Auto responder is coming out tomorrow, please post your bugs here on the blog

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Hi everyone,

Well the auto responder is due out tomorrow which is AWESOME news. Keep in mind it will be in beta for a short while as the software itself is NOT new, but the integration into is :-)

I am happy to say that we at this moment do not know of any known bugs. However this does not mean there are none. So please do me a favor and watch the video above, and if you know of an issue or a bug post it here on the blog.

PLEASE do not post "How do I" posts as that is what our live training calls are for with Terry Anglin.

Everyone is doing an amazing job!!! Keep up the great work!

--Joel Therien
Founder and CEO

86 Responses to Auto responder is coming out tomorrow, please post your bugs here on the blog


    Things are looking GREAT, Joel… we appreciate YOUR hard work on our behalf!

    – Mark Call 🙂

  • Hi, I want to comment and say this in an incredible system and I am happy to be part of the team. I have been testing the video email service out today but I am noticing that my videos dont play in the template when I send it. That’s only bug I have found so far. Thanks, again!

  • its awesome..and nice to here with this GVO academy. God bless to us

  • Joel the problem that I am haven is I use safe lists and traffic site and can’t use banner from GVO or Pure Leverage, cause of the way they are formatted, can you help me with that? Thanks

  • The broadcast emails are going out. Thx for all your doing for us. This is awesome ! ! ! !

  • When I get sign ups – all I see is a username – no personal info or phone number – no way to reach them except email.

    GVO video player sucks – buffers forever.

  • This system is amazing! It does everything but cook and clean for me! LOL!

  • This is a honestly amazing lets take it to the next level I’ll look at it and tomorrow after I see your video we will make it count

  • working fine now 1:22PM EST

  • Hello Joel

    “I don´t know of any issue or bug”-


  • Hi good day and thank-you
    very much for your time. First of all I would like to say hi to every body out there; and like to say good job to every
    body and keep up the good work

  • Video just loaded and played, but I have no comments on bugs….you answered my question in the video–thanks

  • Firstly, AWESOME JOB to everybody who had a hand in putting Pure Leverage together. You all ROCK and deserve a HUGE Pat On The Back.

    I’ve noticed when sending out a broadcast message to my leads the FirstName Fix doesn’t seam to be working correctly. I tested it out and instead of the persons name appearing “Friend” appears on the other end..

    • Hey Dave… this is because when the lead subscribed they did NOT provide a first name. The PL lead pages we set up to only collect email as it is proven to increase conversions.

    • BTW … THANKS for the ‘Pat On The Back” … we love that!

  • Hi Joel/Mike,
    I’m using ‘Pretty Link’ to cloak my PureLeverage links in my autoresponder messages in the Lead Capture System.

    When I test the messages and click on the links, it’s taking me to the Apple Home Page (I’m using a Mac).

    The ‘Pretty Link’ works fine when I paste it in the browser.

    Hope this is useful in helping to solve any issues in this awesome system.


    • Hey Merv,

      I would ‘subscribe’ to your campaign and test the actual link you get from your campaign
      and see how that works? Please let us know?

  • Hi Joel. Could it be possible for you record the live webcasts and put them in an area called “previous webcasts in the members area” this would be a great tool and lookup for people that live in the UK. GMT time zone. Not sure how many people you have in this time zone but you are letting them down by not letting them view your webcasts at a reasonable time. This in itself could be why you are not picking up good responses from other time zones. Yours Yelworf backwards f rowley

  • detected no Bugs here on this system

  • detected no Bugs on this system

  • Hey
    I believe if there is anyone/some/ charts, pictures of the commission piece, just subtitles would be clearer for people with poor English langуаге

    Stefan Georgief

  • I hope to understand the whole system a little at a time, unfortunately I have the problem of not knowing English well, and in Italy the percentage of people who still do not speak English is high enough, you should create a video in Italian, because Italy is booming for people who want to earn on the Internet, I congratulate you for what you’ve created and take this opportunity to send best regards

  • Joel,

    I an new at internet marketing. As far as I can tell, I don’t see any issues.

    Thanks to you, Mark, and Mike for all your Help.

    Have a Great Day


  • it is awesome buddy nice work rip to it

  • Hi guys – having a few issues with the webinar software – not getting full version… 🙂

    • Amanda I posted this one just a few minutes ago…please click on
      conference room and then moderator in to tob. Create mode code and
      auto login as moderator and you will see all the features. Only
      modes have complete access to conference room features.

      I hope this is what you mean…please let me know!


  • Wao this is what we have have been waiting for a long time, I can’t wait to be to have one and let my friends know about it

  • Hi Joel and Mike,
    I think Pureleverage is pretty good so far but I just noticed some little issues:
    The cpa tracking is not very accurate:
    Got 114 leads but the cpa Analyser shows 37 leads

    The single optin may help signups and sales but kills the follow up sequence.
    Not requesting people to whitelist our emails cause a massive drop of the opening rate of the follow up sequence.

    Not sure how this could be fixed or improved but it would help to have our email going in the inbox instead of the junk folder.

    I can’t wait to see the blog feature and complete autoresponder system.

    So far so good!


  • As stated above, you guys ROCK … big time. Thanks for all of your continuing hard work to make PL the best system on the web.

    The only thing I’ve noticed is that the campaign tracking seems a bit off. I have multiple campaigns setup, and often times the hits get credited to the incorrect campaign code.


  • We need to work together to support joel and make this happen for all of us – Thankyou for ALL your work.

  • Hi Joel, all looks good..stay prepared!

    Jose Nunes

  • Hey Joel, I haven’t noticed any bugs and I hope I never do – lol. I’m looking forward to the full integration of the auto repsponder into PureLeverage.

