What would I do if it was my first day online.. well this is EXACTLY what I did..

135 Responses to What would I do if it was my first day online.. well this is EXACTLY what I did..

  • Thanks for the tips, Joel. I think so too, personal approach is key because people are basically receiving a lots of same sort of emails from everywhere every day.

  • Thanks Joel. I have been doing this for a month and a half. This is very helpful. I haven’t any customers yet but there isn’t any quit in me anymore. I’ll get there soon. 🙂

  • You can benefit from the best information, but without money you can not do anything.Without money you are bound hand and foot.This is my situation.

    • marinteacher I could nto agree more, you need a backup plan to start any business like a parttime job

  • yea that’s what I want to know what is a good opener?

  • Great info as always.  I will be looking into the Solo Ads tonight.
    Jonathan Richardson

  • Thanks Joel is this the same thing if  I go to my getresponse list and do a follow up meassage or broadcast?

  • Joel, great video detailing what everyone can do to kick off their Pure Leverage business the right way, no matter where we are at this point in time. Can you give us some tips on how to first approach these people, i.e. what do we email them about and how do we get them to know, like and trust us in the most efficient way possible?

  • Hello Joel, thank you I should have the money to join by April 26. I do need this for my family! Blessings from Willie, Kimberley, South Africa.

  • Greta message Joel. One step further would be to utilize the video email to connect with them personally individually. Got the great tools, might as well use them 😉

  • Hi Joel
    Hope you are enjoying Poland..
    I appreciate your guidance, I am new to this style of internet business, Absolutely love this business and all the help offered. 
    I am exactly in the position you have just been talking about, I have 20 subscribers but non have actually completed the sign up, I will do as you have suggested and email each of them personally.
    Keep up the great work Joel, 
    Kind regards

  • That’s is some good advice I think anyone can do that’s Joel. Lately i have been reading about the power of email. I’s still alive and kicking.

  • Hi Joel !
    I really appreciate that you care about people like me that ended up penniless, not of my own doing. I fully expect to recover here with Pure Leverage.  I appreciate the advice on developing relations with 50 people, then growing from there.

  • Have a great time there Joel…. thanks for the insight!!!

  • Great info Joel! Simple yet powerful. I’ll put it to work today.

    Develop a strong team within the Pure Leverage Structure.  I  have 4 members now.  I have a career  history of building up strong businesses. More than 60,000 hours of experience hiring, setting up teams with job descriptions that included path of progression and incentives.  More than 10,000 hours of Authoring and Presenting Classroom Training.  I hold records in that Industry in sales and production that will likely  never be broken.   Now I have a new fool proof system that needed only the right vehicle, and with Pure Leverage, that vehicle is in place.  MY TEAM BUILDING SKILLS AND FORMULA WILL GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS WITHIN PURE LEVERAGE !    Don 509-546-1704  cryzxl@yahoo.com   The future is yours!

  • Where do I get Some IDEAS as to what to put in Email to leads beyound what the AUTORESPONDER is presently sending them I have started to get my first leads about 21 so far not sure what to say? Not one has become a customer yet.

  • What would one say in that initial email to start building that relationship with ones leads?

  • Hey Joel, I know you on a busy schedule. That’s cool. I have a few backup strategies I want to blog and create content but as you’ve probably seen people are now hip to EN. So what are some strategies to work around that? And I am new to IM. The only ‘list’ I have are people from institutions, or people I’ve subscribed to for newsletters or updates. Does that qualify as a list?

    • dmurphy776 it depends what that list you have is about, if it is not congruent with home based stuff it won’t convert.

  • thank you for the great information

  • Great advice Joel!

  • What would be a good “ice breaker” email to send to those new prospects, Joel? An example would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Wow Joel, you hit the nail right on the head… That is the problem that I have, I’m not sure if the names in my lead capture system are customers or “leads”. I guess it really doesn’t make any difference either way, I should still make a personal contact with them. Right?
      My time, as of now, is very limited as my internet access is limited to when I can get out of the house and go to Wendy’s free wifi to do my promoting. No internet at the house as of yet, hopefully that will change as of the first of May.( My Payday, SSD ). I promote on about ten different safelist mailers, the so called good ones. I had no problems getting 10 to 20 sign ups in a week or two when I was promoting TrafficWave. I had worked it to 6 levels down and with their 30 day free trial and minimal commission payout I then finally made the decision to make the switch to GVO and PureLeverage Reseller. Like I say, my only problem is internet time. Once I get my home internet access I will explode GVO/PureLeverage…….. 
       Enjoy your travels and be careful out there, it a crazy world..

