What do you want to see added to our Eresponder Pro?

Hi Everyone!

We have a special blog coming from my home today…

Mark Call and Ken Hammond are in town.. We are working very hard this week with the GVO leaders to simplify the members area a TON

So that the new internet marketer knows EXACTLY what step one is!

To the seasoned marketer client.. I need your opinions on new features for the Eresponder Pro..

What ever feature you would like to see added to the Eresponder please post them on the blog today. All I ask is please be VERY SPECIFIC and detailed on what you would like to see.


Please detail what the usefulness of the new feature will be..

For example..

“I would like to see this specific feature because it will do X for my business and all members of GVO”

Have an AWESOME weekend and thank you so much for your very valuable time in helping us make our Eresponder the best in the industry!

–Joel Therien






174 Responses to What do you want to see added to our Eresponder Pro?

  • I have multiple capture pages built in GVO using the easy video producer. Great product! However, some of the embed templates have banners which include text that cannot be edited, would be nice to have ability to edit the banners included in template. 2nd.. Please supply some templates which allow you to post a link rather than a form.. and Finally, since I have multiple capture pages linking to one e-responder campaign.. I would really like to see under subscriber stats which capture page it was that they opted in from- Since I have multiple captures going to one e-responder, would like to know which subscribers align with which capture page. This way i can see which one is getting best results.



  • Hi Joels,

    Thanks for this topic, Yes I want to add that whenever we send follow up message we want that our domain should be send other gogvo.com……. Instead of gogvo.com…… I need my domain to be send so it brands my website.

    I am sure you understand what I am trying to say.

    Fakhrul Alam

  • Great information guys…

    The one thing I would like to see added to the Eresponder has to do with the subscribers.

    Please add update profile link/feature along side the unsubscribe link that goes out in emails to subscribers.

    Some subscribers may only want to change their email address associated with the list they are on, and not wanting to unsubscribe.

    This would prevent subscribers from having to find the original optin page and continue deliverabilty of emails after someone has closed out one of the email accounts.

    Thanks again!

  • hi…

    I’m from malaysia and full time networker(off line )….
    Can you give me one person from malaysia that active with gogvo….
    so that I can change my mind…..
    I want learn more how to use gogvo….
    i want open one website gogvo malay version..



  • Hi Joel, Mikey P., Ken and Mark,

    I am at a loss for words to express how fantabulous GVO, and its leaders are. It does truly keep getting better with every passing day.

    The new Steps to start up a GVO business will be invaluable. This will make an enormous difference to the new people for sure (and others too) and definitely reduce the frustration level.

    THANK YOU for all that you do.

    Warmest regards,

  • Hey Guys!

    First of all, I want to say you all do a fantastic job and I really love and appreciate how dedicated you are to us and our success. Wouldn’t it be great if all companies did business that way?

    One thing I’d like to see with the eresponder is a feature that would offer templates to be used for newsletters, ezines, and ecourses that we could modify and customize for our needs. One of the most intimidating things for a lot of us is the idea of creating these from scratch. Having prebuilt templates that can be used with little need for creativity AND that more experienced users can modify and customize would be an excellent tool.

    Thanks for listening guys and keep up the good work!

    Pat Benage

  • I am not sure how this works, but Aweber has a figure that allows you to retrieve your form code as HTML and a simple Java link.
    For example, all the email forms on this site was made with their Java link: http://www.rjovideoreview.com/ just click on any link on the right column to see what I mean. Can this be incorporated by use (the Java code). I would really like to stop paying Aweber a monthly fee.

  • Hey!

    First of all, I think that e-responder is working very good. However, I had to purchase Aweber, as I need to get my campaign email address. For example, if the name of my campaign is fastdrive, then Aweber will give me the email – fastdrive@aweber.com. So, this is the great way how to produce leads from forums, where you cannot post your web address.

    So, it would be good, if each campaign could have its own email address.

    Kind regards,
    Ivo Holsts

  • Hi Joel & Mike,

    Well I haven’t even seen the Eresponder yet but I woke up this morning and saw the request for feedback email so this is what I hope I find.

    I like to participate in many different programs & sites, I am a cheap program junkie!

    I’m hoping that when I go to the eresponder that I will be able to keep all my programs, safelists, social sites etc. categorized, listed, identified, keywords, custom verbage email specific for each site.

    I want to be able to take each of my new members from the various programs that I belong to and be able to enter their name into somewhere that is case specific for the program that they are coming from so the email that goes to them is tailored to the program they are in.

    e.g., I get 1 new member from Orange Leads (List Builder), 2 new members from HitsBoosterPro (Traffic Exchange), 3 new members from Wise Move Safelist (Safelist), etc. I’d like to be able to simply wake up each morning be able to see my various programs (by category, safelist, traffic exchange, games etc.), see who’s joined and be able to populate my new members name & email somewhere so that the email campaign is taylored to the membership site they are from. (and maybe the option to have one of the various sites that I belong too appear in my email noted that this is a favorite or recommended site worth visiting for: traffic, list building, education, hosting, entertainment, news etc (applicable categories). [cross marketing] just 1 though, don’t want to overload the member and this feature should be optional & and of course the GVO offering standard)

    I’ve been on the internet for 5 years now and I’ve yet to earn more than $500 a year… I am so excited about GVO I expect that this is the one program that I’m going to have a success story come from I really want to work from home so I can quit my day job and play online, I’m sure I’m not alone.

    Well I’ll be watching lot’s of videos today getting aquanted with all the GVO has to offer.

    Thanks guys great job!

    Joel your energy is just awesome and inspirational!


  • Hey Guys…You ROCK!
    I have had some requests from the field to have newsletter templates that can be selected from.

    Thanks so much!


  • First I would love to see the ability to email my autoresponder –

    So just email to listname@gvoautorespondername.com directly

    Its one feature that stops me from moving all my stuff off aweber
    And more importantly from moving my customers off Aweber and onto eresponder.

    2nd And I also agree with Fakhrul Alam Says: March 6th, 2010 at 7:00 am on how do we get it to send followup from our domain name so it helps us brand our sites.

    Thanks –
    Gregory Burrus

  • I am just getting started moving my 20k list over, so you may allready have this feature, and I just did not see it yet.

    I need the ability to unsub someone from a non-buyer list when they get on my buyers list.

    That way they don’t have to figure out which list to get out of on their own. Will also prevent the “looking folish” sending of the same promotion twice to someone ’cause they are in two lists.



  • Guys;
    Thanks for all the hard work. Quick update on where we are with being able to resell the individual products/tools-?ie? SniperHost. Will we have individual product $1 trials to offer with ea. product and will there be a GVO Eresponder series to help plug-in with these trials to help convert sales?
    Dave D

  • Hi, Joel, MikiP and team,
    thanks 4 the great features.

    1) would like to see this specific feature:
    track code could be http://sokule.com/postit/ROSARY
    or http://ROSARY.gogvo.com/index3.php
    or http://ROSARY-RIDGEBED.twitter.com
    but only 20 charakters are allowed.
    Is it possible to give an icon as tracker?

    pls set it up to 30 .

    because it
    will do X for my business and all members of GVO. 🙂

    2.) I transfered 10 domains into GVODNS.COM
    and want to send with the campaign
    with every email one link to one of the prepared sites.
    With the metatag generator on the sites it
    will allow to get the rank of the sites higher.
    Is it so?

    3.) When importing my EVP list into GVO eresponder
    by CVS file, each subscriber has to push another link.
    Same with all leads generated before with Kiosk.
    This is cusing thinking twice to my dear customers and friends.
    When adding manually it´s the same.
    How can we reduce the redundance?

    4.) when getting mailed from GVO members,
    i often get it 4 to 5 times.
    Then it needs a push button, to
    get only once into the campaign lists.
    (not the unsubscribe link, that would
    hinder all later mailings)

    5. as resale right holder of 52 templates,
    shall i give an free offer of one template
    as an example to each subscriber?
    when doing 10 mails in a campaign
    it will increase the conversion rates.
    same with other incentives.

    Thanks for now!


  • One thing that I find very annoying is getting emails sent by an autoresponder from an uplines and other GVO members that are not really intended for me as a member of GVO.
    So my question or suggested feature is this: When people subscribe to my blog can that name and email be checked by the system to see if that person is a member of GVO. Then if when the name appears on my subsriber list it would have a flag noting them as a GVO member.
    This would allow me to create a list of subscribers/campaign for GVO members. ie. instead of burying them with emails trying to get them to become a member of GVO, I can move them to a members list and target my emails to them more on keeping up with what’s new at GVO etc.

    Ultimately,the ability to break down your lists by whose a member of what will help bring more acurate stats on emails. Broadcasting to my entire list, is not always helpful. Plus making it easy for people to customize lists more can only improve your relationship with people on your list by not making them feel as though they are just a name on a list getting emails that don’t apply to them.

