We know what you want to see added to GVO!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I hear you loud and clear on what you want to see added to GVO. The overwhelming response was more simplification and a really easy to use but awesome web site builder.

The second most popular response was more features added to the eresponder. This came in from alot of the seasoned marketers, SO our next blog will be all about the eresponder.

Please post your comments, as I really value your opinions. Are we on the right track? Please post your thoughts. Is a cool web site builder number 1 to most of you?

Please let me know 😀

–Joel Therien













76 Responses to We know what you want to see added to GVO!

  • Does your hosting platform have cpanel with fantastico? Can it be used to make a blog?

  • Really need to know HOW to use the eResponder for my own projects. Also, it’s a pain to get my own list put into eResponder. I know you have to watch out for the spammers, but isn’t there some way to help the most of us who would NEVER spam anyone?

  • Hi, Joel and Mike,

    Yes i can hear and see You
    loud and clear, as well –

    but only for some seconds
    i can hear You take a deep breeze!

    Would like to get more
    of the desired infos.

    I started to take action now
    and got some 12 domains yet.
    With Ur 52Templates reseller rights
    i am going to build up the pages.

    Thanks for NOW!

    God bless!
    Rev.Bishop Uwe A.E.Rosenkranz

  • Sounds great!
    Will this also work for websites in german language? I mean with forms and thank you pages etc.? Will the buttons be “personalizeable”?

  • Yep Your on the right track! Anything that increases the value of gogvo even more is good for me and all of us!

    The sound of that website builder is good…. Any really good Gogvo wordpress templates?

  • Hi Guys,

    If you really want to reinvent the wheel with this web builder instead of creating plugins for wordpress that’s fine, as someone who has built and used every website editor out there I want to give you some advice as to what will really make your builder better than the rest.

    I know this is not for the advanced users but a very important thing to think about is the templates. Make sure it’s easy to integrate a template into your builder. Make sure you provide the people that want it access to the .psd files so they can make changes they need. Also in the example you said if the car dealer hosts with you, well it would be nice to be able to offer the car dealer an easy to use web editor so they can update their website themselves but in order to do that you need to be able to easily integrate someone else’s design.

    I can give you some really good examples and ideas if you want to contact me direct. I’m not soliciting my business because I don’t do that anymore but I do have a ton of knowledge that I think would be useful to you.



  • I think you guys are doing a great job. A cool web sit builder would be great and I really think a last resort customer service line with a live person to help the frustrated member would be beneficial as well. Most web hosting companies have this service.

  • Yes we want to make that money quick quick. Jumping from business to business online that don’t pay out yet keep taking our money.
    If this does not pay me asa I will once again try and find the next business that does. Don’t let us down guys. great talk but the proof is in fill OUR pockets with cash

  • Gracias Joel.

    Estamos todos en el Equipo Hispano de Ganancias GVO muy entusiasmados.

    Seria excelente tener un constructor de sitio web. Y el E-Responder es fenomenal.


    Fernando Muniz

  • I was in GVO last November. But I dropped out because the newrichreport changed to responsemagic.
    I’m back in GVO
    I need to know more about using the c-panel.
    I’m just having trouble getting it all to sink in.

  • We need sexy video players for EVP too. That will explode GVO. That’s the only thing I see that’s lacking

  • Sounds good guys – I’m looking forward to your next post about the e-responder.

    I’m sure your suggestions will help keep attrition rates down. Maybe also throw in some videos about setting up a WordPress blog – I think that would be really appreciated by noobs.

    And for those of us with blogs hosted on add-on domains elsewhere, could you include a video on how to transfer a blog to GVO.

    Thanks for being so responsive.

  • Hi Guys

    I am definitely interested in learning how to set up a reseller site which I think is what you were talking about in the video.

    I would still class myself as a newbie + Ie I know a bit but not enough so what you are planning will be very useful


  • Templates are great, but as someone says above, please have at least a few “personalizeable”. Meaning that if we don’t use English we can translate to or own languages. That is not possible when the text is in the jpg´s/pictures. Looking forward to that.

  • Good Morning,Gentlemen!
    The video was very choppy, had to restart it several times, but admittedly it could be just my machine.
    Anyway, your are correct when we say, we know in our hearts that the
    GVO products and services are valuable.
    But how do we make money with what is there?

    I still don’t fully get it, especially since I cannot hear the audio of the video.
    I have a domain name, website (blog).
    But making money in 1 day, seems to be unrealistic.
    Is there a text of these instructions?