                                                                                     Thank You for all your ssupport,
                                                                                                       Ed Savage
    PS> I would really like to win your Ferrari. That would make this 62 year old kid proud.

  • yes i started the other day and i have no clue how to leads

  • Thanks Joel for the tps.Yes what do I say to my fresh leads and new downline? Remember the system is also sending them emails regularly which really looks professional.If I start adding my own emails it will not be so good like yours because of my level of experience.

  • thanks to the people that responded to my newbie cry for help (training ) ,the response was great and i do believe i have found the one for me .just want to say Thanks!  also joel, your great, you make yourself available even to those of us that are just atarting out and you make us feel accepted and part of the team. I really appreciate the person that you are . have a great trip and travel safely,God Bless!

  • Muchas gracias Joel, pero no tengo una lista, los videos son en inglés y no los entiendo, aún no he visto resultados, ya 3 meses en esto, Gracias.

  • Hi Joel
    Awesome stuff, I have already created a gmail account just for pure leverage. And I’ve even managed to create 31 leads, but no customers are resellers. I like your idea of sending them a personal email from my gmail account. Only I don’t know what to say. I mean I don’t want to come off as sounding too pushy. What I’ve done to create the leads I have is I made 2 pages using a splash/squeeze page maker called adkreator, and I wrote my own ad copy for each page. The pages do go to the capture pages. Again awesome and I would appreciate any tips you can give me. Here are the pages I created   http://trck.me/pureleveragescottsvideo/     and     http://trck.me/WinJoelTheriensFerrari/

  • Excellent post. Do you have any advise as to how to approach composing an email in a more personal way?

  • Hey Joel
    I really like your idea of using my time to build a true relationship with my 60 leads I now have. I am not sure how to approach them maybe just introduce myself and see if they have any questions. My concern is;  out of that sixty only 3 people opened my emails. They did opt- in. I don’t know the rules are we allowed to contact them even if they did not open the email they opt -into? I would love more feed back if you have time. Thank you
    I just saw Greta’s message about using a video also that is also a good idea thank you for sharing
    Dianne Gilbertson

  • hey joel I am pretty new to this.  I got into the ezmoneyformula and set up some auto messages that mac has created.  I applied some of the things that i learned and now have 250 leads.  I have been bulk mailing them twice a day, one about pure leverage the other about empowernetwok also the auto message.  Have not seen much action.  Any suggestions I am serious and a good student.  Really focus on personal development, laws of attraction and mindfulness.

    • ChrisMurphy3 Try a few personal emails “from the heart” as I sugggest in the video, see who responds 🙂 250 leads is an amazing amazing start

    • ChrisMurphy3  Also try sending them a video email so they can see who you are

  • Hello Joel great information

  • Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom Joel, what you state in this video is definitely great advise.  It is advise that should be taken seriously and to be takn action on, isn’t it?  Would anyone agree?

    • BobFirewalker Hi Bob,
      Thanks, yes most think there is a magic potion, and there is, it is called a little bit of work to build REAL relationships 🙂 Thanks for the kind words

  • Hi Joel,
                We are a group of 4 network marketers, who recently started with Pure Leverage Program, in Dubai besides our primary product that we promote.Initially we are looking forward to build a sizable Pure Leverage Team here, through offline and online Promotional activities.We are looking forward to make a jump start to the leverage mission. Can you please inform from where can we get promotional power point slides, which we can use to explain the beautiful GVO Product line along with the brilliant business plan.