    And email does not feel like it is being written to me, just because it has my name in the subject line, if the subject is not applicable.

  • e responder needs to allow attachments !!

  • Something very important is missing!!

    A feature that would allow to separate your prospects list from customers list.

    If I have a list of prospects in an autoresponder series and some of them become customers, I want them on a separate list.

    So i.e. on a thankyou page I give them another opt in customer only form and when they join the customer list, they are automatically unsubscribed from the prospect list.

    Aweber does this!


  • Needed features to be added to eresponder.

    1. Ability to upload csv,comma delimited existing list from excell or other spreadsheets, notepad etc.
    2. Although you allow us to extract contacts from our email accounts, we have additional list that need to be imported: some into designated folders that we can name if necessary for tracking purposes.
    3. With all do respect to spamming regulations,in reference to # 1, it would be great to have the ability to upload list and do a broadcast with our fresh leads who have not yet opted in – with the unsubscribe or change of subscription available as an option. This is especially important for the experienced marketers who are moving their list from Aweber, Get Response, Icontact etc. I for one am inviting experienced and non-experienced alike to come over to GVO because of ease of integration.
    4. Ability to export list from my email and list sections on the site.
    4a…I for one am a strong proponent of establishing relationships with new people who I may want to pitch a product or service to, but initially along the lines of attraction marketing, I want to provide them with helpful info like a video download, steps to success ebooks or mp3s, invitation to subscribe to my newsletter or blog.

  • I would like to type my own text in the opt in forms… rather than the standard fill out the form below.

    Also I would like some generic gvo newsletter templates

    Customisable forms is the biggie rather than two little boxes on a plain white background. colours shapes borders styles integration with the team over at Xsite Pro would be fantastic… some of the other big email providers like gogvo are already integrated with XsitePro! Which has a massive list of internet marketers and web designers! Give me a call and I will give you more reasons to concider this!

  • Hi Joel:

    With the last improvements to Eresponder Pro (why not telling only ERP like EVP, GVO) It ready for anything I can´t imagine the new features you just announced but by now I am used to be surprised by GVO programmers.

    So, I think that the only two important things which all GVO members need are:

    – Bring more Prospects to our links and

    – Talk with them in order to do the KNOW, LIKE and TRUST.

    The second one is obviously our task and with your great leaders and the Academy Lessons I think any newbie can (If he try) get the ability to talk people or at least invite them to the GVO Rooms but the first one is really a challenge to all us, newbies and experienced networkers.


    Why not GVO generate leads and then distribute them into the GVO members like a bonus ?

    It can be a real Partnership beteewn GVO and all members because GVO can supply with the SEO expertise and techical knoledge and we (members) can supply our LIKE and TRUST of GVO tools.

    Its too expensive for GVO ?

    Well … perhaps you can sell leads.

    Tks and have a nice weekend


  • I have many templates, where I should put in not a form but just the hidden values…

    I try to make a simple form and take the hidden values i find in the html of the form, but nothing happens. I only get “put in a email” massage when I try to subscribe….

    This templates are made for Aweber and its sad if I have to pay for a weber acount just to get the opt in page to function.

    Is there something I can do…with our form inside eResponder or is that possible to make.


  • Hola,

    Gracias por el trabajo excelente que están haciendo.

    Escribo en español para poder expresar bien lo que
    quiero yo y el equipo hispano de GVO.

    Estas son dos funciones muy importantes para agregar
    al E-Responder Pro.

    1. Cuando tenemos prospectos en varias listas del
    autorresponder y enviamos un broadcast nos gustaría
    que el sistema reconozca los emails duplicados y
    envíe solo un mensaje por prospecto. Así el prospecto
    no recibirá emails duplicados. He tenido quejas sobre
    porque les llegan mensajes duplicados. Esto es importante.

    2. Que el E-Responder Pro. Permita copiar suscriptores
    de una lista a otra. Explico que cuando hacemos varias
    campañas de email y estas terminan empezamos acumular en
    el E-Rosponder muchas campañas que ya no usamos. Entonces
    nos gustaría poder ir copiando suscriptores de una campaña
    a otra y borrar las que ya no sirven y no acumular tantas
    campañas que al final esta relacionado con lo anterior.
    Llegan los mensajes duplicados y se nos llena el E-Responder
    Pro de campañas de email que ya no usamos y queremos crear
    nuevas campañas. Esto es muy importante.

    Gracias por todo y espero que puedan añadir estas dos
    características al E-Responder Pro.


    Fernando Muñiz

    33213, Gijón. España

  • I don’t know if your familiar with squeeze page theme. But i really like to use your form wizards and place them on my squeeze pages but i can’t because they’re not compatible with the squeeze theme I’m using on wordpress. They are only compatible with raw html version, can you make your forms and form wizard with raw html like aweber so i can use them on my squeezes pages.

  • Hi guys!

    Great blog.

    The GVO hosting service is GVO’s Backbone but the GVO auto responder for me is the heart of GVO’s services.

    Everyday it is getting better and better. BRAVO!

    You guys are already working on a feature that will help my online Eresponder Pro business and many others grow. I just can’t wait until it is done. This is exciting!

    I would just like to reiterate to all the GVOers out their that this is the way you guys roll! So send in your request and if it makes sense, it will get done.

    Thanks for involving us in making GVO improve everyday.

    Keith Carberry

  • I would also like to be able to send follow-up messages at different intervals of the day, instead on days at a time.

    Like so my first message goes out when they opt-in then my next message goes may 3 to 6 hours from the first one.

  • And can you add training on how we can track our emails to to see which ones grabs the most clicks and which ones subscribers unsubscribe.

  • Hello Folks,

    I would like to have the possibility of selling a Eresponder solution (as a subscription). This service is useful for any internet user and may be sold when people don´t want the full titanium package.

    F.E.: E Responder Pro: monthly fee based on subscribers. (like aweber) 😉

    The GVO member will earn a monthly commission from these subscriptions.

    What do you think about this?

    The same method would be applied to EVP and GVO conference

    Have a great day.

    Silvia Rod.

  • Joel & Mike,

    I would like to see a button in the eresponder email tool bar that converts text into a clickable link. This makes outgoing emails look more professional than just having a URL spelled out.



  • Hey Guys … you are the best. I’ve been around a while and I’ve never seen anything like GVO. From top to bottom the whole operation is first class.

    If there’s anything I’d like to see in the eResponder, it would be the dropping of duplicate emails when I send to multiple lists at once. I have people who are on 5, 6, or even 7 of my lists and when I broadcast to everybody … they get copy after copy.

    That’s the only thing I can think of. SEE YOU IN VEGAS! 🙂

  • Hey GVO Folk,

    Sometimes I receive eMail that tells me “This is not spam” and will tell me that I signed up to receive the information and it includes the date I signed up, the name I signed up under and my IP address.

    I think that would be a great feature because the recipient would know that the email was definitely not spam.

    Also, I’m not sure about this but, isn’t the eMail senders address suppose to be in the eMail. Maybe, you could have our own addresses automatically added somewhere around the unsubscribe statement.

    Thanks Guy’s,


  • Thanks for all you are providing for such a low price..

    As for the eResponder, I have had communication with your staff as to the need for us to have the IP address and Signup date in our back office. They have been very quick to respond and I now have that feature for my accounts.

    I feel that this is something that every user should have access to as well. That way any spam complaints can be nipped in the bud, just by providing the IP address and signup date. Also, it would help to have the code for this in html instead of php.

    Also a big help would be the ability to start a subscriber at any point in the series…for instance if you want to start them at message #5 or whatever you could do that.

    I’m not sure if this feature is available already, but being able to import a set of messages from one responder to another would help…of course this probably doesn’t apply to your responder as you will allow unlimited subscribers per account. But, I have had this problem with other providers and had to make new responder series as they filled up and I just imported the set of messages from the previous one.

    Keep up the great work, and please know that I am very appreciative of all that you have accomplished in your business.

  • Joel & Mike,

    A follow up to my previeous posst. In AWeber, in the toolbar for writing emails, there is a button in the top row center that is “Insert/Edit Hyperlink”. This button allows you to list a URL link, and if you like, insert text to hide/mask the link and it is a clickable link.

    I also agree that it would be really benifical for eresponder to have the capability to have different list and move subs. from one list to another list automatically. For instance, when someone buys a product, move that person to a buyers list from a leads list.

    You guys rock and are doing a great job. I really go get the feeling that you CARE about your customers and want us all to be part of the team!

    Thanks So Much,


  • Can we get some sample messages to use in
    our campaind Messages.
    Follow up messages.

    David Hutschenreuter

  • Hi Guys, great video and great product!

    I would love to see some lead capture pages for us to use that focuses on eResponder Pro, with hosting and other features as the added value. This would help us target those who already have hosting, but are looking for or looking to change autoresponder services.