    Thanks, Yvonne Finn

  • can you get rid of the question every time i post i forget its there and have to type this out again !! .hope the web designer is gonna be drag and drop .as the one at kiosk was limeted and i didnt get on with it. also could you simplify the eresponder and prospecting tools and provide some form of check mark so that we know that what we have done is right / working. thanks

  • YES, you are on the right track. I have my domain name and pointed to GVO BUT I did NOT know what to do with it!

    Your idea regarding small business I can do. Let’s get it ON!


  • Thanks Joel,
    What about the website builder that is in the back office now?
    It will not let me upload the files to my cpanel?

  • I’d like to see a hosting reseller template that allows us to enter our payment processor, create hosting plans, and then publish this so visitors can choose a hosting plan, order and then receive their hosting details (login etc). That would be really cool.

  • Awesome! Thanks guys, this is just what I need. I’m excited about the residual income aspect of reselling hosting, and just needed a litle direction.
    A customizable template for a generic business would be great too!
    GVO Rocks!

  • Supplemental:

    re: your idea of selling hosting to small business:

    In your new information, please include for us newbies:

    1. Just what is included with GVO hosting and the tracking as indicated in your video

    2. HOW do I incorporate THEIR domain name into my GVO account … elementary for you but a complete mystery to me!

    3. How do they get the tracking results IF their domain name is INSIDE MY GVO account?

    4. Any any other details you think would be helpful


  • Exactly what is needed guys.
    This will help and compliment
    my other business.

    I dn’t remember but will there be
    Newsletter templates available with GVO?

    Thanks again.

    ~ Jeff <

  • Excellent guys, a web site builder for the new peeps.
    This could and will be a great feature. Looking forward
    to this. You guys just keep making GVO better and better.
    Thank you are awesome.

  • Hi Joel and mike,
    Has this is an international and multinational people enrolling for our programs I think that we should have translated in most of the international languages were people will understand the importance of our programe like people all over the world comming together unitedly contributing together to help grow in life …something like this.

    yeah! site builder is good it is a good Impression.

  • Hi guys,

    I know it is hard to believe that you can improve such a marvelous set of tools, but you are on the right track. A better webbuilding tool with templates would be good. WordPress templates are a great idea, but members will have to use their own hosted WordPress (WordPress.org NOT wordpress.com)

    Training material and videos for the 1st and 2nd steps are esential. When I first joined I found it very difficult to understand all that was going on. How to interact with leads, how to eMail these leads. Took a while to work out the “Editor”. Maybe a blog filled with training videos would help. I know you have training videos for every tool, but no training video for the home page. Understanding all the stats and understanding how all the tools work together.

    I believe that the tools here at GVO are the best I have come across but like everything in life, I (and lots of others like me) am only using 40% to 50% of the tools and not using them to their full potential.

    Still a great site and I am very happy to be a member and to promote GVO

  • Hi Guys great stuff! One consideration in developing easy steps regarding the: Do You Want to add a video to your web site or lead capture page.
    You specifically mentioned Do you want to shoot a video?
    It would also be helpful at that juncture if you also ask the Question:
    Or do you hae a video that you would like to upload – then bring them to the easy video console.

  • Hi joel and mike,
    Website builder is really good idea it will create a good impression also.
    Having a sales pitch with lots of advantages and how we are different than the other website programs great!!!

  • Yes Joel an Mike I do have website, But cluess on how to build one.
    Can I ask one question, how do you get the Emails form you capture page
    is there data base with the names or what,
    Please help with this question
    Yes i am Newbie
    George B Russell

  • I hear you guys loud and clear just need a little bit more help.

  • Hi, Joel.

    I don’t speak english very well, but I want to ask you write the “idea”, make a link to little text resume in the blog, that we can use a “copy and paste” traslator to every language people have. I think you have a good offer to the world, but most of us need help.

    Thanks again,

  • My Team Needs The Newbie Tools Now Not Down The Road .

    The newbie Needs to See that They Can Do this

    They need a WYSISWYG Website and Blog Builder Built in Now !

    The Newbie Dose Not Know a Cpanel or Word Press From a Compress.

    They need Live tutorials on How to do This Now .

    I will NOT Let My team Fail.

    That said I Need Your Help GVO .

    I need These Tools Now.


    Sincerely Yours

    John R Proulx

  • For eResponder Pro, I would love to see a bit more automation – specifically that when a subscriber gets to the end of the follow up messages for one list he is automatically moved to a different list. The other, both on eMail and in general is a good tracking utility.