  • didnt notice any bugs’

  • I wrote to you that I do not work webinar. I received no response from you! This system DOES NOT WORK! Why?

    • Hi Jozef the webinar software works for sure and was just tested now
      on server side. You need to click on the conference room then create
      a moderator code. You will be given an auto login link, that automatically
      logs you in as moderator. This will display all functions of the conference

      To invite people into your room please use MY Default Room…found in
      Overview tab.

      Its all working fine,


  • Not receiving emails from Joel etc. feel left out

  • Hey Joel/Mark,

    I am from India and got into the Pureleverage program on the behest of a friend in US. Initially i was sceptical but after watching the webinar replays(cause i am in a different time zone)I am super excited to make money with this program..You guys have been too good to ignore 😉

    Just a quick question..can i use the autoresponder for use of my own online business apart from Pureleverage?

    Thanks and God Bless You.


  • Good. I appreciate your efforts. I have not personally tried website creation and totally depends on your expertise. Thanks once more.


  • I have many opt-in members but all their names are shows as “Friend” instead of their actual name. Why is that so?


  • Que bueno que estemos esperando lo mejor con pureleverage.Gracias Joel.

  • Hi Joel,
    Don’t see and problems . You are doing a great job for your team.

    Toni Woodrick

  • Hi Joel

    I am new here, hope can be successful ……

  • Good job, God bless

  • Hi Joel,

    Thanks for the information and happy to being part of this.

  • Thanks Joel/Mike, amazing system so far. New leads everyday! Waiting patiently for the blog to go live. Any timeline yet…?

  • Hey Everything looking great! I don’t know if its just my account or computer, but the videos seem to take a while to load up and in some cases dont load up at all! thinking it might be my computer, but not entirely sure other than that Loving what you guys are doing!


  • Great stuff Joel! You guys rock…

  • Hi Joel!
    This is great system, and ‘m very happy to be part of.
    Joel you rock, thanks for the hard work you doing on our behalf. Do you sleep really? God bless GVO, it’s gonna be the great thing very soon, and we all gonna be great!!!!

  • Hi Joel, this is extremely great! mine was a mess before, now it’s gradually working well, what i’m facing at the moment is for support to put back “email your friends” in my promotional tools. I ask them to fix it not remove it. (maybe that’s part of the process).

    Thanks to all the crews, Mark, Mike, Alvin most especially Joel.

  • Hi Joel and the team am writing from Africa. As somebody mentioned earlier am very much interested in your program but the problem is the time zone, is there any special consideration to people in Africa?
    Can someone help me to fulfil my dreams and vision

    • Hi Helen if you are speaking of the training and live calls being in another
      time zone. All calls are recorded and found in Level 1 marketing suite.

      Hope this helps,


  • Hey Joel,

    I too love this system, what I noticed was the last time I attempted to use the Conference room there as an extremely large audio lag between people when they talk and everyone else hears it…. So other then that and the customizable capture pages all taking people to the pre launch landing page everything else is terrific….. I am super excited to see the future with you all!!


  • Hi Joel, It is amazing to read all the time about you developments in the GVO/ P-L systems. I am burst up by simple set backs, but I will not give up P.Leverage, simply because i understand the systems very well.
    Just give me some time & i will set in.
    Thanks SAM

  • Just now I´am want to know the system, I´am a beginner. I never do any thing in the marketing business. And I´am glad to know your good job, honest and helpfully.


  • hi
    I have taken this down and i will work with the team to complete AR system

  • Joel’s brought GVO program is amazing! I love it!!

  • Joel,
    Looks good to me…except for the hat! Just Kidding…

  • Great work!

  • its going to be mervellous

  • Its going to be marvellous

  • Just curious about a couple things with the Autoresponder and video email.

    In the video email, I see that the only options to send to are the 4 Pure Leverage campaigns and “my Business”. Are we able to inegrate this into the Autoresponder as well? I would think people setting up their own various campaigns would like this and I do not see it showing up as a choice yet.

    Also, will we be able to somehow get the code to integrate our own campaings to automate with the PL autoresponder series. For example, I want to send them to my own LCP and the bonus content is my newslettser in addition to seeing a video I made on PL and getting on the PL list at the same time.

    I did not see this yet as a possibility as it was not showing up in the drop down in the Lead Capture area, but was with the AR, though withought the 4 PL options.



  • Bug: when you log into autoresponder beta, you click to create a share code, the loading wheel effect keeps on spinning. – Thanks

  • Hey,

    Just a ‘Thanks Guys and Gals!

  • Why are my bug reports being ignored and removed from this blog?

  • Hello Joe no bugs good to go PURELEVERAGE.

  • My first look at the autoresponder beat version. All I see are 2 spots to put in a campaign code. I thought there were going to be forms etc… Is that being added?

  • Today March 19th 2013
    Ok vedio was fine and to the point as for bugs
    it seems as though they have been fixed the little glare at begging is from fast frame change picture to picture..
    every thing look real nice .. and joel i need too talk to you when you have time thank you Chuck

  • I am just wondering if there is a way to do screen sharing from the web conference room. Maybe a short training on this would be helpful, if there is and I have missed it then I will look for it. I would like to be able to show a powerpoint presentation and all that fun stuff as I start holding training meetings for my team and other groups that I have. Thanks.

    • Hi Steven yes for sure you can share your desk top but please make sure you have
      logged into your room as moderator. This will allow you access and full control
      over and in the room. Make sure you click on moderator to complete this action 😉

      Hope this helps!


  • Hey Joel. I started. My list with Facebook.. Thought. Something. was wrong. with the us useing. So I have something esle going and I will talk to you about it in a day or two to see what you guys think. But you no you are doing great thanks Jacquelyn.

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