    Once they start using our services, they will no doubt become hosting customers, as well. 🙂

    Thanks for everything you do,

  • I would like to have the possibility of selling a Eresponder solution (as a subscription). This service is useful for any internet user and may be sold when people don´t want the full titanium package.

    F.E.: E Responder Pro: monthly fee based on subscribers. (like aweber) 😉

    The GVO member will earn a monthly commission from these subscriptions.

    What do you think about this?

    The same method would be applied to EVP and GVO conference

    Have a great day.

  • I like what i hear here.

    It is what members want to have.

    How to use all GVO TOOLS.


  • Hi guys, really like everything you are doing ! Great Job also asking what we would like implemented ! Gvo Is more than hosting, It is Lead capture ! What I would like to see,
    1. A greater selection of unbranded templates for us to use.
    2. The option of using still photos on a template.
    3. Also would be extremely helpful if professional videos (such as mlmleadsystempro has!)were added from either Joel or someone else in the business(NOT AIRPLANES TAKING OFF or any of things that are there now!), but someone TALKING stating reasons to opt in to the page the video is placed on is on, these should be unbranded also, ( don’t won’t potential leads going around our page to the main site page and opting in for someone else). These would be much like the intro video that Joel did for the new site! These would be a great help, because we all do not have the setup or the experience to look like a pro the way you guys do it!
    I want to use GVO more as a lead capture site rather than for it’s hosting, that is what originally interested me in GVO.
    You guys are great teachers, keep it coming!!!


  • Great work guys… hope to someday be there seeing those amazing wheels in the minds of that mastermind turning. Hey great ideas one stop more user friendly start to finish.

  • I would like to see templates for newsletters. I love Gvo all of the leaders of gvo are awesome. I am proud to be a member. Sheila

  • Deliverability is the key issue. I just want GVO to continue to work with the email providers to maintain a stellar reputation so that our autoresponder messages aren’t automatically labeled as spam just because of the sending server’s address.

  • One other thought! Would also be great to have templates for cards that could be sent to customers/family/friends on special occasions to add a more personal way of staying in touch without the always marking aspect. The cards would be anniversary cards, birthday cards, thank you cards, get well cards, etc,etc… I think this may also make GVO appeal to more people, other than just marketers, for more personal reasons!!


  • Hi Team, One of the things I noticed on the conf. about the EVP is there a tutorial for editing vid’s that would be helpfull to people that have no knowledge of editing process. I know this is off topic here but if I do not say this now it will not get said.


  • Hi

    I have clicked on the unsubscribe on other marketers GVO list and was immediately cut. Sometimes I just wanted to check which list I was on. Could it not be a two step unsubscribe like other companies.

    BIG REQUEST: you make the videos so they can also show full screen as well as the small page window, does anyone use this feature?. I live in a third world country and cannot see the videos very easily as they are so huge files and we pay per gig downloaded. Please make a smaller low res version or at least put a basic text summary of the contents so we know what’s going on as well.


  • First I just want to say I am excited and blown away at how you guys run your business. Honest and you care, who could ask for more.
    I agree with Michael Barrett, I would like to have the ability to upload leads and at least customize and send out an opt in broadcast for those who have not opted in yet but have opted in on another list.
    Also in Get Response they have a simple way you can go from double opt in to single opt in. I currently have an aweber account but I am going to be using eresponder strictly. Thank you guys so much and keep up the faaaaaannnntastic work. Tony

  • Hi team,Im from Philippines.. i would like to give thanks to all the efforts that this company provide…al the tools are easy to set up and use..

    To all Filipino member contact me coz i need more guide .. im new in marketing and i have lot of pending leads that will trully join this team…


  • One thing I would like to see for E-Responder Pro is:

    Some templates for follow up messages for the GVO system.

    That way we will have something to get started with instead of being stuck as to what to write to our subscribers.

    Thanks guys.


  • To be able to use and embed a selection of promotional videos into lcp’s and websites. For the ones that do not wish to be in front of the camera, have a video camera or have the correct video background settings, bedrooms just do not portray a professional image.

  • Hi everybody, it’s Fernando from Spain.

    So far, the EResponder doesn’t give us any stadistics when we Broacast or Follow Up. We only have this service when broadcasting in HTML.

    It woul be perfect to have stadistics in Text as well, so the Spam is lower in Text but now we don’t have those stadistics of Opens.

    Thanks very much!

  • How about looking at other programs out there, such as Aweber, and see what they offer their clients?

    You guys are great,
    Have a good weekend!

  • I was really surprised to see how large the forms in the form wizard are once they’re on a blog post or blog page – they’re huge! I expected to see them the same size as they appear on the selection pages.

    My requests are:

    1) Make the wizard forms available in large and small sizes (quote dimensions on the selection page) so that we can use them in blog posts.

    2) Make customizable optin boxes for WordPress blog sidebars that we can designed to match our blog themes. This could also include small versions of the premade wizard forms.

    Thanks guys.

  • Improving on my first comment. Imagine for a moment if you could create a personal form to attach to your initial follow up letter that basically asks your subsciber to tell you more about them by filling in the form which would list the Affiliate programs, and MLMs you are promoting and have them check yes or no if they are a member of the same programs.
    This information could be used to subdivide your subscriber list to avoid wasting time promoting things they are already part of and let you know what programs you could introduce them to.
    The system could sort the list by no or yes response.
    Then when you went to your eresponder and set it on subscribers for xy campaign. It would come up with options All, or pick a subcatagory pulled from the form.
    This would make your eresponder have the most accurate and specifically targeted capabilities.
    Please email me with what you think.

  • To be able to sell smaller packages with the full GVO facilities. Most people have one or two domains and don’t need unlimited domains but would want esponder etc and not spend $44 a month.

  • These responses are way too valuable to leave alone. A teaching info tool for me.

    I would like the automation function be able to track through the campaign changes that might happen through OTO and additional offers purchased. Why?

    I find myself irritated when I am being marketed to for a product I have already purchased. Turn that around, now it is me marketing; looking at my e responder campaigns, who purchased what? How can I follow the product interests to help that purchaser grow stronger. Of course a spread sheet may be a better answer and track both the product and the customer.

    Having the automation function have greater selection to accomplish this is where my thoughts are.

    My personal thanks to all who have already responded and to Joel and Mike and the GVO Academy Team Leaders for the privilege to our successful future.

  • Firstly I would like to be able to edit those lovely forms.

    I would also think it great idea if you get someone you know to login to aweber and see the features, they have newsletter templates, now I dont use those as I dont think they deliver well and has been a problem, but been able to edit our forms is a must have, in aweber the form gets bigger as your text gets bigger and you can you can make the form look like a capture page.

    I can make headlines etc on the form but without losing the form graphics,

    One feature aweber has is been able to add your image to a form but you have to have this image on a website and copy the image link and transfer to aweber from using insert image, but one thing you cannot do is load a picture direct from your computer.

    Also on the aweber forms you can not only make the text bigger but can select different colours and make bold etc, so a nice neat little editor window with features would be cool, you know some simple like the microsft word features where you choose bold and also center text.

    There is one great thing about gvo, we have evrything for one price and make money, with aweber once you go over 5001 subscribers then the fees start to go up, yeh they have an affilate program, doesnt pay much.

    Great to see what you are doing at GVO,

    Top Notch

    Pat Judge
    aka The Irish Wizard lol

  • Jason Cardamone has been requesting a variety of eresponder features for our MHBB marketing system. Since you are already aware of the technical details requested, I am urging your team to have them completed ASAP.

  • Sniper Host sounds like the tool I asked about a couple of blogs ago.
    thanks guys!

    I have never had more confidence in a company and the people
    behind it.

    You “SEE” that your success and your customers success are
    one and the same!

    Just can’t say enough about Team G.V.O.


  • I will Like to have the posilbe to make campain test, the ability to compare to campain to se whish work best, like getresponse does

  • Some of the features I’d like to see are:

    1) integration of free downloads into outgoing messages. If someone was building a list and giving away a free report, they should be able to attach a pdf (for instance) instead of having to link to the report in their outgoing message. Be good for everybody, but especially the new person who might not have the 7 dollar secret or dragon download (etc) scripts

    2) email optin. I’d like to be able to have people optin with the email address in addition to html form. Example: I have a person buy my product, instead of having to fill out one form for paypal and another to optin, I can forward their email (like aweber) to GVO which then sends out the optin message and starts the eresponder process. So sometimes people go to your site and just only optin, sometimes the optin is just part of another process, let’s simplify that so they don’t need to fill out two forms and we can do that in the background for them.

    3) put a save button up near the top (there’s only the one on the bottom) for when you make new or edit old messages. Right now if you are editing a message you have to scroll past the visual editor AND the text box to get to the “Edit Message” save button. It’s just an extra step and if you are making a lot of messages it’s just annoying. For that matter can’t it be called a “SAVE” button or a save changes button. Edit message is ambiguous. Minor, I know. And I already know what it means, but when I first made a message I wasn’t sure if it meant “save.”