    Diane Merriam

  • Joel and Mike,

    The website builder sounds great. Will there also be something on creating traffic after the website is published, especially for those of us who don’t already have a list?

    In addition, how is this going to work for affiliate marketers who want to market, well, GVO for instance? Do you need a different website for each product you market or can it be one website with separate pages for different products?

    Besides an outstanding website, I feel my biggest problems are with generating traffic so folks can opt in and start building a targeted list.

    Thanks for all your work!



  • Great stuff guys! When asking them if they want to record a video I would make sure that they have an option to upload a video in case they already have one or maybe a video commercial for their business.

    I would also not give them an option of yes or no for a lead capture form. Just make it so they simply have to decide where to place the form on the web page. Since lead capture is one of the most important components of our system then it should be mandatory to have it on a new website. This is why GVO’s new website builder will be more effective than any other on the market since it will truly be a turn-key money making system.

    Steve Wright

  • Hi guys,

    Good idea.Free web site builder with ready templates.
    There a many web site builders like kompozer,dream wheaver etc.
    I have instaling 3 web buiders on my computer.Do you your web hosting
    working with different web site builders?



  • Joel and Mike,

    Great video and I’m loving your determination to pass value to new Internet marketers. I’m looking forward to hearing more. It wasn’t totally clear to me if you are going to teach new marketer how to start their own business website, or how to sell all the great GVO tools to a small business.

    If I’m brand new and haven’t gone through the process of building my own site… plus learning how to advertise, market and promote it; how am I going to be able to do this for a small business. I’m not saying it can’t be done. A $10 monthly charge might work for the newbie, and a more experienced marketer could probably charge $110 monthly if they know how to do a little SEO, etc.

    Just some thoughts! Keep up the great work!!


  • Guys

    Your plans to offer website builder is great. It will help people with little or non computer experience to get going.

  • i had a problem settin up last night.not clear about start up

  • I would also like to see a WYSIWYG Editor and since I try to make my own graphics it would be great to have that ability. ie. a Header and footer area in a variety of different sizes.

    Thanks Guy’s!

    GVO just keeps Rockin’ my World!


  • Websites Need Content, Content and Content. Thanks Guys!!

  • This is exactly what we need. Build it and set it free! The one thing I’d like to know is after a website is built and you hit publish, where does it go to get exposure, who’s going to see it. How does it get pushed out to the major search engines, high traffic websites or social sites, blogs, etc? will we have a button for that as well?

    Keep us posted like I know you always well.

    Chuck in California

  • Hy:

    How important is foryou the spanish market.

    What did you have in spanish????

    I follow you sveralyears….now I will trait again… yest give something in spanish…. I want trait without a Webmaswter… Iam yest a BusinnesMan and old to

  • Why are you complicating everything.

    Step 1) get a domain name
    Step 2) get your blog up via cPanel & fantastico
    Step 3) get your website up via “Site Builders” on cPanel


  • This is great keep it up guys. truly an excellent video.

  • Great Tool. But remember: A website Builder is not easy to use for a newbie, so make it simple: a couple of clicks and the page must be ready.

    Another suggestion:
    Set up a domain with WHM is something impossible for some People… May be you could offer the “Domains setup” service.

    Thank you!!

  • your right joel you and mikey can’t act, but what you did manage to do did get the message across.thank’s joel i need the copy of the way you worded your pitch because as you know i am a newbie. with a canned pitch that we can learn we will have the opportunity to turn our efforts into success. keep up the good work guy’s. peace be with you
    i pray that our lord and savior jesus christ will truly bless your effort’s.

  • Joel I am glad that you will be doing an easy website builder, one website I sue with another company earns me $400 year..thats cheap and I only updated once.

    I know I have said it before when you were kiosk and now gvo, its good the way you can add loads of packages but what was always needed was an easy website builder just like we have an easy video producer (*That is the business).

    This is and will be a very exciting developement and one I look forward too, and with a bit of simple training people can and will make money.

    You would be suprised how many people just want a simple website put up !

    And its important and good news that we can add capture forms.

    One company here charges $340 for 1st page ( and you get it) and then $136 per page after that.

    One more thing that could kick ass and make extra cash is a logo creator.

    How cool is that.

    And yes a few more features like aweber have just for the purpose is that when we are introducing gvo we can say we have the same features as aweber but we go one better with all the other tools.

