What’s New at GVO? Cloud Hosting?


It has been a while since I shot a video blog, but I feel it is important to keep you up to date on all the fantastic things happening at GVO, HostthenProfit.com and Meetcheap.com head quarters.

We will soon have:

1. Cloud Hosting Services (in the last stages of testing)
2. Dial in phone numbers for your conference rooms!
3. A brand new Web site builder that will make pro sites simple for the newest of internet marketers!

Also, I would love your feedback on the blog to make sure you like the directions we are moving in! Post below we are always listening!


227 Responses to What’s New at GVO? Cloud Hosting?

  • I like the direction you are heading and while I have been missing for a while think what you are doing is great.

    Got a new conference room and it has changed a lot since I had one a while ago.

    Great work.


  • Hi Joel,
    sounds great, it’s really a lot of news came up in the last short time!
    I am happy to work with a company like your’s


  • Hey Joel and crew,

    I have submitted some things though tickets lately with suggestions where I was having issues so hopefully you saw some of them, but here is the shortened version.

    It would be nice to know where the downline comes from…I do not know if they come from Meet Cheap or HTP when I have a commission of $4.98, so someway this could be shown would help our efforts in helping them as well as when we send out group emails to our downline.

    I also suggested a way where the whole group would share the 50% commission after the first month, especially when the downline is building, so that they are not just getting commissions of less than a dollar per month in some cases. For example, if your downline is to level 2, you and the level one would split 25% each, if it were in the 3rd level, the 2nd, 1st and top would split three ways, or 16.6% each and so on, until the 10th level is reached and you are at 5% each.

    This would provide a lot more incentive for more people to promote, though I am sure this is where a lot of the bonuses like the $500 for each 100 members continually paying as well as the Top 10% sellers share etc.

    I also think you should send out more GVO T-shirts so we can wear when we promote in our videos! My muscles won’t look as big in them, but I am ok with that. As I have been with GVO for almost 3 years, now I really want to get my hands on one!

    For the most part, your support staff is always on top of things with quick responses and this something I always mention to potential members.

    Overall I am very happy with GVO and glad to now have more options at better prices as I found many people to try the titanium, but not stick with it.


    Dave Gardner

  • Thank you for explaining exactly what Cloud Servers are. I really had no idea.

  • Thank you for explaining the Cloud Hosting… a lot of mystery when you hear about it… probably because the people explaining don’t know about servers.

    I’m well into my second year with GVO and could not be happier with tech support (I try a lot of new things and there are crashes on occasion 🙂 ) and really seeing the training classes mature – amazing that you have so many hours of free training from such kind, encouraging and generous folks in ADDITION to more specific training with videos on how to use the GVO tools and features.

    Kudos to the GVO team – a lot of moving parts…but a lot of mighty hearts.

  • Joel I can say enough about what you and team are doing to make GVO Host Then Profit and Meet Cheap one of the top marketing tool platform and affiliate programs available.

    Here is what I would like to see. Although I know the super star you have listed on the Meet Cheap website are great but I would like to see a Meet Cheap website that doesn’t sale to the internet marketing community as well. But instead sells to the general business community.

    • I’m in complete agreement with Jones on this. The sooner we can have product focused sites for both Meetcheap and HTP the better! We have potential customers due to the lack of a products based site to show them.
      They see the income opportunity stuff and it scares many away.

      One additional item that I so wish could be addressed is being able to stream our conference rooms off of Iphones. I submitted a ticket about this because I found out about an app called Photon browser which is supposed to enable flash sites on Iphones/Ipads but was told by tech support that it wouldn’t work. Since I want to be able to demonstrate the power of our room on the fly, looks like I’ll need to switch to a Droid. I was really looking forward to using SIRI when my current contract ends, but I do have my priorities 🙂

      Very excited about the new website builder for newbies!

      Thanks for everything you and the GVO team does for us all!

      • I agree with Jones and Deb. (It’s the same thing I’ve been saying all along with 7 Minute Workout, too!) Product based sites that are not heavy on the income opportunity are a MUST because many potential customers are scared away.

        I’m really excited about MeetCheap and HTP because ANYONE can afford them. They should be really easy to promote, both to the biz opp seekers and to the end users.

  • great blog!
    all i have to do is figure all this out! (i’m a newbie and want to use everything available.

    robert j. barnard III

  • Wow! Amazing! So many good things happening at GVO. ^_^


  • You’re dedication toward continuous improvement of your business while helping others build an amazing lifestyle can’t be matched. I’m impressed man.

    Love the shirt!

  • I liked it, the information was great, your presentation was fine, but I think you should have shot it in a smaller room or a studio.


  • Looks great, Joel. Keep on going as you improve your site you will get more sign-ups. Hoping for my first commission soon!! Stone Evans got me interested in your site and he was right about how great it is and how wonderful you are. Also enjoying your 7minworkout but quads are really sore. Good luck to you!!

  • Hi Joel,
    I love everything your doing and have some questions. When will the Professional Web Hosting service be available? I’ve been watching that site for awhile now and no news. What’s happening on the Mobile front?
    Mobile marketing is huge right now and I don’t here anything about it from you. I know you’ve been busy with other projects, however, we can’t afford to let the mobile opportunity pass us by!


  • A very impressive direction – up! Up! and Away with Cloud Hosting the very best for us. Thank you for the amazing info. look forward to getting some income.

  • Greetings!

    You certainly have the best products that a Networker needs in order to be successful and the cost is unbelievable. Keep up the good the work!
    John Kielec

  • All of you do such remarkable, super tech. Am ready for Cloud and the Phone Conferencing.
    Peace and be Blessed, Pat

  • Hi Joel,

    Being a member over two years now…I think. Never had any regrets I have joined in.

    I’d like to see some more stable SSL-crypting inside members area.

    My websites have been hacked two times during past two years. Anything what makes the usage of your services more secure is very much appreciated.

    Like…logging in WHM through GoGVO, is through unsecured connection. In other words, every time I create a new account for example, to me or to my customers, by default I do it with out any particular encrypting.

    Just something I have been wondering during these years.

    Never the less, GoGVO is the service I use for any Internet marketing related projects. Fantastic product!

  • Waiting for new solutions. I see you in Poland, 24-25 March

  • GVO just keeps raising the bar and I’m SO grateful for all the tools as it makes MY job SO easy! Part of what we teach is all about Branding and the services at GVO make that a simple task.

    The support at GVO is unmatched in the industry!

    Thanks Joel and the team at GVO … you are well loved!

    Janet Legere
    The Contact List Builder
    Proud member of GVO!

  • Last year I paid for 1 year. I went to my GVO software 1 time and have not able to reconnect again. Can you help me?

  • Hello , no everything is fine


  • Hey brother thanks for the update, Great to know Mikey is getting some R and R … I think you guys are doing a fantastic bang up job but there are a few things I would like to see to help us all … I’m waiting to figure out what direction we are taking for GVOA so us Trainers have a set source for our viewers to get trained up. I’m also waiting to see and know if the Viral Video aspect will be added to EVP like Mark had touched on last year for ease of sharing with our videos. Those two things and the fact that we are getting the dial in conference number are fabulous things to focus on. I’m looking forward to seeing Blogger Builder and all and any of the amazing things that GVO Creates. You guys ROCK! Love you and thanks for everything you do brother. Give Mikey a big Hug for me when he comes back. NO HOMO 😉 Much love to THE GVO Family!

  • Awesome, Joel
    We appreciate all the innovative features you have and WILL continue to add to our GVO businesses.


  • Thank you Joel Therien

    greatly appreciated!