    4) This may be in there already, but I just don’t know where if it is. But how about a way to see who clicked or didn’t click on links in out going messages. And then a way to send a new or resend the same message to those who didn’t.

    Overall, like most of GVO, I am very happy with the responsiveness and functionality of the eresponder. Glad to see you working on it. It’d be interesting to see how many of “the gurus” start actually using it. Instead of just selling it.

    I know I’ve started migrating some of my autoresponder accounts here and so far it’s been positive.



  • Can we simplify the login so when i go to my account and long in I don’t have to to do it again every time I go to a different module? This would be great as a time saver.

  • hey guys i am a newbie and i appreciate all the help gvo provides,,,,also,,i must know one thing,,,please tell mark to write to me about the gold watch – black band he is wearing,,,i saw him wear it when he was on the zip line in the carribean,,,,mark tell me what watch you wearing,,i want one,,,,,ok keep it up guys.

  • Hi guys, really like everything you are doing ! Great Job also asking what we would like implemented ! Gvo Is more than hosting, It is Lead capture ! What I would like to see,
    1. A greater selection of unbranded templates for us to use.
    2. The option of using still photos on a template.
    3. Also would be extremely helpful if professional videos (such as mlmleadsystempro has!)were added from either Joel or someone else in the business(NOT AIRPLANES TAKING OFF or any of things that are there now!), but someone TALKING stating reasons to opt in to the page the video is placed on is on, these should be unbranded also, ( don’t won’t potential leads going around our page to the main site page and opting in for someone else). These would be much like the intro video that Joel did for the new site! These would be a great help, because we all do not have the setup or the experience to look like a pro the way you guys do it!
    I want to use GVO more as a lead capture site rather than for it’s hosting, that is what originally interested me in GVO.
    You guys are great teachers, keep it coming!!!


  • Fantastic idea guys… saves me having to do it on my site lol I can just send people to the training and keep promoting.

    For the eresponser, I would like to see the ability to be able to send an full HTML template with video included in an email.

    Keep up the good work guys.

  • What is EVP?

  • I have imported my contacts from gmail, I have three different contact
    list, how can I go back and only import those that were not included.

    With so many features…mavy I’m just overwhelmed, I’ll just go over
    take my time.
    It is just good to know I can call for help. You guys rock.

  • Bonjour ou Bonsoir, I am very heureus to realize that I am among the very active and perssonnages know realize that the best career opportunities and also rely on safe methods of high technology, and I wish you great success, as I was you I confirm that n is not really stinks to realize these standards reussittes and this return to the laws that put us in terms full of pitfalls because I am of Algeria and my pay is still no charge or does not utulise these technical I wish for you that you do this realize the access and success in the world always, I am very moved to your great demonstration for my Capacities are still far from able to achieve your program, the only thing I deducted and that GVO is a gateway to achievement and success, and wish you a great Joel R. success also, I am and I remain faithful to you and your message and your methods depployez you, thank you and good luck has all the team , Very Sincerely Mr Zaidi Abdelwahed.

  • If it’s not already in place, you ned an API so that some of the great third party products, like for example DLGuard, can handle the automation functions, like moves between lists, from inside their application.

    Not having such integration possibilities might easily keep some marketers using that kind of applications from moving over to GVO.

    Oscar Toft

  • Not sure if this has already been mentioned, or if the system already handles this, but I would like to be able to have an automated process whereby unopened emails migrate to a new list with a new set of followup emails. I am assuming (new and have not checked) that the system already can auto-migrate buyers or action takers to a new list and remove them from the prospect list. This all targets the right message to the right stage of your funnels. Thanks, you guys ROCK!

  • Please, when you make these training videos, have them well thought out and scripted. Speak slowly and clearly. Don’t have the screen shot flying all over the page or have the cursor flying all over the page. If done right, I feel that this planned training will help us all to promote GVO and to retain our affiliates.

    Thank you for listening,
    Joe John

  • Providing email signups to Eresponder . An interested prospect can email to the responder to sign up. This way a person could simply reply to an email to join a group. A lot of applications CMS’s use this feature.
    If it exists then a tutorial in the back office to explain this.

  • One thing I would like to see on the E-responder is the ability to change the text, and maybe even the color, of the “Submit” button so that it doesn’t just say submit. I know I can change that in the html once I have it copied to my site, but it would be easier to do from within the E-responder.

    Just thought of something else and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it done before but wouldn’t it be cool to be able to change the text for the submit button and also ad the personalization? Instead of “Submit”, it could read “Get More Info Now (name variable)!”

    Rock on guys!


  • Hey Guys,

    When I used to use AWeber my new subscriber email alert contained all of the data the user entered into my form. Could you please add this information into my new subscriber alerts so I don’t have to log into my Eresponder Pro account every time to retrieve this information?


  • I would like to be able to send an email to one of my campaign lists…..

    For example, I am out in the “field,” discover something amazing and would like to send a quick picture and email to my list from my iphone.

    It would be real handy to have an email address attached with each campaign name.

    Please let me know if that makes sense.

  • Alright, Specific to eResponder.

    When someone signs up for my list, then purchases a product, I give them a form the register on after the sale, which places them into another autoresponder.

    I would like for those people to be automatically unsubscribed from any other list I chose when they sign up on the new form.

    Next, not so much IN the functionality of the autoresponder, but in the set up process… I’d like to see a step by step process when you create a new campaign.

    Basically, if someone is adding a campaign it will say:

    Step One Fill in your from name, details and so on

    Step two, create your confirmation message

    Step three create your first welcome message

    step four, create your form.

    Then, I’d like to see the form embed code being adjustable. I use a lot of blogs and it’s important to me to be able to change the width of the form sign up fields to a smaller width as I publish to my blog.

    Also, some of the graphics that are used for the template forms are just way too bog. It would be nice to be able to decrease the size of those in the code as well.

    One of the most important features I would like to see is a subscribe by email link or something of the sort. I use many softwares that only allow links to subscribe to be in place so I can connect my autoresponder to those softwares.

    The next important feature is obviously metrics. I really do need to messure open rates and click through rates in real time to track my email stats.

    Finally, deliverability is key. I’ve been noticing that the deliver rate for the first confirmation message is not too great. Most of the time, the confirmation message lands in the spam folder. Sadly, it even does this in gmail accounts… that’s definitely an improvement that needs to be factored in.

    Bob Yeager

  • Building my own lead capture page from your templates be more
    user friendly. It takes hours to set it up. It is especially not user friendly for newbies.

    Thank you.

  • OK, I thought of another one…

    I would like to be able to copy an existing sequence from one Campaign to another. In some cases I will be separating my lists by the source that they come from, testing landing pages, broadcasts to get folks on to sublists, etc…

    So being able to copy an existing sequence from one Campaign to another, would allow me to quickly set up a new test without having to copy paste all of my follow up messages over again.



    I would also like to see an easy way to upgrade the number of names my account can hold. I don’t want to get stuck on a weekend reaching my limit and loosing any prospects or potential clients, because I had a great response to a mailing. (Hey it could happen… even to me. LOL)

  • 1) I’d like to be able to have people optin with the email address in addition to html form . This way a person could simply reply to an email to join a group.

    2) Import My Subscribers from Aweber and Get Response along with the Message series of each . This Will enable me to rely on Only One Responder.

    3 ) A Built In Blog eResponder Form That Could also be Used as A Stand Alone Optin PAGE Full Sized .

  • On Another Note We Seriously Need A Non Video Splash Page eResponder Linked Page Builder .

    A Lot Of Traffic Resources Will Not Allow Video .

  • I would like to see pre-filled responses in the form of a dropdown box. I.E. – Thanks for joining, or thanks for your reply. Going further if you could pick templates or swip files to load into your autoresponder and edit it to fit your product of advert. Having to come up with copy for each and every series of autoresponders is way too tedious, especially if you have dozens of sites, maybe hundreds of sites, it would be nice to just drag and drop or just chose a default response from a dropdown menu.


  • Hi Joel and Mike,

    this is the feature i would like to see in Eresponder PRO.

    1.spam checker – this will ensure my email is delivered to as many inbox’s as possible.and you know how important this in email marketing.

    2.Complete Analytics and Reporting In Real Time – i really appreciate if you guys can make more just like aweber or getresponse have.its really important to track my email campaign results and performance.

    3.Split Testing – its important to get the best results from my email campaign so i can understand my subscribe better and make my campaigns more effective.

    4.Google Analytics Integration – another good feature to track my email marketing campaigns so i can identify and target my most profitable online opportunities.

    5.List Segmentation – with this feature, i can send an email to people in my contacts from a specific city, state, country, etc.

    p.s – dont forget to make a video tutorial so newbie can easily to use Eresponder Pro.
    p.p.s – i love to see a Lead Capture Pages Creator. its easy for newbie like me to create lead capture page.