    Gvo will then rock ( already does) but you know what I mean.

    by the way I do create my own logos using a design software and it really makes a difference to my website.

    logo creation for websites on its own can be also a fab add on

    Thanks lot for listening


  • Hey Guys!

    You are definitely on the right track with step by step features for us newbies to get a website up and running. Even more importantly, how to build in a opt-in form and then finally…how to tie it in to our Eresponder. I love baby steps with videos that I can work side by side with the person on the video who is building a complete model from start to finish.

    I would also like to see a a continuing video series on every tool that is available to us at GVO and how to tie those tools into the website that we just built from the first series of videos that was mentioned above.

    Follow the K.I.S.S. principle and you will continue to be the best hosting site on the web.

    Go GVO …. and thanks for all that you do for your members!

  • I was hoping that you will lay out exactly the order in what we do. Like Step 1 then do this in step 2 but I never did anything because do you start with ad copy first,then where to you place ads then do you write minumun of 7 emails for the autoresponder. Do you always give free items for the first 7 email letters, so as to build trust for your potential customer.When can you mention your primary company. You guys are great and I know that what ever you give us will be the best. Thanks

  • It is a nice gesture. But, get me tools online to open a web page. What I have shown in the dialogue box above is my blog where I have just started posting articles. Guide me further because, although I am quite aged, I am still a novice and not that tech-savvy. Thank you any way.

  • Hola como estas : JOEL & MIKE creative artistic open minded

    Entrepreneurs*,GVO WIZARDS ,I sure Love your smooth

    Cool VIBS*your passion,compassionate,open MINDED,creative approach(OUT OF THE BOX)…….

    an the fact that you really care.

    I love the new IDEAS for web builder an when will we be able to IMPORT


    Anyways Joel & mike an all GVO Behind the scenes WIZARDS.

    FIRSTS #-1-QUESTION: or a suggestion:
    In my back office:where I,can view all my downLine members

    My FREE ones an My PENDING ONES:

    I, think : we/OR/,I,should be able to KEEP all of them within

    the GVO SYSTEM, with-out GVO automatically REMOVING them .

    I also Know that ,I can create a,separate WORD PAD FILE or some

    other source FILE to keep them,BUT ,I just think an feel GVO “SHOULD

    NOT DELETE them.

    SECOND #-2-QUESTION:::IS their a WAY to CREATE ,GET the HTML





    or any of these “RED””HOT” PROSPECT CAPTURE PAGES

    I ,want to be able persay ,that I ,can get the CODES ,an ADD to

    ONE of My other capture pages that ,I use for multiple STREAMS
    of business opportunitys.

    as these CONVERT GREAT as you are aware of.


    my back -office always LOCK-UP an this “ONLY” HAPPENS

    with the vids in /within my GVO * its very FRUSTRATING .

    I ,have sent many help tickets concering this ISSUE:an still

    has NOT be FIXED.an this ONLY HAPPENS WITH all



    FOLKS to COMMENT an RATE at YOUTUBE infact all the COOL

    VID social WEB-SITES : so you send out messages to all of us asking


    mi amigo I as!! well NEED your HELP COMMENTS AN you RATING My

    VIDS an BLOGS an every thing.You must by NOW KNOW WHOM


    WIZZARD DRAGON STICKS any thing about GVO an GDI AN












    GRACIAS ::
    626-893-0033 24/7

    YOUR FREE GIFTS:be sure you use these.







  • I think that actually, you both make up quite a good screen presence. The ‘active’ Joel and the ‘quiet’ Mike – It’s off-beat, it works.
    I especially liked the sequence where Joel asks Mike to be the Car Salesman, who subsequently goes on to say typically very little (for any business in such a situation) other than, “I don’t have any time, or much money and I don’t really know whether what I’m doing is working.” The only part I’d change was at the beginning, because most people STILL DON’T think they need a website..
    Now if you could make a video of just this, that we could use as affiliates, y’know, give them an affiliated link of it, it would have great value.

  • Slip Test or Competition Witness in Site Builder


    I feel great all they are doing. It is excellent.

    My request is:

    “Slip Test or Competition Witness in Site Builder”

    It would be very important that the web site builder
    had a Slip Test or Competition Witness for measurable
    results pages comparing one with another and that each
    user can constantly improve their pages.


    Fernando Muñiz

  • Hey Guys… just a short note on the new /index3.php page. That is simply AWESOME. I’m the process of getting the “bad boy” out in every way that I know how.