  • Joel, Great video. GVO is a great companyand I think you guys are doing a great job for the most part. The direction is perfect and I look forward to moving all by sites and business to GVO in the future.

  • Hi Joel, Mike and Team!

    Still love you guys; your ongoing innovations and the speed of making it available to us.

    On the other hand: I don’t get the launch of MeetCheap. It’s a great product – yes but GVOC is more or less dead – right? It does NOT makes sense to promote it anymore. How do you positioning GVOC now? Nobody wants to have and to pay for two conference room solutions.

    Plus – if I’m going after typical WebEx and GoTo Customers, what do I promote? GVOC is still not as stable as GoTO’s, esp. the audio (Talk Now Button, delays, no audio at all etc.)

    I’m a “7Minute” customer too – it’s fantastic. Love the ongoing training, webinars etc. – very good job!

    Thanks for all you do 🙂

  • One thing I have brought up with others is the video’s need another format than Flash. Why we are missing Millions of viewers using Iphone’s and Ipad’s. Perhaps this is something that can be done in the cloud.

  • well done – great to be a part of your family

  • Great blog full of great news
    I am excited about both the cloud service and also the new web site builder.
    The phone in to conferences is great it not only is great for when you are traveling but also when your computer crashes. I was very upset about the number of conferences and training meetings I missed when my new computer was being rebuilt during the longest most extensive power outage in CT history.

    Why a couple of months Mike told us about meetcheap when he filled in for Keith and it seemed like forever before we could promote it. I gues that is the way it is when you are passionate about a really great idea you guys come up with. We appreciate everything you do.

    P.S I was not sure which website to put down above because I love them all.

  • I see your on the move. A lot of good things happen on gvo.
    will check your blog .

    Thank you

    Joe Fales

  • Joe, I would like to see coupons come to HTP and Meetcheap where we can purchase a $9.97 coupon from the company that is tagged with a code number that is affiliate specific — that would give the person accepting the coupon a 30 day trial period — once cashed in the affiliate would still get his commission 50%. GlobalNPN has used this model for years with success and TrafficWave has had a Pay it Forward type program also. Coupons could be purchased in bulk and also displayed in bulk and can only be used once.


  • Joel two concerns:

    1. Performance on the Host Then Profit ($9.97 plan) is a bit on the slower side. When finances allow, it would be best to upgrade the servers or lighten their load.

    2. Security. We keep getting hacked on our GVO sites. Not only do they hack our sites, they also hack your sites.

    Other than that, I only have good things to say about GVO especially your tech. support staff. They are awesome.

    • Hi Najee

      Our new cloud hosting will do alot for that. As when a shared environment gets overloaded there is not much we can do. In the cloud we can turn on or off extra horsepower very quickly

  • Hey Joel,

    I am excited yet cautious with the developments within GVO.

    Excited because I cannot find much fault to all the services you are offering and the low prices you are charging for them. GVO is becoming a one-stop-shop for all Internet marketing services. Something which is a great help to us all internet marketers.

    And cautious, because to this date I cannot clearly ascertain the complete specifications of the products which I am entitled to use under my reseller hosting account: i.e. How many dedicated IP’s do I have the right to; If I sell a hosting account, what limitations should I place on the buyer on the use of Conference rooms, eRresponder, etc.

    By all means, go ahead with your development plans, but do not leave us without the information we require to fully take advantage of our reseller hosting accounts.

    I might be alone on this, but I have searched all over GVO’s site for the information and cannot find it. And I do wish to progress with GVO but am slowed down by the lack of knowledge and ready information about the products. With all the good quality information that you provide, I am still lost.

    I just hope this helps a little.

    Looking forward to great things in GVO

    Hector Vargas

  • Nice inform, it will be greates opportunity in the world

  • Over all you guys are doing great, I do have a couple of site that I keep seeing downtime on regularly and will submit a ticket about.

  • Yeahhh, you are always at the top of phenomenal solutions for our business

    Thanks again GVO !!!

  • Looks great Joel, looking forward to the new stuff!

  • Joel…
    Just a compliment: you and GVO are increasingly more amazing!

    You make me feel like I’m stumbling along even slower than I probably am. I’m getting close to getting my first web site launched, then I want to turn my attention to my GVO conference room and doing some webinars, showing folks how and why playing my ‘Scalp The Market’ computer game combines FUN with making REAL money!

    I know you would like your new customers pushing GVO as ‘affiliates’…and I do plan to; you’ve got such a great service! But, right now, I feel my energy and attention is best applied to getting my web site and webinars up and operating. I do talk about GVO with all 5 of the trading systems I feature in my ‘introduction to trading e-minis’ book; they each have a live trading room–hosted on various video conferencing services. Hope they are coming by to take a look at yours.

    Keep up the great work.

    Mel Hardman

  • Hey Joel,

    Thanks for the update. Congrats on continually making improvements and adding new features.

    I am convinced that HostThenProfits offers the very best service package available for the price. I currently do not need them, but when I do, I know that you will be my first choice.

  • Super job, I like what you said I think you have a great program and I am going to learn how to use all of it.

  • I find that most people who ask for comments, really don’t want comments at all…unless they are all positive of course. But…here goes. It would be GREAT to see another name besides “Meet Cheap”. As the name implies, it makes it appear, well…”Cheap”. There is a big difference in “cheap” and “low cost”. Anyway, my point is, I deal with a couple of “Big Ticket” companies and there is no way either of them would consider using conferencing with the name “cheap” attached to it.

    Of course, being a professional, I know that a name change is not even an option at this point. But, maybe in future launches of other products, a little more thought may go into it. These bigger companies are always looking for ways to save money. They mostly use goto webinar, which, as you know, is expensive. But, they wil stick with it before using a name that would make them look “cheap” in any way whatsoever.

    I realize also that you don’t really cater to the “Big Boys” yet. But, they would be a good target audience since they do webinars 5 to 6 times a week on a daily and nightly basis. And, like I said, they like to save money when they can.

    That’s my 2 cents worth.

    Keep up the good work!

    Most Sincerely,

    Steve Lucas

    • Hi Steve

      I paid top dollar for that domain as it is easy to remember, however a seperate domain like http://www.gvoconference.com is not far off either 🙂

    • Hello Joel,

      I tend to agree with Steve Lucas. I do not think you might have seen my earlier comment about the MeetCheap name. Even before the pre-launch I suggested to review the name ideas with the same concerns as Steve. However, I understand that it was late for any name changes.
      Joel, you know better than anybody else about crucial importance of the keyword in the domain name. I do not believe peaople will be typing “cheap conference or similiar” in Google search.
      The quality and value of MeetCheap is superior to many other vendors, therefore the name should resonate accordingly.
      I like http://www.gvoconference.com much better and maybe you should try to gradually convert to that name and abandon the term “cheap” in the domain.
      Other than that, I love what you do guys and looking forward to get more and more aggressively with your programs and products.
      You have an awesome team.

      • Great job on all the enhancements and future direction!

        I agree with Steve and Kosta. I am connected to a lot of coaches, trainers and consultants, both independent and within large companies that utilize webinars for their classes and client meetings. In promoting the service, I have to ask them to look past the name and the casual look of the marketing to get to the product.

        The platform has so much to offer that is overshadowed by the name and the first impression the potential client gets when entering the site. Going with gvoconference makes it more professional and attractive to a larger audience,

  • Joel,

    There is some request here in Europe to decrease the reactiontime (timedelay) in voice discussion, what is about 4-8 sec (double between a question and answer). So if we need it, we use skype instead.
    Will you plan some server in europe also to solve this? I would thanks for that.

    from Hungary

  • Thank you. I love the energy and the direction.
    Thanks for not taking for granted that we all know what is meant by Cloud Hosting Services. it’s a great thinking, helpful and productive.
    yours gal-ia

  • Great stuff Joel!
    I just can’t say enough fantastic things about GVO. It really is everything and more than what I initially antisipated. Thanks so much!