  • There are many great suggestions already posted so i will try to keep mine from duplicating any I have already read

    1. I would like to be able to migrate my lists from the original EVP to my GVO EVP. One great feature of the old GVO system is the ability to give away a number of products for FREE … EVP, A to Z millionare etc. therefore we can build big lists but going back and forth between differant auto responders is a hassle. It would save time (How about improving the eResponder in the OLD EVP system… better yet can there be some way to work it all under GVO?)

    2. This is a feature that would appeal to those of us who market GVO products to other businesses and actully help them with stting up there autoresponder systems. Having something like a WHM so that we can work on multiple sites without having to remember numerous passwords & login names plus jumping from one account to the next. Right now I just have three a tax office and 2 churches and it is already a hassle. Incidentally I get paid extra for helping them set up there differant GVO propgrams. Primarily the eresponder and EVP

    3.This is feedback from another Church that has signed up with GVO but they have not as of yet switched from Constant Contact. This why they say that they have not switched.

    Constant Contact makes it very easy for them to use custom html templates and change them on the fly I don’t use constant contact and have no idea of how they do this) I have recieved there emails and the only way i know to duplicate them is to first design it in an html editor then copy the html code into the GVO html formate by clicking the html button. This form is not saved and I would then have to do this everytime.

    Plus all the grapics have to be loaded on a server and then each letter has to be coded so that the grahics are pulled into the email. Big hassle and not user friendly.

    The WIYSIWYG Editor with GVO sucks so trying to design his templates in that is not very easy (same applies to customizing all other GVO templates)


    # 3. An inproved WIYSIWYG Editor would be very helpfull.

  • Hi Joel, this doesn’t pertain eResponder Pro but i was wonder could you create a way were we can bypass our affiliate web sites and send people direct to order page. So i can create landing pages and squeezee page gear to a specify demographics

  • first of all I would like to send my congratulation for the work that your team are doing, and I have two advice.

    1- Is possible add an option for Eresponder pro that you can select a form as (Lightbox Popup) that came from different way, with lightbox effect example: slide from top, slide from buttom, fade in, fade in on button click, zoom in on buttom click, and you can setup 5,10,15 second delay after the web display.
    this featured came from GetResponse.

    2- Is possible add an option that keep all the time a web form in the bottom of the web navigator event you go down on the web, I think the name is (footer-ad) is better that you see this example to understand what I mean.

  • A way to email just the people that are “pending” so that they get another email that has the same “confirmation link” that the original double optin email had.

    Also, be able to send an email to only those that did NOT click on a link inside a broadcast email.

  • Hope this is not a duplicate – haven’t had the time to read through all the great suggestions yet…
    Anyhow, if you could integrate other language characters, that would be a real winner. In fact – you would likely sweep other services out of the water as far as the European market goes.
    Some pro autoresponder services aimed at the Nordic languages alone, can cost more per month than your Titanium package.
    And thanks for your efforts and constant improvements guys – much appreciated!

  • I would like to be able to edit those really nice forms that you have load in esponder Pro. to put my squeeze page or what ever I wanted in the form. I can do that in the small form that is there and send the clients to the landing page or where I want them to go. I could do that in Aweber and Get response.
    Thanks for all your hard work and listening to what is wanted.
    Lowell Radder

  • Hi Guys,
    Wow…is all I can say!

    Am just starting out & was considering moving over to you, as I like the Hosting feature for my future Membership clients to host their sites with me.
    I have a very small practice list at the mo, have not been trying to list build, but will begin in earnest after Easter, so it would be perfect timing.

    Just a bit cautious now tho, after reading all the blog responses!
    Aweber is awesome…you will really have to pull out all stops there to catch those guys…

    Can I ask please?…How do templated sites stack up now in Search Engines…Do they still have bloated code…or does it not matter anymore…be it for squeeze pages or full on sites?

    Thanks guys, I like your energy & would love to live near your big shed so I could wander into yr offices when I got stuck & get help straight away!
    Hmmmnnnn…there’s an investment idea! Build a short term living facility for new IM’ers to live in while they learn how to do it all!
    50/50 split guys…

    Kindest Regards,

  • Here are the Eresponder features that I wanted to see if not added:

    1) Easy importing or transferring of 3rd party opt-in lists (like from another service or program) without requiring the user to opt-in again. Currently this is done by submitting a ticket but it’s not done in real time or too much hassle every time a new person opts-in.

    2) Automatic purging of faked emails and a summary notification every week of purged email addresses.

    3) Automatic follow up of PENDING subscribers.

    4) The html editor has issues. Please see this http://itshrunk.com/2c859c. Integration of kompozer would be great.

    5) Better and more detail tools for campaign statistics analysis and segmentation

    6) Editing capability for broadcast messages. It should have the same editing capability as follow up messages

    7) Allow easy importing of pre-written notepad content into editor

    8) Allow easy importing of GVO adcopy into html editor

    9) Easy embedding of images and videos from PC

    10) Pre-formatted layout selections which takes care of peripheral vision. Many eresponder services have pre-formatted newsletter layouts that make their client’s email appeared more professional.

    11) Easy reset editor button to erase everything. Easy copying of previous follow up message content to current email

    12) Already mentioned somewhere else to allow client response through a campaign based email alias. Instead of logging into GVO to send out a follow up message, I can just do it through my email by replying to a campaign based email alias.

    13) Allow pdf attachment

    14) Allow easy links to previous follow up messages

    Great if I can see some of these features especially the pre-formatted newsletter layout.

    P.S. Use http://trafficprophet.com to promote GVO!

  • Hi Joel,

    I currently use an eresponder service provided by oprius.com. Among the features it provides:

    1. Full CRM features such as phone call appointments, notes, schedule follow up, and even allows easy management of contacts as they progress from leads, to contacts, to new clients, and level advancement through the MLM etc.

    2. But now they have just announced synch, meaning that all the CRM features can easily be synchronized with my outlook and phone.

  • Some good suggestions… More design control and Html newsletter pages cleaner video templates seem to be the winners?

    I will be happy about any auto responder changes that push us further ahead of the competition.

    Perhaps a new SEO Friendly name better than Eresponder?

  • well we need to have the preformatted newsletter layout like on aweber so we can use our autoresponder as a newsletter

    and also for the forms you give us done are good — but if we
    want to add other fields we can’t.

    and finally it would be great to have a document that not only
    helps us setup our site (which I have pretty much figured out but
    I had to send quite a few emails to technical support) but alsos
    how can we market GVO

    traffic and list building is the key weakness for newbies
    or can we work with one of the gurus outside of the academy
    for some help

    I really hope to learn about being a successful marketer
    and you guys have the keys


    Josh Shapiro

  • You asked for it our opinion about eResponder to improve and here is the suggestion:
    I know your services are focusing to provide the tools to the Internet Marketers to promote their products and affiliate products thru Email Campaign.

    There are some MLM membership site like (The 7 Figure Networker) offer a functionality to easily add and manage the built-in Email Campaign by loading those pre-built campaigns loaded to AWEBER and GETRESPONSE. It would be nice if you provide the Email Campaign Management feature to allow us to load such pre-built campaigns with atleast connecting AWEBER and EResponder. This will make the newbie Internet Marketers like me easy to follow. Video Trainings are another area you need to improve. Thanks.

  • Many greetings from Germany,
    I am also of the opinion …

    Hi guys, really like everything you are doing ! Great Job also asking what we would like implemented ! Gvo Is more than hosting, It is Lead capture ! What I would like to see,
    1. A greater selection of unbranded templates for us to use.
    2. The option of using still photos on a template.
    3. Also would be extremely helpful if professional videos (such as mlmleadsystempro has!)were added from either Joel or someone else in the business(NOT AIRPLANES TAKING OFF or any of things that are there now!), but someone TALKING stating reasons to opt in to the page the video is placed on is on, these should be unbranded also, ( don’t won’t potential leads going around our page to the main site page and opting in for someone else). These would be much like the intro video that Joel did for the new site! These would be a great help, because we all do not have the setup or the experience to look like a pro the way you guys do it!
    I want to use GVO more as a lead capture site rather than for it’s hosting, that is what originally interested me in GVO.
    You guys are great teachers, keep it coming!!!


  • these are my Ideas.

    1. If I can have an rss to e-mail featyre on my eresponder pro, it will make it easy for me to automatically e-mail my list(ie by converting the RSS on my blog into e-mail posts)

    2. if it is possible for subscribers to be automatically deleted from a list once they take a specific action (like clicking the order button) and be automaticlly subscribed to another list, this will give me time to consentrate on other parts of my GVO biz, instead of having to remove subscribers from one list and re-subscribe them on another manually.

  • pls also increase the subcriber limit from 20,000 to over 50,000. it will help me to build a large list for my GVO biz without any limitation

  • It would be nice to have the ability to alter the text in the already very nice forms you’ve created. I’m talking about the header text like “Fill Out The Form Below”. I also have websites in Norwegian, and would like to put the header up in Norw. I think there’s quite a few in other countries out there that would like to do the same.