    I watched the blog yesterday, but I have to tell you… you exceeded my expectations.

    I’m almost thinking that I would just drop the $1 offer.

    …simply fantastic. Gotta get back to work. I’m really excited now!

    Thanks Guys!!!!


  • Hi Joel and Mike,
    Great video as always. You are bringing so many great features to the table that just keeps getting better and better for everyone.

    Would it be possible to get the notification in the flashroom when minimized like it was in the old hotconference room and when text is typed it shows up so you know that someone typed in chat area and you can go and answer or see what was typed. That way when multi-tasking you can know if someone has typed a question or problem that may require your attention.

    That is one of the things that I miss from the old room and was very useful if you keep your room open and do multi-tasking at the same time.
    The doorbell lets you know that someone came in and have no questions and do not want chat then if you go back to multi-tasking and they type something in the chat area after sometime you do not know unless you happen to bring that room back to the front.

    Sure hope that this can be included in the new room.

    Thanks and have a great and wonderful week,
    August Wusterhausen
    Or AugustW

  • Hey Guys and Staff
    I think you are on the right track with reseller website builder. I would like here not to rehash what has been said before me but, These readers have brought up some very important points to consider and embed in the website task. A training video as well as the written word would be helpful also. Remember, not all users are seasoned… easy to understand…easy to use…

  • Try this again. First let me ask 10 and 9 makes 19 correct? Cripe.

    I wrote how excited I am that you are doing this series of videos, because when I logged into my back office I was overwhelmed with the changes and did not understand most of them, if they were a part of my back office for my use to promote or what.

    My biggest challenge is writing ads for classifieds. And off line promotions. Can use a hand with this in a huge way.


  • Buenos días
    Sigo insistiendo en que si Joel Therien tubiera en cuenta a los hispanos o sea que si estas promociones tambien fueran en nuestro idioma (Español) otro serían los resultados, porque a pesar de la limitacion del lenguaje entre los 15 primeros hay 5 de habla española, ¿no cree que esto se merece un analisis serio? Munmi entró al concurso tardíamente o sino estoy seguro que hubiera ganado.
    De todas maneras gracias, por esos estimulos
    Gustavo Varón U

  • Hey guys,

    maybe I missed something, but i wanted to ask a question about what Joel stated on the blog about charging new clients a monthly hosting fee. For hosting accounts I know that I can charge $10.00 per month for an account, but when Joel was talking about having the customer have access to everything with one click my understanding is that in order for a client to have this ability they would need to be a full GVO client. Am I understanding that correctly?

  • The use of a back door (office) is critical since cybersecurity had best be everyone’s concern.

    Working on my site with my host in transition: gg@cleartrust.org

  • Joel and Mikey P.,

    I really love the idea of a build your web site link in the back office. Make sure you include a template for someone like me who wants to use their site to promote GVO. Templates that are the same as our affiliate links would be great. That would get new members up and running fast to promote GVO. Thanks in advance for all your help.

    Joe Prokopchak

  • Joel, & Mike

    I just had to write a comment about the new affiliate page.
    It is absolutely fabulous. You couldn’t ask for anything more or
    more complete.
    You guys are amazing with everything you do.
    I am so glad to be a member of GVO.

    Thanks for everything

    Ray Hubbert

  • Hola Joel
    Quería agradecerte por todas las molestias que te tomas con nuestro equipo hispano para que esto funcione cada vez mejor.
    Te cuento que a mi me encantaría que pudieras mandarnos tus mails de novedades en español, si fuera así, sería fantástico.
    Saludos cordiales
    Sandra Podestá

  • As GVO for internet marketer may I suggest GVO have a secure download page and secure download link feature (tools)

    Most internet marketer sell ebook. By having a secure download and secure download link, this will prevent those who do not purchase from access the download page and sharing the download link example at forum.

    Zamil Ramli

  • For those of us that came in from the Windows world where everything is a GUI how about dropping the MySQL GUI Workbench into the CPANELS? And what happend to the forums? I can’t find them anywhere.


  • Payment Processor Integration, especially starting with the big ones like PayPal, Authorize.net,. 2Com. So when a customer buys your product, they are automatically added into your list and receive the first email, possible with the download link to your product. Similar to what Aweber has.

  • Cool video. I think I am begining to understand how to put it all together. Keep up the good work.

  • Hi I Know This Request is Strange But Since the Owners Of Presalevideo’s are

    Premier Members In GVO .