    • BikashKumarNayak You mean some powerpoint presentations? You must build a HUGE team there please as I would LOVE to go to Dubai, I also have some networking friends there I can put you in touch with 😀

  • Please advice me what to do… I have compiled about 2,600+ email lists in my first 2 weeks and about 40 became my subscriber…I also use the FB and Twitter to tell them about Pureleverage… but the problem is I need the right approach that experts should tell me in order that these people will sign up for the $1 trial fee.         How can I have their trust and support so that they will eventually became my downline…I’m still new in the online business please tell us new comers what to do…

  • Dear Joel Therien
    Thank you my brother for your mails,
    I am praying for you and for your work,
    please let me start work with you , give me the way,
    Thank you, God bless you,
    Eshetu Worike
    Addis Ababa Ethiopia

  • Thanks Joel for the update. We have just started here in the Netherlands like a week ago. Keep them tip&tricks coming. Much appreciated. Jump over to the Netherlands it’s just 45 minute flight away…:) We are the gateway to the European market with 54 countries, around 1 billion inhabitants. good internet facilities as u might know and we are planning to build a huge team in Europe.
    I have already setup a team, lined out a MOU between 4 seasoned internet marketers, one Lawyer and one translation office. We love using your ‘business suit’ tools in order to be successful within the coming 6 months. Have a safe trip and we’ll keep you posted.
    Cheers Eddie

  • Thank’s Joel, 
    it’s good idea to make relation with leads. 
    but it must be REALY “friendly”

  • Joel Therien pls come to Ukraine…

  • Thanks for the Video Joel, just a quick question Im finding the Solo ads are now restricting or not even accepting links to Pure Leverage (probably because of over sturation?) other thoughts on lead generation?

    • GlennAinscough We are currently looking for more providers, as there is a limited source of traffic for sure, but we will keep looking, traffic exchanges can generate leads but it takes a bit longer

  • Thanks for the update brother. Whats the weather like over there? Is it cold?

  • Thanks Joel for your good advise.  Keep up the good work and GOD bless you and your family!

  • Hi Joel, 
    Thank you for all the info. Your constantly giving us stuff to help get us going, and I am sure, I for one, will make that great breakthrough to financial freedom very soon. Thank you

  • dear joel i have realy tried my best to get this opportunity so allow me work now

  • Dear Joel,thank you sir for this very helpful information. I am just getting started with you ,havey yet to get my domai n and web site up and running am still trying to get that done but I have been getting all your messages and of all I have recived this has been by far the most helpful.I wish you much success on your trips abroad and hope you and the team return in safety. Look forward to more of your helpful hints for newbees on the internet. Brenda Hopper

  • Great advice.Actually gives you a place to start.
    For me learning how to best use alot of the tools I now have has been non stop work,but this is simple enough that I can begin today.Thanks

  • We tend to forget the
    beginning. And you are right. Our business should be on building a relationship. 

    Thanks Great and simple advice

  • I will be back with you soon

  • Hi Joel,
    Thank you for the advise.

    I will preface this by saying I am a
    newbie and only got my first leads last week after trying to figure out this IM
    Biz for 4 years now.
    What you said Joel seems to makes sense.
    However, There has got to be a better way.
    Like swipes addressing brand new folks and more How To tutorials for new folks?
    Thanks by the way for working on that and making more!!!
    I don’t have a lot of time to be emailing people answering simple things that
    they should have read or watched in the video while supposedly doing their due
    Plus – I got involved in this not to just exchange my present slave job to be a
    slave to my down-line or this business.
    If we start out that way – Isn’t that giving the wrong example right off
    the bat – That our down-line is supposed to follower our lead?
    I do not think that would appeal to people, especially those from other MLM of
    IM companies that are tired of spending all their free time making phone calls our
    emailing folks trying to convince them why they should get in or not quit or
    how to click the support button.
    The reason I write this is because I used
    to think the way you suggested was a great idea, until I started getting all
    the questions that are right there in the sales video or training site, but many
    folks don’t want to take the time to learn and are
    looking for either the easy button or for their sponsor to do it for them. Part
    of this business I am guessing?
    For example – I spent over three hours emailing one person (learning for myself
    the hard way) answering question after question only for them to quit before
    they even got started.
    I also changed my opinion after being one
    of those that asked lots of questions and wanted hand holding from my sponsor
    in another company only to be told, “All the info you need to be successful is in the training area –
    go figure it out.”
    That could have been less rude but I realized the person was right and that
    they did not become one of the top earners in that company by spending the majority
    of their time answering emails. And they set the example right of the bat to
    give them and their down line more time to build their business.
    I am just saying how I would feel so,
    In the long run wouldn’t that make your down-line dependant on you and when you did try
    to wean them they might feel abandoned?
    I am not trying to come across as
    negative, but you are a straight up guy Joel and I don’t think you ask for comments for us just
    to be yes men & women, but to make things better for all of us to succeed.
    Thank you.