    What you’re doing in GVO is quite awesome, never heard of anything like it!


  • Good morning Joel Therien, marvel is very happy in could dialogue with you here and to give my opinion. Oque lacks for me to develop Opportunity of GVO, and to develop my sales of GVÓ and the difficulty that I have because I am from Brazil, I don’t speak and nor I write English very well. therefore I would need the site in Portuguese from Brazil or of Portugal Europa, my Parents are from South America. To understand everything of GVO and to read everything that I dialogue with Joel Therien I need to translate for the translator of Google. My very big desire to develop GVO in Brazil and South America. I believe in the victory in the force of this company GVO. he/she would like a lot of growing with you Joel Therien. Great Associated hug GVO. Hermes Brasil.

  • I would like to see a business card square on the template and i also would like the ability to emphasis my website right from the template and also the ability to send directly to the conference room and the option to watch a powerpoint presentation!

  • Hi. Decrease average of PENDING Suscribers. Currently i got 50% of my suscribers on PENDING status (most of them registered with HOTMAIL accounts), this is not normal. I´ve created a ticket on GVO and still same status. Please help to improve

  • I want to see the page and tools in Spanish languaje.


  • GVO ROCKS…Here’s why!! I am confident that all the comments I have read above are gonna get done…everything you have said from the beginning you guys have delivered!!!

    My 2 Cents Worth

    1. Everything Milton Cai said especially… Easy embedding of images and videos from PC

    2. Would love to see some EVP published templates geared towards Travel…cause that’s where it at:D

    Many Blessing to you Guys… as well as GVO Academy!!

    Bryan Morgan

  • Many great suggestions already.

    1. Split test forms

    2. Add Polls and Surveys for subscribers

    3. I like the PENDING subscriber follow up suggetions

    4. Incorporate video email (EVP) into messages

    Will check back after reading more posts and additional time to think!

    Mike Sweeney

  • I would love to have a reseller version of eResponder Pro for my reseller hosting clients.

    Thanks for everything you have already provided and for the opportunity to “build” GVO to our needs.

  • I am excited to be involved with this team. I am a newbie, but not that new, but was very frustrated during the sign up stage, and then trying to put up my first site. Having to go and learn how to set up packages then be able to go to C-Panel was confusing. I spent a total of five hours wasting my time on that process. I liked to see a recommendation of packages with the ideal setup for us newbie who is interested to get started right away.
    1. Silver Package (Then each pack would have their own recommended specs.)
    2. Bronze Package
    3. Gold Package
    4. Adjustable specs


    E Responder. I was amazed by the autoresponder you have provided, but was very confused and frustrated to get it running. I ended up giving up and signing up with the old AWEBER version. Aweber is totally awesome and easy to use. It is expensive especially in the long term when planning to grow my list.

  • My only thought was about the original EVP – I joined EVP before GVO was launched. I have and continue to get leads into my original EVP – I would love to be able to transfer all those to my GVO – EVP account and close down the original EVP.

  • Please change the Audioson the spanish “Thank you page” it sounds bad whith a lot of “american accent” and for the spanish market it sounds like a “gringo” (us american) trying to speak spanish with a very bad accent.

    I hope you can find a really “latin girl” to record that audio and not a a US american who has learn to speak spanish.


  • Something that I would really like to see that would complete this great package that you guys offer, is Ad / URL tracking.

    This could either be incorporated with with eresponder pro or be a standalone product.

    I use the GVO tools form my complete online business, and the ONLY thing that I am using another company for is ad/URL tracking.

    If the tracking could give daily statistics, clicks and sales info that would be great!

    We all need to track our advertising efforts.

    Continuous improvement is the name of the game!

    Jason Rushton

  • hi,

    i wish you would implement more “Automation Rules” rules. One particular one would be where you can transfer a subscriber from the current campaign to another campaign BUT with the option of doing it after/before ANY message in the sequence. (e.g. transfer after message #1, #2, #3, etc.)

    the reason being that i usually have an offer/freebie in the first message after a visitor subscribes,if they are re-routed after opting-in, they miss it.


    option to transfer campaign message sets into any other campaign

    alex alaska p

  • 1. Automate the unsubscribe process. This will make if faster and more convenient for list members to unsubscribe. (granted, not the objective, but a nice feature). This will benefit a user of a 3rd party membership site to update their email address for sites that use eResponder as their mailer. At present, if a member of a 3rd party membership site updates their email address, they will get 2 emails, one to the old addy and one to the new addy. The reason they update their email addy is to not receive emails to a particular email. but now they are getting 2 of the same emails. Very Frustrating for them to have to go through an unsubscribe process when they already updated an email addy. The automated process could be either to enable the campaign email to unsubscribe only or to enable an unsubscribe data post to the unsubscribe.php page with the list member email and campaign they are subscribed to instead of just their s#.

    2. When a GVO member searches for list members in ALL campaigns, it would be nice to see which campaign a particular list member email is in. This is a benefit because with hundreds or thousands of list members, a GVO member needs a quick way to see which campaign a list member is in instead of searching each and every campaign separately. In the case of having the same email in multiple campaigns and the list member is asking to be deleted from a particular campaign. It is Very time consuming to search each campaign separately.

    3. For emails that get BLOCKED, please provide a reason for the block. As there are emails that are know good, but are blocked by eResponder. And it would be a benefit to see the reason and to have a way to correct it if at all possible.

  • Hey Joel,

    I’d like to see location reports. Who opens my emails and where they are opening from. You can see what I mean if you take a look at http://www.mailchimp.com/ The have wonderful reports with maps, locations, where people have signed from, percentages, etc.


  • Hi All,

    I am sure the above list of requests is going to be a very big job for GVO to do. I would just like to put into the hat a few ideas.

    Firstly, If you want to beat the competition, you need to look at the competition. Check what Aweber and Get Response have that EResponder does not have then incorporate those features.

    Secondly, I would like to re-iterate what some have said above. Email signups with some way of catching names also. The ability to know if someone has purchased so they do not get another Email if a 7 or more Email campaign is going out. The ability to know if a person has signed up to more than one of ones lists and the ability to stop multiple E-mails for the same product.

    Thridly, With, hopefully, many more features the Eresponder Front Page/Menu could do with a makeover.

    I am sure having the Best AR on the net together with all the other facilities we get is going to make GVO the #1 for Newcomers.


  • I need more custom fields, like the custom fields of getresponse and aweber, in order to get more information of my prospects and clients i another campains.


  • hi guy’s thanks for asking for the suggestions about eresponder it should be very easy to use and it should, subscriber list to avoid dublicating and wasting time promoting things they are already part of.
    it should be friendly user benefitting both us as well as the subscribers.
    thankyou regards

  • > Video emails.

    > Audio broadcast (brief msg) voice response (welcome msg) when people enter a phone number in my opt-in form.

    > The option to use a different email address with different campaigns,
    this is very important to me because I have separate email addys that correspond to specific ventures.


  • Opt In Form – Customizable Fields

    Hi Guys!
    Not sure if this has already been suggested but here goes…

    I’d like to see a customizable field added to the Opt In Form with a required or not required button that is able to be re-sized to enough characters for a sentence or two.

    WHY? I like to use it for asking a question of my subscribers for the various courses I teach, helps me to personalize my responses.

    1) What is the biggest challenge right now in your buisness?
    2) What are you hoping to learn from this course?

    You Guys Rock!

    Juli Thompson

  • As eresponder already handles the registering members why not go one step further to allow it to also work as a membership manager which can be integrated in with non-membership sites.

    The very simple method would be allow a login form to be placed on the desired location within your site. Similar to a sign up page. The only difference would be that the login would serve the same function as the activation link and then route the user to the desired page.

  • HI I hope you get GVO set up in Derrick Van Dykes program. Every time I go to his you are not there.Please put in Eresponder in his programx.

  • We need very good marketing-plan to provide youer Eresponder

  • Please add support for UTF8 characters. Not every customer is from english speaking world as I… I’ve tested your eResponder, I like it, but is not usable for me, if you don’t support UTF8, and this is not a diffucult task, I’ve fixed few other autoresponders where I had source codes.

  • Hi Guys,

    For me, I would like a simple ‘copy & paste’ method of importing all my current members and campaign messages from my ‘getresponse’ account so I can quickly close that account down and stop paying for a service I no longer wish to use.


  • I would love it if GVO had an easy website development tool similar to Xsite pro…Thos would help us create websites for clients…or maybe an outsourcing service…

  • I thought of something else that would be cool. How about a template for an optin message that includes how to whitelist. It could have placeholders for our domain name and email address and be customizable with the new and improved WYSIWYG editor that you are most likely going to add soon (since so many people want that). It would help with delivery rates.

    Also a way to customize the messages notifying us of a new subscriber. If we are working with other businesses, it would let the message come from us instead of from you, Joel. And could have more (or less info) that made sense for each business.