  • Joel and Mike, thanks for your dedication and drive to have the best Hosting service available to the masses. I have had several support issues and every-time you guys come through with phenomenal support.
    As someone who is re-inventing themselves. I can truly say that i am making it in the on-line world and you guys are a big part of that happening. Your vision and implementation in this highly competitive arena is and has been outstanding. I believe 2012 is going to be unbelievable for us ALL who are on-board and willing to work…
    Thanks for ALL you do on a daily ongoing basis.
    Charles Grooms

  • Joel Everyone at GVO rocks. Thanks for all the new and wonderful tools you keep
    supplying us with. Also thanks for explaining cloud hosting. Thanks for putting together
    an awesome workforce at GVO.

  • Joel

    I would like to see some fresh swipe copy and info for marketing on GVO Titanium

  • I’m delighted to see that you guys are never standing still. I’m still pretty much at the beginning of getting my work up and functioning on the internet, but I am really looking forward to taking advantage of the new things you have coming along, while also building with what is already here!

  • Joel, I think its great with the new tools you are going to bring in because I know that you’re looking to be successful and want to make it easier. Its away to bring success to ur business and help others do the same. I also like the idea that u came up with when people join, its gonna take two clicks to have ur website built and that’s the good thing about it, even though im still working on building and setting mine up but me doing it is great cause im learning how to make money and successful as well. But so far I think everything is awesbeibfome and I love

  • thanks for explaining cloud hosting , i never knew this, as a member of Host then profits and a NEW member in 7 minute workout, I always enjoy Joels trainings

  • Since Facebook fanpages are becoming so popular and we can now embed a webinar into a fanpage, it would be great if GVO would offer a software package to easily create fanpages with optin forms and with spiffy graphics to really make it stand out.


  • Great stuff!!! Looking forward to the call-in feature for the meetCheap platform…

    And… holly-molly!!! How can I get at least half the size of your biceps? 🙂

    • E.G,

      My daughter just turned 13, and the boys are knocking, I think my biceps need to be even bigger to keep the boys away 🙂

  • GREAT THANK’S Joel, for GVO.com, HostthenProfit.com and Meetcheap.com, It’s the first place that i can paid $45.00 / month, where i don’t need to cumulate many products in my home, before to begin to make money! And, it’s the first MLM where when i am on, i can receive more Sites (meetcheap, hostthenprofit) for the same price, not obligate to paid more and more, to have other advantage like other Web provider ! Continu your Great Work, it’s the first that i receive income since. A little must to have will be, if you can add (A Tool to translate in French or other langage easily), to Clients, when they want create their own site, or navigate in their backoffice.
    In French
    Grand merci Joël, pour GVO.com, HostthenProfit.com et Meetcheap.com, C’est le premier endroit où je peux payer $ 45,00 / mois, où je n’ai pas besoin de cumuler de nombreux produits dans ma maison, avant de commencer à faire de un sous! Et, c’est le premier MLM ou je peux recevoir plus de sites (meetcheap, hostthenprofit) pour le même prix, sans être obligé pas à payer de plus en plus, comme d’autres fournisseurs de Web font! Continuez votre excellent travail, c’est la première fois que je reçois des revenus résiduels. Un plus à avoir serait, si vous pouvez ajouter (Un outil pour traduire en langage français ou autre facilement) aux clients, quand ils veulent créer leur propre site, ou de naviguer dans leur back-office, pour mes clients francophone ce serait plus facile pour moi de vendre vos produits.

  • Thanks for you are doing in the Internet world!,Help even the have not to make it in all your programs,
    keep it up.
    One thing is that most of us are yet to reap.

  • Hey Joel

    All is said, You and all of the GVO Team Rock.

    Thank You
    DAV Rick Burdo
    (Send a email aday to help out Our Veterans everyday)

  • Hi guys: keep up the good work i appreciate your dedication and support, your training is excellent, I would like to see some training on getting traffic/SEO

  • Mi comentario es el siguiente, como puede ver lo escribo en español por el hecho de que yo no hablo ingles; He podido darme cuenta por lo paco que he entendido de que este es un progama bueno,pero si no esta tambien en español es muy poco lo que yo puedo hacer y creo que asi hay muchas personas que tampoco entienden el ingles. Como sugerencia,sería bueno que en un futuro no muy lejano este producto tambien estuviera en español.

  • Gracias Joel
    Es una solución global de todos los problemas que pueda presentarse en cualquier sistema de usos individuales. Dando además un confort que tiende al ludio en aprendizajes, usos y enlaces.
    Puede introducir al sistema de negocios a todas personas que se animan incursionar en este campo el con mínimo gasto y a su vez es un trampolín que catapulta a las personas a altos relacionamientos y mejora de niveles de ingresos a todas las personas que ingresan. GVO una marca mundial escrito con letras propias.

  • Awesome, awesome, awesome. Did I say Awesome?

    I’ve been with other hosting companies for years and I’ve never been given access to the products like we are given here at GVO.

    I do have one request. Do you have a compensation plan description that includes the $9.97 plan, because as far as I know the compensation plans I have see only explain the $44.95 plan. I hope this makes sense.

    I look forward to the new tools and products. In fact, I can’t wait.

  • Joel

    New features sound great … particularly, for me at least, “Dial In.”

    Could you please do a blog on this feature and explain pricing, availability date and a bit on how this will work, i.e. setup, how to use, etc.

    To answer your question, “How are we doing?” – two points:

    1) I really miss the “Support Room.” Is there an affordable way for it to be re-activated?
    2) I measure products and services using a “Bang for the Buck” yardstick. Your BANG is high and getting higher / Your BUCK is low and getting lower. Simply put, you are doing GREAT! Keep it coming.

    Thanks, Gregg Guptill

  • Great video Joel, Short and to the point. Thanks for the exciting updates.
    GVO is quickly becoming, the Networker’s Networking company. A one stop for all the Networking (Affiliates) tools.

    Can’t wait for the new Blogger builder. How about an easier setup for the Auto Responder? 🙂

  • Hi Joel,

    I am so happy to be part of the GVO family! You inspire me to keep learning about internet marketing (the last thing I wanted to know) and the technical part of it. Now it gets easier the more I put my mind to doing it. Thanks for your innovative spirit….

  • I love what you do, guys, and the direction your going! I am excited to be working with you.

  • Thank you Joel
    You make a great job in a good direction.
    I have done good experience with Gvo, good training and software and a lot more. A good team. Thank you Joel and Mike.
    Last half a year I had a little bit big in the family. Now my son lives with me.
    I am glad to be soon again back.
    Thank you a good job Joel and Mike.

    The best greetings Lothar

  • You have a great company. Love the service. I would like to see more lead capture pages and optin forms to choose from. I would like to customize my own lead capture page and make the video as big as I want. Plus the optin forms do not have the telephone number box on them. Thanks a lot.