    • Robski Amen and I agree with you, as I had NO ONE to teach me what to do and when I got started online video did not exist, so I read and read and read. PL.com I thought was a simple process and system but it is clearly overwhelming to most how like you said “don’t have time” to become successful which is a  shame. My video was more to the very new who said OMG I have leads what can I do?
      It is not easy, but GOD it is not hard either if people “find the time” unfortunately alot of new people join and literally say to us… OK I joined, please send my commissions to XXX address and then are shocked when they find out they need to do something. Ill cover more of a response in my next blog video as I hate typing lol 🙂

      • JoelTherien Robski 
        Double Amen to your response. Sorry for my first novel.
        It is hard when no one is there to teach you – but I am really glad for the Training you are getting to us and continually improving.
        What is funny and sad at the same time beside folks thinking when they click Join – they think money is going to instantly pour out there computer – (Thanks to the unethical “Gurus”) is when someone joins and THEN askes,
        “SO what is this about and how do I make money with it?” – Just sayin
        I am a recovering Shiny Object buyer myself – So I reckon my biggest take away here is Choose your Target Market well and Be Super Specific!
        Have a great day Joel and all the PL Family.
        Best of Success to Us!

  • hello Joel,
    I have done exactly what you have said, I bought the solo ads, I have personally emailed and I have gotten no response.  Can you give me some pointers as to what to say? I am in this thing to be successful and I am not giving up but I do get frustrated.

  • great advice Joel 🙂 I use the video email section in pure leverage then people can see you actually went to some trouble and its not just an auto responder, have been doing that for a long time and it really works. Was using another video email system before. Thank you for all you do .

  • Thank you so much Joel for being an honest and trusting person. I have been doing that with the small leads
    and It is beginning to turn around for me.  You saying that just makes me get that warm and fuzzy feeling about what im doing. It always helps to confirm what i have been doing.. Your diffently one of my ROCK STARS. Thanks for being down to earth.  I will be one of your groupies for GVO

  • Thanks Joel. This is great advice coming from the voice of experience. It may take a little work in the beginning but well worth the effort.

    • myabundantlife It is a little bit of work, and that is the only part that frustrates me with some new people is they have very unrealistic expectations, you can not start any business without effort and it is not simple but the rewards as you said are worth it 50 000 times over

  • Hi Joel,
    I have two questions for you.
    1. How can I send out mass emails to my clients?
    2. How can I allow another user to have access to my Pure Leverage back office via a seperate email address?
    Thank you.
    Rohan Moore

    • Champion1 your backoffice is for you only, in the responder section go to messages> broadcast you can mass mail from there

  • Hello, Joel. 
    I’m leader from Latvia, I believe that Pure leverage there will be soon top product/business opportunity.(check username ”artariuz” and ”naudasformula”. )
    I see that you are traveling around the world to meet people from different country where I guess have some great number of customers/affiliates.
    Let me know  how much Latvians I need to get in to this business so you would come also meet us? 🙂 
    That would be great motivation for my team.

    • ArtisTrekters Hi Artis, generally if you can put a seminar together for 200 or more. The best process I have found is to do a webinar first, see what the interest is like etc. My father in law etc is from Riga, so I would LOVE a good reason to visit Latvia 🙂

  • Wow.. at first I thought I didn’t have time to listen to your videos Joel but I didn’t know that I was missing something here.. a door to being a great business young lady. Thank you Joel

  • Sorry to post this here, but I haven’t been paid any commission since Pure Leverage launched.
    Not from GVO or Pure Leverage.
    I have asked support multiple times, but nobody is giving me a decent answer, as to why I haven’t been paid yet.