    Be great to not have to log in so much.


  • With google starting to band replicated or not ranking capture pages, and affiliate sites, can you offer the ability for us to create customer capture pages, and GVO affiliate site

  • Hi Guys,

    How about an easy templated option for creating newsletters that are very professionally done. I also like the idea of EVP type templates for video messages as some others have suggested.

    Include a tool that measures message deliverability.

    Make sure that the system competes well with aWeber and GetResponse as far as deliverability goes, and that the rates you have tested are well advertised. One hesitation I have had from marketers to switch over has been wanting some assurance that they will not lose out on deliverability.

    Liz Nichols

  • (1)Ezine/Newsletter templates. Have both templates and the ability to create your own from scratch. Integrate this with the GVO Autoresponder.
    (2)Create a section of things that people can offer for a downloadable for opting into their blog or webpage. Perhaps MP3’s, PDF’s, Videos on certain topics, etc. Build that into a special area into GVO where the requested item could easily be delivered to the requester. Build this functionality into the Autoresponder as well.
    (3)Build a Banner Ad creator into the GVO back office so that you can create your own regular Banner ads and Text Banners for affiliate products and services, or for your own MLM opportunity.
    (4)Mobile Marketing-Integrate Mobile marketing into our system. Stompernet and Howie Schwartz are both all over this very thing right now.

  • I need to learn how to giveaway a free report or ebook… so that i can build a list..
    Please help?

  • As Pol said, I would like to have a way to customize the messages notifying us of a new subscriber and the double opt in message, because I would like to use the autoresponder in my team replicated websites.

    As I live in Brazil and my businnes is only for brazilians, its very difficult to use eresponder, because not everyone knows how to speach english.

    Eduardo Cordeiro

  • Hi Guys,

    Thanks for asking!

    1) I would like to be able to look at my optin forms list for each campaign and see stats by date for each form.

    2) I agree about being able to batch mail the pending subscribers.

    3) HTML newsletter templates.

    4) Not allowing duplicate emails in a campaign.

    5) I second a lot of Milton’s suggestions.

    6) Showing delivery rate of emails.

    Thank You Again For Asking,
    Dr. Debra

  • Good Joel Therien I need to develop the growth in GVO. Here to Brazil it would be the site: in Português(brasl) or Português Portugal. for dilvulgar here in Brazil and in the america of Good GVO this very good one, here has the best trainers I don’t need anything to not to be the site me Portuguese so that I can publish the opportunity of GVO. Thank you

  • I would like to be able to add my third-party email leads to the eresponder pro that I have been given as a bonus or collected from various sites, and let the lead choose to confirm, or not. Some of these leads may not be good leads, but let the lead decide. I do not think this is spam, as they have a choice to confirm, or not to confirm.

    Bob Schaffer

  • Greetings,

    First off, I want to say that you’ve made incredible (forward) progress w/ the eResponder Pro from it’s humble beginnings at Kiosk.

    I utilize GVO’s eResponder for all of my campaigns. However, I have continued to hold on to my AWeber account for the following reason:
    The percentage of “Pending” subscribers via the eResponder still remains around 40%. I don’t know the exact reason for this high number of folks who did not click on the link that was automatically emailed to them to take them from Pending to Active status. Perhaps its a deliverability issue.

    In comparison, I’m only seeing a 5 – 10% rate of folks who are not clicking on the link via AWeber. I am using the IDENTICAL information for both campaigns (GVO vs AWeber). I’ve used AWeber for years and their “conversion” rate has always been very high (no deliverability problems).

    Currently, I put up an eRepsonder Pro opt-in form via our main site, but on the Thank You page, I’ve added copy that tells the subscriber that if they don’t receive the automated message from GVO within 15-30 minutes to please opt-in again via option #2 (AWeber).

    If the deliverability issue were resolved, I would have no further use for AWeber. Currently, I maintain two lists (one for GVO and one for AWeber) for each campaign, which, as you know, can and does add a lot of time due to the fact that each broadcast we send out has to be created/executed twice, etc.

    Thanks for all you do. GVO supplies the most comprehensive suite of (high quality) marketing tools I’ve seen under one roof.

    Brian Kelly

  • 1) Professional looking newsletter templates.

    Right now I send out plain text emails to my Aweber lists that are comprised of internet marketers, and for them that’s ok, but not for potential local business clients.

    Local offline businesses want to send out professional looking, beautiful emails to their customers that will capture their attention. They can see the possibilities of what they can offer their customers by looking at the newsletter that they sign up to receive from me. I haven’t created the opt in form and added it to my page because I’m waiting to see if newsletter templates will be added to GVO – if not, I will have to use Aweber.

    2) Can Spam compliance when it comes to having a physical address automatically added to every email (and the ability to change the address that will be automatically added).

  • Something that I would really like to see that would complete this great package that you guys offer, is Ad / URL tracking.

    This could either be incorporated with with eresponder pro or be a standalone product.

    This is the only tool you’re missing other than that GOOD work!

    Johnny Lewis

  • Hi guys

    Appreciate the opportunity to contribute… I am in the process of setting up my responders on ERP after having used AWeber to date.

    3 Suggestions:

    1. User friendly way to import my aweber lists to my new ERP campaigns – so far, I have not been able to get my downloaded csv file from AW to work the way your support staff requires it – why can I not simply send you my downbloaded csv file and have required fields uploaded?

    2. On my new test lists, I have added a couple of essential custom fields, yet cannot see how to get a report which shows these fields… So a way to report all fields would be good… Or am I missing something?

    3. Is there a way to ensure that when I import my AWeber lists, they will not receive the previously sent welcome series?

    Thanks for everything…

  • Hi,

    Excuse for my english……

    I should want to have a french audioson “thank you page”

    And when we send a broadcoast, to have the possibility that send it one time for a suscriber, less than he has suscribed to 3 or 4 of the campaigns we have selected to brodcoast the message.

    Thank you


  • Hi Joel and team, I have done a lot of writing on Christian subjects but need to learn along with building a site, how to provide for people who buy an eArticle immediate abilty to have it sent to their inbox in PDF form after they have paid in Paypal who is my current account using my own email address as the simple way for me to receive payments.
    I will register a Domain name, then choose a template and start building.

  • Hi,

    I would like to see the customised optin form templates available for us to add additional fields. You have great varieties of optin form templates design but I’m not able to add additional fields such as country/phone for my campaign.


    zulfikri hassan

  • ” Being fairly new to internet marketing I would like to see a rotator feature because it
    will help my members get new opt in lists and I believe would complement GVO’s tools and also be a benifit to all members”

  • I like to send messages in text format as I dont like the html email functions, these should be seperate options, I find some html do not open and a lot of people cant recieve it properly.

    I had your email about sending feedback but the browser would not let me open your email Joel as it html.

    Some html emails I sent with the responder wont scroll down the message,

    So just thought I send feedback


  • Hi Joel & Team,

    A feature I would like to see in the Email Auto Responder, as someone intending to make full use of the hosting resale to small businesses, is the ability to list & organize my campaigns under sub headings…

    Customer or Domain name.

    Even without hosting resale customers,I plan to have a number of businesses/projects with their own domain names, and itwould make organizing my campaigns a lot easier.

    I hope I explained that clearly enough for you to understand what I mean.


  • Joel and team, I wanted to add firstname in the subject line and then I added it in the message for my first follow up message.

    The responder allows me to test but when the message comes to me it does not address my name


  • Hi Joel and Mike,

    As you know I publish the subtitle version of every blog post so here I have some requests that were received in the spanish GVO Blog

    1.- A way to have a preview of the message in a preview window before saving to the sequence.

    2.- A posibility to resell the eresponder as a product/service as we can with the hosting. There are many potential clients that could buy our hosting but need the auto responder.

    3.- There are always too many Pending members could there be a feature to send the optin message more than once.

    4.- Could we have a better reputation with hotmail because we have notice that the pending leads that come from hotmail never confirm
    we really don´t know if they get the message at all or Hotmail is blocking the mails from the eresponder before they arrive to the prospect.

    Thank you very much

    Fernanda Estrada

  • Hi Joel & Team,

    Thanks for asking, and Wow! Lots of good suggestions made already. I’ve only been using the EResponder for a short time, but I do have some ideas.

    1.) I agree with Vernita Sherman’s suggestion about CAN Spam compliance (full address) being built in. You already have the other compliance requirement, of course, which is the unsubscribe option. But I notice the unsubscribe link appears directly below the message content, which is not good because someone could click it BY ACCIDENT.

    There’s a new requirement, too, about being FTC compliant in our emails. I personally add a disclosure at the bottom of each email to the effect that I may have a material connection to any products recommended in my email messages.

    If you create templates, you might want to have several FTC material connection disclosure wording samples that we could choose from, or edit as we choose.

    My suggestion is to make every message (with or without a template, either html or plain text) have the customizable address at the bottom, and then some space, and then the unsubscribe link.