  • Great Video Blog. I really enjoyed it in Goa, India. I am on holiday here from freezing United Kingdom, with my GVO commissions.Just cashed $500.00 at the ATM in Mapusa a small Town in Goa.Exchange rate is 50 Rupees to $1. Awesome feeling to see Rupees 25,000 pouring out of the ATM hole in the wall!! My hard work with GO,GVO 7 Minute Workout and HTP is reaaly rewarding me big time.It is realy exciting. I and my wife are in Cloud 99. It is like heaven!!
    Thanks Joel and Staff.
    Don(70)FitnRich and Pam(70)( Getting Slim) and Grandson.(4)




    1. Ongoing updated videos that explain (in a simple format) more about our directions, products, services and how they can be used and their benefits.
    2. Continued updates with your blog (like this). It’s nice to get the personal touch 🙂
    3. More updated FAQ’s with input from affiliates. To often I can’t find answers in a forum that I need so I submit a ticket. I think this would save time and reduce frustration.


  • Hi Joel,

    It’s really awesome what GVO can do for us. I’m very excited to know that GVO will have a site builder…

    The dial-in for the conference rooms will work in Europe? Will that dial-in number be free for the users, like it happens with freeconferencing?

    I think that you could have more videos to help us more with all the solutions GVO has to offer.

    Thanks to all GVO team.

  • Joel,

    In my conference room I’ve noticed a permanent delay in voice discussion of 4-6 or 8 seconds. I’m in Europe (Portugal). Can you something about it?

    • we need a tracert to our domain gogvo.com can you provide one? I twill allow us to see the latency between you and our datacenter

  • Hello Joe and my good friend Gavin,i have been with you,for two years,i like all your products,maybe except,your name host appliate,Sedo holdings,your illustrations,if you remeber,i have written for partnership or investment offerings,in the past two years,after i became a member of Gvo family,i have received on -line promotion prizes and a grant,ranging from £800 thousand pounds sterling,from Microsoft and Google and a beneficial grant of $20 Million Dollars from the united Nations Organization,i do not know,how you can,help me receive just one of the Prizes,my need of funds to start my Business.Andrew Kene.

  • I’m having a terrible time trying to get anything going. I cannot access the conference trainings and dont know what to do next.
    Jack St. Marie

  • I hope that I will soon have the time to give to this incredible company. Every time I turn on my computer ( when do I turn it off? )
    there is another wonderful improvement and addition. In the process of setting up my online business and this is going to be a wonderful attraction. It just all seems far too easy for these guys…………….well done.

  • would it be possible to have unlimited domains in HTP just to be able to compete with company’s like H gator and many others up front

  • WOW, I mean really! WOW It just keeps getting better and better. Soon GVO and “No-Brainer” will be synonymous. I am proud to be associated with such a great company and with everyone involved, a true group of people who really care.
    I think Kathryn Booth said it so well “Kudos to the GVO team – a lot of moving parts…but a lot of mighty hearts.”

    Lovin’ GVO and the friends I have made.

    God Bless,

    Silas Thornton

  • Just signed up recently with GVO. You are very professional yet easy to access. Love the marketing and the information you provide. Thank you for doing all of this.

  • It all sounds great. I’m mainly an offline marketer for building sites, and other related services. I believe I am moving more toward online with your conference room benefits. One thing I would like to be able to do is offer all of my services through GVO. One thing comes to mind is the building of .mobi sites. I am not that interested in using a service like gomobi. It would just be great and fantastic if it all could be done through GVO…the building of the mobile site and the hosting. I can host a .mobi through GVO now, I believe, but building the mobi site at GVO would be utterly fantastic. 300 million people access FB from their mobile phones daily, as I understand it!

    • Hello David,

      I’m not a GVO employee, just an affiliate – so I’m not speaking on behalf of GVO here, but…

      It seems to me that if you’re interested in creating mobile-compatible websites for clients, it would be a relatively simple matter to create the sites using WordPress (via the Blogger Builder utility), and simply employ a mobile-compatible theme when setting up WordPress. There are a number of free themes available thru WordPress.org, and I’m sure that there are plenty of premium mobile themes available out there on the web, depending on exactly what you wish to accomplish with the site you’re building.

      Just thought I’d add my two cents’ worth – hope it helps…

  • Hi Joel, Good Job developing programs that we can use at a much lower cost, and it really is a much lower price. I have GVO Conferencing-MeetCheap, and Host and Profit. I also purchased other stand alone products. The problem with all the new products that I have purchased is, that it’s hard to put them all together, so that they actually can work together. It could be that the training is there somewhere but I haven’t found it yet. Is there someway that we could have training available for all these products that we have purchased? If it is available, could you please point me in the direction as to where it is.

  • I actually have not had time to read or view your blog until this one. I would like to know more about GoGVO and I mean more than the normal ‘opportunity’ or curiosity seeker. I’m a journalist at core, operator of a fledgling but growing nationwide cable TV programming network full time. I’d like to explore what your services can mean to StogTv’s local television business that is day by day becoming more intertwined with online video in a variety of ways. We’re always looking for ways to increase income for both our YLTV proprietary sites and for our local affiliates.
    Please do a search for “leased access” and then “Charlie Stogner” and see if it provides you cause to email me direct so we can communicate separate from this blog. stogtv@gmail.com

  • Hi Joel,

    I an happy with GVO.

    You guys and gals are doing a great job and deliver value for the low monthly investment I make.

    GVO rocks, keep it up.


    P.S. What’s with the “1H workout” tee-shirt? have I missed something?

  • Hi Joel and the team at GVO,

    I would like to see greater flexibility and materials for cross promoting of the different languages that are catered for.

    For example, affiliate links for the Spanish Room and the others.

    More videos in the different languages that we can embed in our websites.

    Apart from that, you are doing a great job, thanks.

    David Smales UK

  • The whole enchilada looks just great. I have a suggestion. Why not providing storage online for our files (at an affordable price)
    I have all my stuff in two computers and a big portable hard disk (This one is not accesible to me becouse I lost the power cable for that piece of junk) I would buy a service like that.

    Congratulations, you guys are doing fantastic. Thanks Joel.

  • Good to see you blogging again Joel! Everythings fine as far as I’m concerned… Cheers!!!

  • Great update, Cloud Hosting sounds good, phoning in to webinars also sounds good, and update on the commission structure is fantastic.

    Thank you!

  • Very excited for the new Hostthenprofit design as this offering is now a mainstay. So easy to promote due to the value and price point.

  • Hi Joel! Thanks for all that you do, and for the opportunity to provide some feedback. I’ve submitted the following in a support ticket, but I haven’t really received a response yet on this particular issue…

    Because of prior commitment to another company I work with, I’m usually unable to attend the live GVO webcasts held on Saturday mornings. Consequently, I often find myself scratching my head trying to figure everything out – especially when a new feature or a new product or service is introduced. Since I have no access to the information revealed on the webcast, I’m usually left to my own devices which includes “reading between the lines” of the emails you send out in association with the current goings-on at GVO.

    As a result, I feel very much at a disadvantage compared to those who CAN make it to the live webcasts, and any hope of even reaching the BOTTOM of the leaderboard is practically non-existent. (It’s really difficult to promote something that you only have “patchy” information about!)

    I would VERY MUCH like to be able to access a recording of the Saturday webcasts at GVO Academy. Perhaps a link could be placed in the Member Area so that only affiliates would have access to it. As far as I’m concerned, it would only be necessary to post the most recent recording, so archiving of the recordings wouldn’t necessarily be an issue unless you choose to make the entire archive available.

    Otherwise, I’m quite excited about the “new wave” of products and services that GVO is providing, and I’m quite enthusiastic about being an affiliate. There’s definitely plenty of different vertical markets that can make good use of our products and services – it’s just a matter of adapting one’s approach to those markets, creating a “solution” for the problems they may have in their existing situations.

    Keep up the good work! I look forward to more comprehensive communications that will enable us to be more effective and productive as affiliates of the BEST hosting company in the entire WORLD!

