Hey Everyone,
The video above is one we will be using at the No Excuses 4, an amazing
seminar in Vegas held this coming week!
I would love to see you there so if you are interested in learning from some of the best in the business you can grab tickets here
However later this week we will modify the "call to action" so that you will be able to use it as a new video optin page.
I just returned from the Ukraine so come Monday I will have many more updates for you. However, if you want INSTANT CREDIBILITY then do me a favor and use your video email service and shoot me a video testimonial about your experience with GVO and or PureLeverage.com and I will include you in the above video :-)
For GVO members you can shoot a video here from your members area:
For PureLeverage.com members you can shoot a video here from your members area:
Please if you can try to have a nice background for the video (in other words not a bed full of laundry) lol seen that one before :-).
Take two minutes and shoot a video, I will make you famous I promise :-)
Have a great weekend!
--Joel Therien
Founder and CEO
P.S. Once you shoot your video, just put in a help desk ticket in your members area and let us know :-)