    Is There Any Way GVO Can encourage the Integration of the GVO eResponder into The presalevideos.com System ?

    The Fit Would Seem to Be a Natural

    Thanks Sincerely

    John Proulx


  • Hi Joel,

    I have some suggestions for GVO Downline!
    How to improve our Downline Management!

    –>>> I’m gonna go straight to my point
    and a short explication to each one!

    First Suggestion!

    Remove the 4 people direct referral
    Rule and let the GVO customers receive
    from the start the 10 level Earnings


    You may think that by implementing this rule
    people are motivated, to work until they have
    at least 4 direct referrals, to earn their
    10 level commissions.

    The mass of population: they want fast results.
    Many people don’t know how to use the GVO
    products but they are willing to pay the
    44.95 if they see fast earnings results.

    The GVO customers who didn’t refer anyone and
    are benefiting from the upline spillovers are
    more willing to pay the monthly fee of 44.95
    because they see fast results.!!!

    Like you said “Time is everything” the sooner
    you join the better it is lock your position.

    I think this potential earnings or 4 referrals
    is useless because you will need 20 persons
    to refer to pay your monthly GVO fee.

    In conclusion with or without this rule
    people would work and promote if they
    like the GVO products or GVO Earnings.
    Fast earning results equals more motivation then
    potential or restricted earnings.

    Second Suggestion!

    Most of the GVO members are also GDI members
    it’s a fact.
    We can learn from their downline management and
    implement some of their characteristics.

    For Example:
    Separate downline in three tables:
    A. ACtive ones (green, black, silver);
    B. Suspended Ones (orange);
    C. Closed Account (red);

    The Orange account should follow the
    Exactly rules from GDI.
    That means: If orange = you have not
    paid your monthly fee and after the 30 days
    of delay you will be orange, suspended,
    and no further commissions, until you
    reactivate your account and pay your fee.

    But in the mean time as the orange account is
    suspended let the next account take it’s
    position so that the upline member earnings should
    not be affected. after the orange account paid the
    fee he should receive his former downline position.

    With this two suggestions you improve your
    Success Rate and you are no longer lose potential
    lifelong customers.

    I hope my explanations whore helpful to you
    and helps improve the world wide payment.

  • Please for the newbie i would like to see a number system
    like when i get this done what do i do next
    or where do i go from here, lotta people just dont know

    will you transfer my site from free webs om your server and editor.
    Or do ihave to start over.

    I dont know if it is on my end but im getting in out popping audio can you let me know please.
    Thanks Dave

  • A WYSIWYG website builder would round off GVO’s amazing package of essential internet marketing tools just perfectly.

    Currently I’m researching and publishing on the subject of internet marketing basics and the must-have tools and steps for true internet marketing success. One’s own website is decidedly one of these minimum requirements although a vast number of affiliate marketers either refuse to accept this fact or shy away from it due to the design and technical difficulties involved.

    GVO’s bundle of tools like web hosting, auto email responder and lead capture system cannot be sufficiently appreciated and utilized by people who don’t (yet) have their own website. And since it is quite fundamental, including a website builder into the package would truly offer ALL the most important marketing tools for success!

    Needless to say that such an addition to the GVO package of tools will dramatically enhance recruitment potential. For example, give me one reason why someone would want or need GDI when GVO offers a super but super easy website builder as well…

  • It would be nice if some of the mayor
    tutorials of the GVO academy
    (like the ones on how to get leeds)
    could be recorded and available
    later on for people who missed it,
    for diferent reasons. In my case one
    reason is that I live in Europe and
    some conferences are broadcasted here
    at 4-5 am.

    Thanks for everything else
    and a great service.

  • Amazing video guys! 🙂

  • I would really like to see a GVO members forum put up, I really miss this type of resourcer and is the only thing missing.

    I can set one up in a blink of an eye, so it’s not that hard, why isn’t there one here? beats me?

    Also one more thing, BANNERS…. I noticed there isnt one properly sized template up for a profile in facebook banner (html blocl or tab), it would have to straight html as it doesn’t like script. Having a banner on ones profile page is more visible than a group or fan page, in any case, it’s another option that is going to waste.

    Will I ever get an akowledgment to these suggestions? would they be implemented? only time will tell. 🙂

  • I would rearlly like to see a GVO members forum put up, I rearlly miss this type of resourcer and is the oly thing missing.

  • I would love to have Article marketing tools in our GVO backoffice!

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