    • Hi Don
      In the very near future all recordings will be found in the members area, you are really going to love this feature 🙂

  • Joel, are we able to down load all 1,000 leads at one time
    into our back office auto responder?
    I have 3-4 csv files full of lead (500 each) that I got off of MLC.


  • I’ve been with GVO for about two years now, and customer service is great…However, this is the third time in the past 30 days that we’ve been hacked with an iframe attack. We have over 160 web sites that we’ve had to manually remove the index page and iframe code that was somehow inserted to all of the sites. we’ve also had two denial of service attacks to GVO, which affected our sites and our clients sites. I’ve addressed these concerns with tech support, and they seem to be helpless against these attacks. In addition, they don’t have a simpler solution to fixing the problems the hackers cause. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep my clients vulnerable with GVO.

    • Hi Eddie

      Yes, I am very aware and very sorry, we are looking right now for a permanent solution as we have all the security in place but evidently they are getting somehow

  • More training tutorials on conference. 4x(how it works)

  • Great job Joel

    You are going so fast I cant keep up, but don’t let that bother you
    I will keep trying, someday this will come together for me.

    PS: frederickb

  • Joel, Hostthenprofit is a great site, I noticed that I sent out some e-mails and I did receive some opens….Joel when it is all said and done rather than just see the opens and special opens will we ever be able to see the names and e-mail addresses so we can send them out ourselves?

    I know you said you are still working on the hostthenprofit, keep up the good work! Especially with the autoresponders.


  • JOEL!
    You Asked Me How Is GVO Doing?

    First Let Me Ask How Much Space In Comments Do I Get? lol…

    OK! Here’s My Story!
    This Is My Third Time With GVO, (I Know Third Time)

    Well, You Know The Old Saying The Grass Always Looks Greener On The Other Side, I’m Here To Tell You – IT’S NOT…
    I Ventured Out (Yes, I Strayed Off Course) To All The Other Web-Hosting Competitors and Not A Single One Comes Even Close To GVO…
    (Not A Single One)

    I’m What You Would Call A Newbie In The Internet Marketing Field, But What Keeps Me Coming Back Is The GVO Team, Products, Business Opportunities, Training, and Support.
    (F.Y.I. I’m Here To Stay This Time – I’m A Newbie, What Can I Say)

    Joel, Half Of The Tools GVO Offers, – I Have No Clue Of There Purpose? But I Will, Because You, Mike, The GVO Academy, And GVO Members Make It So Easy To Learn! (I’ve Made Some Great Friends Too)

    PLUS: Now With The Addition Of Cloud Hosting, Oh My Gosh, Is There Anything Else You Can Add? I Think Not! But, Because Knowing GVO, You Will Find Something!

    Joel, You Asked Me For My Feedback On GVO, All I Can Think Of Is AMAZING…

    Thank You So Much Joel & The GVO TEAM!!!
    Mark Houck OnLine

  • Hi Joel, Thanks for all that you do.

  • Hi Joel,

    Hostthenprofits was just the solution I was looking for, I’m now in the process of building a Gateway Membership Site.

    When done on March 1 it will have click by click videos on practical applications of GVO Products, Not how to use them, more along the lines of how to make use of them.

    It’s one thing to have a shovel, it’s another to know how to dig the foudation of a building.

    GVO Rocks,
    Michael Cole

  • Cloud hosting…a fantastic service to offer. Will help to keep our sites up 100% of the time.

  • Gracias por las invitaciones. Creo están haciendo un gran trabajo y creo saber en que dirección van. Sin embargo, considero que debería haber una plataforma en “español” para entender y ofrecer los servicios que están promocionando.

  • Joel I am totally blown away by everything you are doing with Meetcheap, Host Then Profit, GVO and 7 Minute workout. I remember when you started back in 98 or 99, not sure exactly but I joined back then with Herb,Ken and that crowd and over the years I left Kiosk and joined other hosting companies and opportunities, Now I could Kick my own butt for not staying focused. What you have done with GVO is amazing. I am so impressed with everything. As they say if you want to be a winner, Hang with a winner. So I’m hanging 🙂

  • You and your entire support staff are doing a superb job.

    When I miss up as I did a couple days ago, your team had
    my site back up and running in just a few minutes.



  • Hi Joel!
    Thank you for inviting me. I am upset now, because I am just on my way of creation of my first site. I visited courses called Start Up. They tought how to create own site. But now I think that would be better for me to start doing that under your guidance.
    Thank you

  • I believe you have the best product on the planet all in one package I am very excited the direction you are going even though I am a novice. I am trying to build a business around contract me vouchers that will end unemployment. My thought is to build an autoresponder that will make this viral. Thanks for your product.

  • Hi Joel

    The Website idea of 2 clicks your in appeals to me. I need a Website
    usually it is too complicated for me. That sounds a good deal for me.

    all the best

    Daphne Unsted

  • Wow, this is all very exciting, thank you for the updates and the video. Very much appreciated.

  • Great job folks, you are sure to be the front runner in Hosting Services sooner than you think.

    Here’s a thought, Smartphone app for MeetCheap, actually thought about financing the development myself. Imagine web conferencing in the palm of your hand!

    How about GVO for IPO – I’m in.






    3. MORE CHAT SUPPORT THAT UNDERSTAND “””MEETCHEAP””” BETTER SINCE THEY GAVE ME THE WRONG INFO & I ALMOST PAID TWICE FOR THE SAME THING i ALREADY HAVE. MAYBE SUPPORT FROM AMERICA OR UK ( but they must understand what the company is doing and give out the right info – this is very important ).

  • Hello Joel. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to comment. I am not a member of GVO. I am a member of 7MW. Your blog peaked an excitement in me for HostThenProfits. It sounds like there are so many businesses……….are then all in one Meet Cheap, HostThenProfit etc? Look for me in the near near future.

  • hi. As a new customer , i ant to say a big thankyou, to Techie Support,very helpful and quick to help /respond.

    I look forward to an exciting year ahead.

    well done everyone at HQ…and well done to all other GVO’rs around the world.

    Regards Tony Farrell (Celticdragon)

  • Hi Joel I only found out about your blog when you sent me an email. Well so many good things happening at GVO. I have received a lot of emails about GVO before but didn’t bother to check it out. Thanks to Stone Evans for introducing me to this amazing opportunity.

    Just a simple question, with 7 minute workout I don’t have the machines like the ones you use in your training videos, I only have a treadmill and ab circle, so how can I apply the training using the eq I’ve got?

    You look great, I wish I have a body like you. I am a big fellow trying to lose some weight. I never had any real exercises before, just a few sweat when I cut my lawn. Yep!

    Anyway looking forward to your comments

    Thanks Eddie

    • Hello Eddie,

      7 Minute Workout is fully customized to beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
      as well for training at home with no equipment or in a gym with equipment.

  • Joel, I think you are doing a great job and offering great service. Im also an affiliate here in San Antonio trying to help you expand Gvo. Hey! We need to get together and work-out some time, Lol.

  • Hi Joel and Our Great Team,
    I am excited to be a part of GVO. joe your forward looking leadership for continuing success of GVO Hosting since all tools that GVO provides and now marching into Cloud hosting providing computing power, on demand.
    Cloud computing/hosting in situations where web site might be under stress because of a sudden burst of popularity.
    With regular shared hosting once that web site reaches the limits, it chokes.
    With a cloud hosting setup, now we will have access to number of different servers, so under stress we will have access to as much bandwidth, RAM, CPU power and resource that we need.
    Thanks Joel

  • Hi Joel
    I would like to know why our Autoresponder want work with some
    programs that are sold on the internet. I have got the 7minute workout, I
    have been working out in gym for a while were do you get you workout 7 minute a day do you mean 7minutes per exercise is a full burn out.I would
    like more understanding on this.I have a book called 7 minute body and I have one called 7 minute muscle.

