mind!

    This was really what I needed to hear. Great stuff!

  • Love this message. My “Why” Is to leave a legacy for my children and to explore my passions without money ever being the reason I couldn’t.

  • Thanks Joel that was great..

    I was ready to give up than you came along and now I
    have the drive again and I know this time I am going
    to make it. My WHY is to show myself I CAN..

    Thanks again this is fun

  • Thank you Joel,

    I would really appreciate it if you creat for us a link to catch up with life teaching that we have missed because of our job’s schedule.

    Thank you again for the great message.

    Siddig M. Babiker

  • Hey Joel! Anybody ever tell you that you bear a striking resemblance to Jean-Claude Van Damme? Just an observation, & laters!

  • Powerful message Joel. Belief in myself. That is all that I have now and from what you shared, that is all that I need. Everything that I have been thru in my search for a successful business, good and bad has all led me to Pure Leverage. So many times, when I looked at those road blocks, I felt like I was such an amateur and that everyone else was getting this so why can’t I!!! I see now that it was all a part of my learning process. And what you shared about the warm market, I am so tired of companies always sending me there where I am left feeling like a little girl who knows absolutely nothing. I love what you shared. It was just what I needed to get me focused, not for 30 days, not for 90 days but for a LIFETIME!! Thank you so much Joel

  • Thanks for the Inspiration !!! Great Video !!!

  • Joel,

    Thanks for the message bro!! Timely. Very much appreciated. Appreciate the dedication to the launch and the development. I am a newbie who has HAD IT with the doubts, excuses, and unrealized intentions of the past. I am saying to the world (or the other 9 folks that responded to this message and you Joel) I AM GOING TO BE A SUCCESS STORY!! I am so committed to this that I am breaking my idealistic tendencies and doing ALL I can do, even if it means I am up late navigating the unknown. I tend to be all or nothing. Well, enough is enough and I am committing to even an hr or two a day. I am a Remodel Contractor and Trim Carpenter who is exhausted when I get home. But my gorgeous family is worth it and my other passions and dreams are worth it. I am 36 and only getting older. IT’S ON!!!!!

    Thanks Joel!

  • hi Joel thanks for the video 🙂 quick question, besides solo ads what is best converting traffic to send specific to Pure leverage?

  • The more i hear,the more i like it, give me a positive leader with the right tools, wow i just got a chill

  • Thank you so much Joel for the inspirational video.
    That’s right you need to focus your online business and do whatever it takes and do your best and GOD will do the rest.

  • Joel you give me a great feeling about where I am heading.
    I have lost over 250,000.00 in the last 7 years on the net.
    I am now broke, but I will not quit. It is because I will

    This video is a great message and I hope people understand

    Feel free to contact me through the GVO for I am in it
    all the way.

    Thank you
    Kevin S.

  • Joel, Thanks for your daily motivation & concern about my future success in GVO business. I am honestly committed to pursuing this Opportunity. I am only delayed by circumstances, but i definitely be part of your Team.
    Just count me on your list anytime. Thanx Sam

  • Very awesome Joel thank you, that meassage got me fire up there is time for your family they love you and understand.

  • Super video and thanks for sharing your passion.

    Excited to continue to work with you.



  • Salut! I am giving you the benefit of the doubt because I understand being French Canadian. Bit by bit I am figuring out the online phenomena. We are not to far from Breckenridge, it going to warm up pretty fast this week (70 on Friday) after the snow we had over the week-end. I notice the presentation on Saturday morning had good guidance like fire in the belly. Once I told a Hockey Player (Milan Hejduk) He had the fire, he went on to Win Maurice Richard Trophy that Year with over 50 goals!

  • Thanks fot that great video. What u have said have stuck a string in me to follow u no matter what. I want to succeed to show that I can do this with all the opposition from my family. I will be committed to you on Monday morning.

  • I thank you Joel for all that you are doing with Pureleverage. It is good that you did this video and were transparent with us.

    I will keep trying to build by Pureleverage business until the money runs out. I am hoping that I start making money before I reach the point when I have to stop. You said that those landing pages and email letters combined are pulling about 25% conversions! I am not even getting 1 or 2 % in hits. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. any way I will see if I can afford your solo ad from the center.

