Want To Make $1000.00 a Day? It’s Our $10 000.00 Contest!


The contest Starts at 12:01am Saturday June 20th and will finish Sunday June 21st at 11:59:59 PM Central time!

Anyone who gets 20 FML signups or more over the weekend that validate their email address I will give you $1.00 per signup!

PLUS..the top 4 get:

First place gets $2500.00
Second place gets $1000.00
Third place gets $500.00
Fourth place gets $250.00

Note: This is not a daily but a full weekend contest.




Below is the details of the original contest!

Starting on Monday June 15th 2015 at 12pm Eastern time you can make $1000 dollars a day every day until and including Friday June 19th 2015.

Here is how it works.

This is a FREE leads contest to the “Free Marketing Lifestyle”. For every member who joins and validates their email it will count as a lead towards the contest.

First prize each day is $1000
Second prize each day is $500
Third prize each day is $250
Fourth prize each day is $250

And that is for FREE signups!! Yes get paid for FREE signups!

Here are the terms. Don’t commit fraud by signing people up off your own computer. We can detect that easily so don’t do it. We are looking for REAL customers who want our top notch free coaching!


And do not forget, regardless of if you win or not.. anyone who joins under you and upgrades means commissions for life for you!!

This is going to be fun and very profitable!!


Here is some ad copy to use


Subject Line: FREE mentoring and coaching from a multi-millionaire (no catches or strings)


Hi %%FirstName%%,

This is truly insane!!

Eight figure per year earner Joel Therien is starting his very own truly
free coaching program.

Here is the best part!! Ready?

No credit card is EVER needed, no strings attached, no one time offers and no upsells!


Someone like Joel is willing to give back to the internet community that has served him so well!!

But hurry!

Joel can only take on 500 new FREE clients!

Take action now by joining here:

>> http://www.freemarketinglifestyle.com/?id=%%Name%%

(replace %%Name%% with your GVO or Pureleverage Username)

— Your Name



–Joel Therien
Founder and CEO
GVO & Pureleverage.com

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