    • Hi IRa

      Our autoresponder will work with any program? Not sure what you mean pls advise

    • Hello Ira,

      Have you attended one of our LIVE webcasts to learn more about 7 Minute Workout?

      You are able to create campaigns and lead capture forms to market and sell any product or service on the internet using the E-Responder.

  • Joel,
    I believe you and the GVO team are doing a great job.
    I want to personally thank you for all you do.
    Your academy team and support team are Awesome.
    Please keep up the great work.
    We appreciate you and your team.
    continued success,
    Ken Pringle

  • Joel,
    You continue to improve on an awsome service and thank you for the explanation on Cloud Hosting.

  • Thanks for the amazing info!
    I think Cloud Hosting will very interesting for us…

  • thanks for the email and for the enthusiasm. Indeed your system looks great.

    BUT,.. I tried to purchase with PayPal which you don’t accept and then your support team offered me a bank transfer or Western Union option,…. You have GOT to be kidding man… this is 2012,.. not 1912,.. and for any online entrepreneur to not have a PayPal option is plain NUTS IMHO!

    Best wishes with you product but I’m afraid you’ve excluded me (and thousands more I suspect).

    • Russell

      Paypal will not allow us to use them because of the MLM side which is against their terms 🙁 We do allow alertpay though as they are MLM friendly

  • Joel

    Could I market 7 Minute Workout without having to pay monthly fees??


    David Morris
    Meet Cheap Founder
    New Zealand

  • Monsieur Therien:

    Super,Super,Super ideas. As stand alone entities each rate super. As a bundle they are greeaatttttt! the smell of green success.

    Jim Bowie (No joke)

  • Hi Joel,

    You and your team have been doing an excellent job! I have been promoting
    GVO Conference over the past year and have now moved over to Meet Cheap. The Bonus and Residual income opportunity is very much appreciated. Thank You.

    Best Regards,


  • Cant wait for this Jeol.
    A brand new Web site builder that will make pro sites simple for the newest of internet marketers!
    Cheers Criss.

  • Wow! Kaizen (continuous improvement attitude) is excellent for your business. Since 5 years ago I knew you about your projects online. Until today, my account is domained. I need your favour, Mr Joel Therien to reactivate it asap. Thank you to blog again.

  • Hi Jeol.
    Support, I fine either dont speak enlish much or fine it hard to under stand ?”s etc, not everyone, but a few, not sure if this is contracted out overseas etc, but very limited in help for newbies, video training is awesome form Mark Call , but might need a bity more real details & campains etc.
    Cheers Criss

  • Hi Joel,
    GVO is doing a fantastic job and you are always developing new products at an affordable price.Making our lives easier. That is why many marketers are getting in fond of GVO.

    Keep up the good work and God bless you all!

  • Just want to say you guys are great,I love your style,especially the video blog…much more personal…and very entertaining. You guys make it fun to learn…I hated school…LOL. My opinion is that no one can hold a candle next to GVO…products,services,tutorials all top notch and commisions etc. very generous.

    Thanks a Bunch to the Entire Team Here at GVO!

  • Hi Joel,
    I’m really happy with what you guys are doing its something you don’t see anywhere else, which is why I’ve stuck around for 4 years.

    However my goal this year is to get more of my fellow Brits online both businesses and individuals, but I know as soon as they see a web squeez page etc with the $1 sign instead of the £1 they are put off.

    Is there anyway you can provide a country defined squeez page in its own currency for me to promote ?

    PS I bet I’m not the only one thinking along these lines.

    Thanks again


  • Yes go ahead with moderation, I didn’t expect anything else!

  • Hi Joel!

    These are great news!

    I am specially interested in cloud services.


  • Great initiatives coming up. Keep the momentum going

  • Nicely done, looking forward for the blogger builder.

  • Hi Joel,

    Keep up the good work.
    Would i be able to use the tools based on my subscription?

    Best Regards.


  • joel.
    Great info You guys are outstanding in our field. Thanks for info on Cloud.
    I have had a light stroke and having trouble typing with one hand. But am determine to recover. I like you guys and hope you continue to prosper. I have a question on getting traffic to my web sites. How can I tranfer my email senders to myself and use them to get sales of your program as a affilate? I am learning the internet and it has cost me a lot of money so far. I could use some help. I will renew my payments to you as quick as I can. Thanks for working with me. Great job on your products. Very resonable. Thanks again

  • Incredable system and progressivw management. My change is
    dont change the constant improvement concept

  • Why you don’t put my Comment on this Blog is it because i put french comment or because i put a link to my personnal Blog?


  • Hi Joel,
    One thing I’d like to see changed is the web mail feature. I’m not a big fan of a text e-mail client. Sure, you can click a link to view graphics in the e-mails themselves, but you shouldn’t have too. So, give us a mor graphical web mail system.

    Arlington, VA

  • Awesome Stuff.

    I can’t wait for the extra tools especially the new blogger builder..


  • Most incredible marketing tools at a great price, Thank you GVO. I just need to find time to learn how to use them through your excellent teaching and training video’s. Trying to find the time is holding me back and i”m falling further behind and getting buried as you add more and more great useful products to your GVO. GO GVO!!!

  • Joel,
    I just wanted to say- your training are awesome! I;ve never joined a program that gives so much direction as yours. It;s a real confidence booster!

  • Dear Joel,
    I find it difficult to keep up with so much information relayed verbally and would like to see everything in print (PDF doc, or whatever). It allows me the opportunity to sit and digest the information and create my own plan of implementation. Even though the videos are encouraging having the information in print is essential.
    Thanks,Angel E.

    • I agree! I have stayed with Kiosk and now GVO at $44.95 & more ($100+/mo.) since 2004 because I sensed Joel is serious, determined, real, on purpose, forward looking, and desiring to be friendly and helpful. But, I have never been able to get anything going in the very limited amount of time I have had–always some tech communication or difficulties that couldn’t be resolved then. At the same time, overall/majority tech support has been helpful. If it’s click, click, I might be able to get it–not a techie. Learning, but not fast enough, have large responsibilities. When I make an hour, I need to progress in that hour, not start all over again. Thank you, Angel, for comment. Many things unclear, but I’m still here because I believe, Joel, you will bring it altogether.


  • Another question/issue came to mind, one I’ve asked of Support with no clear response…

    Where do existing GVO Conference affiliates stand with regard to MeetCheap? As a long-time affiliate of GVOC, it no longer makes sense for me to promote a 50-seat GVOC room for $8.97 when a 100-seat room can be had for just a dollar more thru MeetCheap. When I raised this question with Support they told me that GVOC and MC are “separate entities” (Huh? I thought everyone was under the GVO “umbrella” as far as affiliate status is concerned) and that GVOC members would be offered an upgrade that would be in line with MC pricing. That was over a month ago, and I still haven’t received any upgrade offer – what’s up with that?

    When I tried to sign up for MC (to get a 100-seat room, with plans to cancel my 50-seat room), the system came back with a message saying that I’m already signed up (presumably as an affiliate). When I log in from the MC page, I’m taken to my HTP Member Area (GVO affiliate member area). I get the impression that I’m somewhere in limbo between the two.

    I would have loved to participate in the big pre-launch of MC and subsequent additions, but that ship has already sailed while I’ve been waiting for clarification of this from Support (which apparently is still forthcoming), coupled with my inability to attend Saturday GVO Academy webcasts.