  • Hi Joel,
    Talk about motivation. My “why” is for my family first and foremost but also because I have a dieing need to help others. In fact I enjoy it. I have always believed that I wanted more for myself and always wanted to be in business for myself. You see, I am just an average girl in this world like alot of your customers. I live paycheck to paycheck and struggle every week. In fact I struggle to give my son allowance and its heart breaking. My husband and I chose for me to give up my career in law month ago and for me to be closer to home. I am not ashamed to say these things because if I can’t appreciate where I am in life today how can I ever appreciate where I want to be. Why else is it 4AM here and I am up and can’t sleep. I am pumped about PL. I am continually going online making new friends/contacts and although I have had my share of road blocks with my back office I have not given up trying. In fact my autoresponder is still down I believe but I will not stop trying. That is not who I am. I cannot wait to be the success story you are looking for…not to mention an inspirational story. I told you before in emails to yourself and to Marc. I will be that inspirational story you are seeking and I PROMISE you (yes folks I said it in CAPS) I will be on that leaderboard very very soon. That also is my “why” because I want to succeed and be the very best I know I can be. As you know I have written in previously MANY times (sorry about that by the way lol). In fact, I have even called the head office in Texas directly working out hiccups in my back office. I believe I spoke with Blake on Friday and he totally turned my frown upside down. I was feeling like a very small piece of the pie with PL but as he reassured me all of PL customers are important and I truly believe in him as I do you. I just wanted to say thank you for this inspirational video. I believe it will certainly help others who may have been in the same boat as me with some road blocks along the way. It is awesome to hear everyones success on the facebook pages and at the webinars but for those of us who are just clenching are teeth to get going and this is their first big IM adventure it is even nicer to hear your motivational speeches to keep us hanging on. Take care and again remember my name “krystal138” you will be seeing me on those boards soon………Krystal

  • Thank you Joel. Your video was timely. I know what you mean about my warm market not beveling in what I am doing with pureleverage. It’s hard enough when even my wife does not believe I will succeed with your team. I am committed to staying the course with you and the rest of the team in pureleverage. I will do it. I can do it. Because I will be able to give my wife the option of her to retired early from her 10 years in her workplace. And I will also say to her… I told you so.

  • Joel – great inspiration! Thank you!

  • How do I get started?

  • Hi Joel,
    Always great to hear from the leadership.
    A reason bigger than you combined with belief will take a person anywhere they want to go.
    For me, THE TOP is where I’m headed with Pure Leverage…and I intend to take my team with me!

  • Joel, Thank you. Thank you for giving the opportunity to make more of myself and help my 70 year old residential carpenter father financially. I WILL make money online. FINALLY!! 10 years in trying and I finally have confident it can be done!! I appreciate you and Brian and the whole Pure leverage staff!!! To OUR success!!

  • Really enjoyed this, Joel. Thanks for sharing. I’m sending this off to a friend to watch.

    All the best to you!


  • Fantastic personal story. Thanks for sharing Joel. You ROCK. Now let’s get everying else rocking and we’ve got one heck of a party.

    Thanks again,


  • Nicely put Joel I needed this!!

  • Joel,
    I think i may have jumped the gun with all the excitement. I have selected a starter package for media buys. However, I am not totally sure on how that will drive traffic to me?

    Please advise

  • Thanks Joel. Very encouraging. This video would be great as an autoresponder email. Let’s make it happen big time!

  • Thanks Joel Video really hits home…

  • thanks Joel i need that

  • Hi Joel…I am seeing that the materials no longer include the Authority Blog….that was a big draw for me…and I feel I can’t get using some of these tools without it….any idea when it will be ready? I’ve purchased my domain name and am using a wordpress blog but I have halted any further content as I really would like to utilize the Authority Blog….

    That was a great post by the way….


    • Hi Terri the blog is right around the corner we are close in letting it go, but
      we are just working on sliding over the complete AR system into PL.

      We are very close and will notify everyone shortly.



  • Joel
    Thanks for the video, it give me a uplift about myself, because I was told
    the same thing about starting a home base business on line.
    I knew that I had to sacrifice and make changes to make this work for me and plus now I’m at a age were I want to work for me an nobody else.
    I have to admit that I have alot to catchup with working long hours during the week , having time for this so far on the weekends
    Again Thanks

  • Remove your self doupt by sharing your ideas and passions with the right people!

    What is this DOUPT?

  • I cannot start until 4/10 because that’s when my check comes in. Joel, is that OK?
    Eileen Austin

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