    Here’s a great sample template based on something I “swiped” from Shawn Casey:

    Message body….
    Link to promotion

    My signature

    [something like]: “The sender of this email receives compensation
    when products and services featured herein are
    purchased. Results are unique. Your results will
    vary. This is an advertisement.”

    [2 or 3 blank lines]

    This message was sent from [my name] to [subscriber’s email address]. It was sent from [my name and physical address]. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

    [another 2-3 blank lines]

    [unsubscribe link]

    ================== [end of sample] =========================

    2.) I haven’t tested the unsubscribe function myself, so I’m not sure how it currently works. I do know how I would LIKE for it to work.

    (2-A) As in the sample wording above, it would be great if the subscriber could modify/update their subscription as well as just cancel it.

    I love this feature in Aweber (speaking as a subscriber) because when I can’t remember who somebody is and why I’m on their list, if they use Aweber, I can click the “unsubscribe” link and see exactly when I joined their list. Sometimes the name of the list is enough to remind me what product I opted in for. If not, I look up the date in my Log and see what I did on that date.

    (2-B) It’s important that the unsubscribe link NOT just unsubscribe you in one click. There should be an “Are You Sure?” sort of message so a person gets a chance to change his mind if he didn’t mean to opt out.

    I actually have a few more thoughts, but I’ll post them separately. Thanks again for getting our feedback and making a great product even better.

  • Hi again,

    I have some comments about deliverability, sending broadcast messages, and spam checking.

    I’ve only used the eResponder for a short time and it’s been a few weeks since I sent the last bruadcast message, but I’m going by what I remember.

    I like the “test” function for the regular followup messages, to be sure the formatting and deliverability are good. However, I didn’t see a way to test a broadcast message before sending it out.

    Then I figured out if I SCHEDULE a broadcast (a couple of hours into the future), that I could test it. But there was still one annoying thing: every time I made an edit and sent another test, I had to reset the scheduled broadcast time because it would revert back to the default of immediately. In one case, I think it actually “misfired” and sent the message before I realized what was happening.

    Here’s a thought. Maybe the original DEFAULT setting could be two hours from the current time. Then if someone overrides that, it should stay with the edited time unless/until edited again, no matter how many times the other details are edited.

    The other, related issue is the spam checking (for deliverability). I was very frustrated with your system telling me my spam rating was good, yet when I sent the test message it would end up in my spam folder. And there was no way to figure out what was triggering that result. Also, the rating itself didn’t have enough explanation to be very useful.

    I haven’t used any other autoresponders recently, but 6-7 years ago I was using GetResponse. At that time, their spam checker gave me an exact play-by-play, word by word breakdown of what would probably trigger a spam filter. I think my whole message was shown with questionable words highlighted, along with some comments and suggestions. It was easy to use and taught me a lot about what the spam filters were looking for.

  • I have read all comments and I agree with all of them, great job GVO members!!!

    I use ERP to invite people from my optin list to my Hotconference Rooms and I think it will be very usefull if you can include in the GVO messages the possibility that a suscriber be linked directly into the Hotconference Room so the modarators can identify each guest by its email and name. Now we can only see the country and the I.P.


  • One more thought. I noticed a couple of people mentioned being able to send a followup to all the Pending subscribers. I think that’s a terrific idea. It’s very possible that people lose the confirmation email and never confirm. I’d like to be able to give them another chance (and better yet, could we automate this feature?) Maybe a broadcast re-invitation could be set to go out at some interval to anyone who was still in PENDING status.

  • A Contact Manager would help me be able to document and followup with any phone conversations I have with my leads…

    Thanks Everyone 🙂


  • Hi,
    1. Have the HTML box auto fill in
    with the text message entered in the other box.
    2. Response templates written by copywriters that
    I can copy and paste or simply select and tweak to add
    my own sales or event specifics.
    3. How do I use it from outside the members signin section?
    Cheers, Freda

  • It must be possible to make html newsletters and email! When I try to paste in something I have made in word, some of the topic is disapered (ex. sidebar and banners )

  • an email address that when emailed to adds the subscriber right to the responder like in getresponse would be a good idea


  • hi,

    i would like to see:

    1. email address created for AR campaign
    2. increase in ‘maximimum’ list size from 20k to, say, 40k or 50k


    alex alaska p

  • hi,

    would like to see:

    1. some content management systems (like JV Fantasos) request an AR email address in order to add it to a campaign. would like to see an GVO autoresponder email address for every campaign created.

    2. any chance boosting the ‘maximum’ list size of 20k to 30k-40k-?


    alex alaska p

  • Please work with Mike Filsaime to add eResponder as a supported autoresponder in his Butterfly Marketing Software.

  • Joel I used to having a button to send message immediatley would be a great thing to have in the broadcast section.

    By the way Joel, I can see as big shift about to happen on the internet.

    A new service been offered is the ability to allow people to also add their mobile phone number to their webform, soi not only are they sign up to your newsletter and recieve messages but also for you to send out short messages to their mobile phone.

    Its new and its happening so just thought I would let you know.


  • 1) When someone opts in have the message come from “eResponder” or “GVO’s eResponder” rather than “Joel Therien” – hey we all love you but as I market this to Pizza Shops and Dry cleaners they don’t know who you are and don’t care (sorry) as they want to sell pizza and keep our clothes clean – they don’t want to see your blog, sales pitches emails etc. as they are not into internet MLM.

    2) Similar to the way cPanel allows us to resell space allow us to set up a campaign with a unique login so a customer can access his info and not see mine and others.

    3) Add drop down options for opt-in fields.


  • We use an email relay service on our regular autoresponder. The relay service prevents your being blacklisted because someone else’s spamming on a shared server.

    Eresponder Pro should have the option of SMTP outbound with user and password fields to make it easier to use email relay services.

  • Add floating form options like AWeber.

    I have found this to be very useful for WordPress blogs where it is more difficult to find space for a form where you can offer your freebie for opt-in sign ups, etc.


    Paul Gallion

  • I would like to see the opt-in message process go back to the way it was before. Having the “Activation text” automatically added to the bottom of the email was a BIG MISTAKE in my opinion! I liked how it was before where you could actually see the code when you are creating a message, and add text before or after the code. I like for my closing (Sincerely and then my name) to be the last text on the page, not the activation text.

  • There are somne Global fields as Contact Address and Signature and I§m able to use both tags in HTML/Text messages.

    However when I use there HTML formatting and somebody is using webmail client, all HTML tags are displayed there and it looks like horrible.

    Could you strip all HTML tags when these fields are added into Text part of email?


  • Hello Joel!
    Don’t know if it too late to add a feature but I came to a site that was offering what I considered a great product for this age and that is a phone autoresponder! Really!

    Just imagine having the ability to add to your opt-in form a phone and when they do get a recorded message and at the end if they would want to contact you dial 3 and viola! It calls you!
    I thought this was great and wondered if this feature could be added to our Autoresponder!

    A company is offering this and maybe you could partner if not available in your side to build this feature in.
    I don’t think I would post that link here,s for obvious reasons, but maybe you could do a search or email back and I can provide that link for you to check out.

    Keep up the fantastic work, you guys!!

    Gus of Miami

  • Hi Joel an Mike,

    I would like the ability to add additional fields when needed. For example, besides the name and email address fields, I sometimes need to get feedback from the prospect like comments or a selection from a list.

    If you take a look at my listed website you will see what I mean.

    Thank you.

  • The ability to upload list from my other campaigns

  • How about a newsletter feature like Aweber or Constant Contact

  • it’s easy: I would like to add an Attachment into my mails. Just like Getresponse etc can do.

  • It would a big Help if we could have transcripts of all Training Videos so we could implement faster and easier, and to assist in printing them off would you get the numbers on the pages. Also get all the JV partners to at least give E / Pro equal billing with Aweber et al in their Promo. material and particularly in their EBOOKS.

  • Great idea Gerry I will pass it on!

    Thanks for the post,


  • A WordPress Plugin would be nice.

    Next would be to get the word out to all those developers whose software supports awebber, etc but not eResponder.

    Back to Plugins which have been a big factor in making and keeping WP the dominant blogging software – Wouldn’t it be great if GVO Conference supported Plugins? It could be big someday too 🙂

  • Good point there Jerry.

    Or how about having a URL linking to our autoresponder, where we could just plug it into our software.


  • Hi,

    It will be good if the eresponder can have the birthday trigger feature which will sent out an automated “happy Birthday” email to each subscribers in the list on their unique birthday!

    That will add on the personal touch a professional autoresponder system will have and add more value to the system.



  • Very good post. I not too long ago found your own web site and also desired to state that We’ve really enjoyed surfing about your weblog post articles.

  • I could save your write-up as written

  • Can we capture our prospects phone number on our Opt in forms for our Capture Page. This is important to me because I like to follow up with my prospects by giving them a call.

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