    (Opportunity will continue to increase as time goes by, but I would have loved to be swimming alongside everyone else instead of playing “catch-up,” which is what I’m now forced to do.

    So could you PLEASE clarify the following…

    – Will it still make sense for me to be GVOC affiliate if MC is simply the same product but “repackaged?” Will GVOC eventually be phased out and replaced with MC as GVO’s conferencing product/business opportunity?

    – Will I be required to be a member of both GVOC AND MC if I want to take advantage of the 100-room MC deal and yet still be a GVOC affiliate (since the two are “separate entities”)?

    The news of Facebook integration and the pending deployment of the Cloud are truly exciting, and indicate to me that GVO isn’t going to be a static company and rest on its laurels like our competition has a tendency to do. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to capture a significant market share away from our competition – provided we represent everything honestly and then deliver on those promises.

    • Hi Don

      We are changing the gvoconference.com site to match exactly the prices at meetcheap.com this will go into affect friday

      • Thank you, Joel, for explaining this. I’ve had the same dilemma as Don, and questioned support several times without satisfaction, even paid both until I was in an accident late last year. This blog is my first reading in many months. Thank you for everyone’s work and interest, even the members who take time to comment and contribute. Everything takes valuable time!!!!! God’s blessings on all your honest endeavors, and upon you, family, and staff. Special regards and blessings also to helpful Melissa.


  • Have taken the facebook intergration upgrade better than great product ,would like to see a reduction in monthley costs & or a purchase to own the product.

    It would be good to have a marketing promotion for non marketers (standard facebook user ) targeting facebook meetcheep 20 seat $20 rooms ,showing it in action explaining how , why, what , it could be used for

    Like whats hapening have good thoughts for the company

    Thank You

  • Joel,
    The blog is a winner and all sounds great but what’s the realistic timeline on the new stuff? I need to build a website and blog very soon and want to do it in HTP. Also, I want to test it before I sell it.

    Appreciate GVO for putting all the great features in one pacakage-Now…let me at em!! 🙂

  • Really excited about the new blogger builder and the four steps to get your website live…that is really cool…..

  • HiYa Joel,
    Dallas here,aka WizardKing, in beautiful N.E. Ga. it was a very windy and very chilly day, but for me everyday is always the same. GR8!!!!!!

    The only suggestion I can make about the things you should do or, how you should do them, are ‘KEEP ON DOING IT’, IT’S WORKING.

    Introducing MEETCHEAP to your GVO program, in my humbly opinion was pure genius. That is exactly why I finally joined the team, not because it was CHEAP but because it was affordable. Price IS what drew me in!
    Now!, that I have joined ‘The Right Team’, and after touring the back office and seeing all the features, my brain is crying, ‘WHY! DID’NT YOU DO THIS SOONER’? I deeply regret not coming on board 4 years ago because the time and money I invested for other more shiny objects and ‘Lame Promises’, would have been well spent with GVO, but that is passed and I am here now. Hind Sight, right?

    Anyway, success can only be appreciated after having fallen a few times and I have fallen more than my share, me thinks, but many valuable lessons have been learned along the way. There could probably even be a site in the future called TENACITY, because I have never quit and never stopped getting back up. I’m not complaining!, although the journey has been quite rough at times, I consider myself Very Blessed.

    Joel you have brought your company from nothing but a dream to what GVO is today and you are still moving forward. You have gathered into your family people with honor and integrity and a true passion to help others. It is simply amazing what you have done. Your passion and desire to give to others the best you have to offer is unparallel to anyone in I M and GVO is certain to be a model in the industry. Your commitment to see such a gargantuan endeavor to fruition, is to be highly commended. GVO will be a very well know name in the near future.

    Words cannot begin to describe how grateful I am, to be able to associate with GVO and the likes of Keith, Terry, Claire, Robert, Kim and Sarita, Deb and Steph, and to have the chance to learn even more, from You, Tissa, Mark, Mike, Brian and others. The products, services and training are not to be equaled anywhere. I know, I’ve been there.

    Joel, I have probably not written what you would like to hear and my post is probably not worthy of your time but after reading the other post I see you really do read them and even answer a few. I could not possible begin to tell you all the things that are on my mind, you would fall asleep on me. I suffer from a severe case of TMI so my questions come out quite jumbled and sporatic but with the FANTASTIC people you have on your team I will over come this dilimma soon. I have already seen a marked improvement in my befuddlement.

    I pray that I will be able to do whatever is necessary to make my affirmation that GVO is precedent beyond all others. Thank you for your strength of purpose, to Ilonna for her faith, to everyone that could see your vision and help you to grow your dream; to those who willingly give of their time to teach, from the ground up, myself and others what we may not have other wise been able to comprehend. Me anyway! And not least of all, thanks to all those you have placed in the background to keep everything running smooth.
    GOD Bless You and Your Family,

    • Hi Dallas

      Thanks for all the kind words, even though we have been online 13 years, it has taken me a while to figure out the IM game a bit too. Therefore we still have not hit a critical mass, so you are not too late at all!!! This year will be awesome. Once we have the cloud hosting in place we will be fully redundant on all fronts and have the best service in the industry

  • Hi Joel,

    Thanks for explaining cloud hosting. That will be great!

    Your products and tools are really amazing. My biggest problem is finding time to learn all of what they do, and how to do any of it. Also, I have never really promoted them yet… but that’s my own issue. I don’t know how you juggle so many projects at once! (Well, you do have an amazing team of people helping you.)

    My biggest source of confusion is about GVO Conference. When MeetCheap was being announced, I thought it was replacing GVOC, and the existing GVOC members would suddenly find their GVOC access converted into a MeetCheap package. Now that I understand that they are going to remain two separate entities, I can’t figure out any reason why a new customer would want to choose a GVO Conference package when MeetCheap is so much more affordable.

    As far as the name MeetCheap (I originally thought like some of the others, that “cheap” could imply lower quality)… well, it is definitely catchy and easy to remember. And it does clearly indicate a bargain price! I’m sure when the word gets around and people start to recognize the brand name, it won’t be a problem because the reputation will be there, too. After all, what on earth does the name “GoDaddy” mean??? Sounds kind of flaky, doesn’t it? But it’s catchy, and people quickly came to recognize it as a reputable, yet inexpensive way to get domain names.

    • Arline

      Our biggest matrix is Gogvo and that is why we put meetcheap.com under it to keep the momentum there strong. However we will never close GVOC ever and you can build thee too if you like as it too grows daily.

      ll the features of meetcheap.com are available in gvoc too, including viralwebcaster

      • Thank you, Joel, for this clarification. I did not know this. When you say “Gogvo”, do you mean the hosting program, formerly Kiosk? What does the video program fall under? and 7MWO?

        I’ll look back here for answers to mine and other’s questions. Hope you will update replies here. Thank you. Blessings on you.


  • By the way… one really annoying thing to be aware of, right on THIS page… Whenever a person makes a comment and submits it, the video automatically springs into action again all by itself! Kind of startling when you’re home all alone in a quiet room after 11:00 pm …. LOL! It might be good in the future to not make the video self-starting on the blog page, because people might want to make several comments without having to rush back to the top of the page to pause the video each time!

  • A great step forward thanks to your progressive thinking and actions. Thanks Joel

  • I love the direction GVO is Heading. You guys really rock, and always strive to make sure we have the best tools available. Thanks for all you do :o)

  • Hi Victor

    You need to log into your members area and submit a ticket http://www.gvoconference.com login and the support button is at the top right

  • You mentioned a new web site builder is coming. Is there one we can use now, I have been looking but do not see it. Am I missing something. By the way at the present time Support seems to be down. Thanks


  • good night, I wonder if you have a version of this video in Portuguese, thanks,I am Brasilian.