    • cash2day Pls let me knwo your username Ill look into it for you, how much are you owed?

      • JoelTheriencash2dayHi Joel, my total payable commissions are $167.71. My username at GVO is also cash2day.

      • JoelTherien cash2day same with me joel, my username is mrchisom75..thanks sir…

      • JoelTherien  Please also look into it for me Joel?  I show, in my back office that I have $750.43 that shows “paid”, $182.94 that shows “unpaid” and $110.89 that shows “potential” and I haven’t received anything.  I also have received no response from support about it, and there are quite a few members on my team of 36 that haven’t been paid either.  Please look into it for me as well?
        I am ALSO sorry for posting this here, but I don’t know what else to do since support hasn’t responded at all.

  • Thanks Joel. I look forward to it.

  • Hello! Joel, how are you?  I hope all is well.  Thank you for the tips on how to market to the lead generation, could you please tell me what you say to the leads?  Thank you once again!!

  • Joel,
     I am newbie too but I am not sure what is promote list . I do not know how to start. The GVO and Pure Leverage is really awesome !!!!

  • Joel,    I know you are extremely busy with your work but I will bet on some big money that you have personnel in your office that could help me. I have explore every option to get myself in the door with the marketing but I can’t find anyone to show me how to make websites or any of the basic fundamentals. I get all the complicated stuff. I would very much like to get some assistance in the simple tasks of building the websites and what to do with them once I have. Please help me out here Joel. I have tried everything and I am not giving up on this. There is way too much at stake.

    • shadowolf16 if you are a member of GVO website building is covered in the academy in the members area

  • Joel, do you suggest that we just bulk email our first 50 leads or so? It’d be pretty time consuming emailing them individually.
    Also, do you have some sort of suggested swipe that we could use when emailing them personally the first time?

  • Hi Joel,
    Thanks Joel for working hard for 15+  years to provide a necessary service with great value at a bargin price.  You have come a long way, and have touched a lot of lives and helped a lot of people.  I wish you great success in all you do.

  • Hi Joel I have 1 Question
    What can I say to them, and how can I take the leads from auto responder to send?
    Thank you.

  • Hi Joel,
    Thank you for this great opportunity

  • Awesome tip Joel , and another great way to conect with your new subscribers is to paste their email into Facebook and friend request them … 🙂 works wonders

  • Dear Joel
    Now it is three or four days ago that i joined it but still i’m not clear how to do and continue?

  • What is the limit amount of leads for which we can begin using an autoresponder?

  • Hi guys there how are u doing there
    I hope your are doing fine

  • Thank You Joel,
    The 1st. time in trying to make money online for 8 months, You have been the only Leader to
    Advise on what to do with Leads! 8 Months, Finally someone has Taken the time to Teach and I am
    Blown Away, now I know what to do! I had to pass up 32 leads after a month due to a financial issue
    but that’s ok because I know my advertising works and when I can get in to P L again I too can succeed
    thanks to the most Honest Leader I have found on the net today! Joel, all your e-mails since Nov. 3 when
    I joined GVO have been the reason I stayed with you, “Your Consistence and Encouragement” is the
    best there is, >>>>  Bar None!         m

  • I am a newbie an I am totally lost on what to do PLEASE HELP me joel

  • I’m a newbie and I am totally lost on what to do please help.

  • That is some great advice Joel. wow. why didn’t i think of that.

  • I’m just started and have no experience in this, I do want make my life more comfortable tired of getting no where and want to live.

  • Hi Joel,
    It’s great to join your group.  I will make it brief since ur very busy.
    My question is,,I was wondering if you would love to develop Chinese Market where contains 1.6 billion population here.  I was trying to reach you about it.
    Please comment by return.

  • Joel your blog was right on time.

  • Hi Joel,
    I am new. I like the idea.