  • I’ve always though cloud hosting is the way to go. I’ve looked at other companies that provide cloud hosting in the past and they get really expensive.

    I think the new commission bonuses will motivate allot of people.

  • I like everything that you have done and will do. I am having problems connecting the dots with wordpress and my blog but will go to Gvo academy to work on that.


  • Hi,

    Probably the wrong place to ask, but what is your affiliation with WebCasterGraphics.com?

    I’ve put in 3 tickets with no response. Not impressed.

  • Thanks for explaining about cloud hosting and now my mind is clear about cloud hosting, below are recommending to adding and changes..

    1) Can you change hostthenprofit like gogvo.com, giving FREE for 7 or 30 days and there after charging them to build more trust and long term customer.

    2) Can we have tracking id for affiliate, I know we have in our back office but that is fixed and I want to build my own tracking code without taking the code from back office.

    3) Can we have the live tour downloadable video in our back office so we can promote it in our website

    There are other changes which I love to share but forgot now, when I remember I will let you know..

    Fakhrul Alam

  • Hi Joel, Great stuff! Thanks for continuing to improve every product that you have produced especially GVO Conference (Meet Cheap). I like the Cloud Hosting idea and the phone call-in feature. I need to get more help with traffic and earning commissions.

  • I would like to see sms marketing a feature of the basic service

  • I am very excited and look forward to learning and using all the tools you offer. Your presentation webinar is amazing and closed a sale for me. She was my first and only invite. I will do my best to invite more prospects to these webinars. You guys really are stepping up to the plate when it comes to new ideas and taking requests. The bonus affiliate part is very exciting and can’t wait to share this (must-have) with my network. Great Job all!

    You are Rock stars!

  • Hi Joel you guys are great its me who is lost. I will be able to give a more educated critique just give me a minute to absorb it all I have a bad memory but once I get it I will not forget. Oh the video is cool but moving your hands so much distracts me.


  • I’ve been waiting for the phone conference in gvoconference … Still this has not yet been implemented … Do you have an ETA?

  • Thank you, Joel, for asking for comments and your honest replies where answers given. Wish you would answer all questions above, even a little at a time.

    I like everything you say is on board and coming. For 5 years now I’ve liked it! No complaints in that area.

    To no avail in five years, I’ve asked several times that billing identify the actual product/service being paid for each payment. Saving yourselves the trouble to make that part of your billing/payment/receipt software makes my bookkeeping and product tracking a time-consuming nightmare. I hope you can walk in these shoes on this concerning multiple payments you make to one company. Am I really the only one who’s been asking for this?!

    With the above, it will also be a huge help if you identify the userename with the program/product being paid for, especially since different usernames are required for different programs. I very seriously would like to have one access userename for ALL products.

    What I next have to say may not be appropriate here, but my mess might help someone else come out in the open and also get needed help. Some have politely, nicely expressed similar. This is all meant to be constructive, not destructive, profitable and not complaining. My honest intentions should be seen in the light of my 5-yr loyalty record, which says a lot on your behalf.

    I’ve bought everything you’ve produced, Joel–Kiosk Titanium (and earlier) and forward–but can use none of it. I’ve promoted very little, consequently, for tech reasons stated earlier on this blog post within other’s comments and your replies to them.

    I had a little downline but need to be reinstated since my accident last year when I wasn’t online and didn’t know the card expired. Your generosity and understanding on this would be very helpful. I see a couple items are being charged again, but not the $44.99(.95?)/mo. unlimited rooms/seats special, which was being paid before card expired. I need this explained.

    Did my Titanium accnt become the new HTP for the $8.95/mo.? I need this explained.

    I’ve bought the yr.-in-advance promos a few times on different products, also. Would like that information.

    I had to get a HostGator accnt in order to keep a few clients from leaving me for downtime and other problems with Kiosk/GVO hosting. I still have domains with GVO, but no sites with them. I have much email tied up with the Titanium &/or HTP hosting, but was never able to learn how, and no knowledgeable support, to transfer those emails to another host, or somehow keep them coming to MSO Outlook, when my computer went down.

    I need some serious, consistent help to get things up and going–blogs, websites, conference rooms, video, hosting, all services, etc. I never could get one up in five years, though I bought the $120 training few years back. Neither husband nor I could get it all done, though we faithfully attended classes. I think I just irritated all the staff. Makes me feel like a real no-good and failure, yet still spending the money and communicated the problems. I guess we’re too online dummy, though keep trying over time. I do take responsibility for my failings and do not expect you to.

    It appears about half/half success rate with the posts here. I also get excited about your products and upgrades, but that doesn’t mean I can use/implement them when I get them.

    This isn’t the first time I’ve reported these things, though completion has never happened. Do “dummies” who still pay count with you?

    If you can help us, you can help ANYONE!!!!

    No hard feelings; just want to progress and profit on my investments with you and your company, and move forward. Reasonable? Are my requests reasonable?

    Blessings upon you and yours,

    Beryl Wright
    Temp. Travelling: 1-417-561-4077

  • I have read a lot of the comments and am learning so much. I am a Titanium member so do i half to pay additional for the Meet Cheap? I will continue to study your site to try to figure out what I need to do first to begin to make money. I appreciate any comment that anyone mae have. A new member of several days and am very excited.


  • Hi Joel: I appreciate the GREAT values you (GVO) offer your members or affiliates but think you are growing too quickly and therefore missing the old saying “the devil is in the details”. For example, look at the number of (general interest) unanswered questions in the blog comments. This must add inefficient workload to SUPPORT! 🙁 I believe a Blog is THE most important way to maintain communication. (I rarely check my email accounts and open 1-percent so do not like email -OR- Auto Responders) How many emails do most people open?
    I really love the new HostThenProfit and realize you have been very busy implementing it.
    I would really like to have access to recent Academy sessions. Are they archived and accessible by members? If so, the links have been hidden in some obscure spot!
    Best Regards, A Lost Optimist ;|

  • Hi, I’m from Australia & was about to join your web hosting site. It looks great and for internet marketing, great! Unfortunately, when I clicked on the GVO saved address link, up popped a dark blue screen with music in the background & message by reckzor hacker! I was so worried that I let it go over night. I was back on this morning and things are normal again. That is great & I’m sure to join! Who is this ‘reckzor’? So long as things are okay, I’m ready to go and be a part of you guys. The host and tools seem awesome!

    Thanks, Mark (Australia)

    • Hi Mark

      We caught that very quickly thanks for the update. GVO is clustered amongst a ton of servers. The server was not hacked but spoofed. What I mean is they spoofed the IP address and redirected traffic
      It was fixed very quickly

  • Joel, will GVO be offering cloud backup like carbonite or cloudzow? I’m using Cloudzow now and don’t know if this would fit your portfolio of products.

  • Joel, will GVO be offering cloud backup like carbonite or cloudzow? I’m using Cloudzow now and don’t know if this would fit your portfolio of products.

  • Hi Joel and Mike,
    You are doing a fantastic job thank you guys so much for your hard work. There really is nothing out there like GVO!

    I do wonder when the thing you have talk about for off line or local businesses will be ready for us? 🙂 I am excited.


  • Joel I think some templates for Esponder Pro would be create. Although we beat Aweber and others I think you can add to the GVO and Host Then Profits advantage by adding Template for the emails that go out from Eresponder.

  • Referred to your site and haven’t joined yet.
    Do you have the capabiity of setting anchor text within the site?
    Can we adjust head and meta tags?

    Thanks for reading

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