  • Hello Everyone,
    After reading every comment on this thread I’ve got to say there are a lot of great questions and comments as well. One thing Joel said should stand out to all of us, no matter where in the world we are or how skilled we are at marketing. That is, “Google is your friend.” Joel is absolutely right, but he didn’t mention that YouTube(which is owned by Google) is ALSO our friend.
    May I be so bold as to suggest that some of the questions would be well-answered by viewing a YouTube video or simply doing a Google search? You’re likely to find multiple responses, and it’s as easy as typing the questions we’re asking Joel into the search bars on Google or YouTube.
     When you find what you’re looking for, bookmark it or save it to Favorites so you have quick access to it time and time again. The bonus of finding the answers on Google or YouTube is  when someone in our downlines asks us the very same question, we have a resource on-hand to send them immediately that gives them help. Or perhaps even better, use the information learned from Google or YouTube to do the same type video ourselves to send to our downlines, making us the authority in the eyes of our downlines, and building the relationship with our downlines even deeper.
    Also, teach your downlines that Google and YouTube can be their friends as well. Encourage them to find the answers on their own, but let them know if that isn’t possible you’re available to help. It isn’t our responsibility to hold the hands of our downlines, but to lead them and send them to the resources that can help them as they seek to build their businesses. And as one commented here, hand-holding sets both the wrong example and the wrong expectation as well.
    Joel, I hope you don’t feel I’ve over-stepped the boundaries with the comment I’m leaving here. I appreciate you and the respect I have for you grows over time. The first person I brought into PureLeverage feels the same way about you. You gained our trust and confidence when you shared your personal story on a webinar recently.  We’re both fully committed to seeing PureLeverage be the vehicle that allows us to enjoy financial and time freedom.
    Thanks Joel for all you do for so many of us.  You’re living proof that when Zig Ziglar said “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want”, he was absolutely correct. Joel, thanks again. Live in good health and continue to prosper.

  • Hi, Joel
    Sorry to post this here, but I haven’t been paid any commission since Pure Leverage launched.
    Not from GVO or Pure Leverage.

  • Hi joel, great video i have a few people on my list not as much as 50, when you set up an email address, what should you be saying to them? again great blog & have a good day

  • Hello! this Laverne I didn/t get video you sent me on how you
    got your first 25 prospects I need a lots of help!

  • Sir thank you for your interest and time.  this is your first video I could clearly hear and understand.  However  certain parts of it are outside of my functional knowledge of your system, and what is going on.  I have no idea what you are marketing,  or clarity of how I fit into the scheme of things. other than as you said here, to build relationships with leads.   I have no idea who or where these “leads” are.  I am not certain how to even find who they are, or their interest is.  or what I am supposed to be building with them.  I realize you will consider me to be pretty dense. but I cannot function if I don’t know what is going on.  I have no basic overview to work with.  I would appreciate your assistance with this.  if someone could contact me, or if I could contact someone that would fill in the gaps, It would help immeasurably.   Thank you .
    Sincerely   Bill White
    H 816  875-8773
    C 816  365=7177

    • RancherBill 
      Hello RancherBill,
      I quite understand how you feel because I am not far away from your position.Now I am begining to understand it better.I suggest you first study all the information including video tutorials, links, recorded calls etc. in your member area.Then trace your way back on how you come to know this program.How were you convinced to join? in other words, what makes you to join? Note the answers to those questions and do your best to convince others to join the way you were convinced.Try the recommended solo ads websites to generates some leads.The leads will be followed up automatically.You need to edit those emails to your ‘feel’ and ‘style’.Set a time aside everyday to used and promote the program.This is the best program I have seen so far.Contact your sponsor for some tips.I think he  will be ready to give you some useful tips because when you win, he also win.
      Kind regards
      Nomase Izevbokun

  • Hi Joel,
    I know ur a busy man but always reply your members, any comment for my question?
    thank you

  • Hi Joel,  Appreciate your advice.  If I were to rejoin, I’d want to be sponsored by you because I could learn/be motivated by watching your video replies/comments.

  • Thank you Joel! Really appreciate the advice.

  • Hi Joel
    I see you have a blog, when will everyone from pure leverage be getting one.
    its been a long time now

  • Thanks for the video. But Im reallyon the ground floor. I just signed on. I have never bloged. I have no list of people. So I do need help with potential people. Thanks!!!!

  • hi joel
    Thanks i appreciate your encouragement you give to us but help me to understand the value of pureleverage and show me exactly what to do.

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